Hey guys,
well these past days my tinnitus has been "great"
thats means = almost had to cover my ears to listen for it.
just a few "spikes" while waking up and going to sleep.
its been amazing these past days, i almost believe it might be going away...
but...today i went to the mall to have lunch with friends, it was someway a littleee loud 83 db, so i wore my ear foam plugs.
we left the food court and i went to pay my phone, while i was there i took my ear plugs off, because it was super quiet, just when i was comfortable again...
an alarm started to ring... for a few seconds and i didnt know what to do you, i covered my ears and walked to the exit door, but at first i was shocked (cause it wasnt super loud, but still it was an alarm) so i stood there for a few seconds before leaving...
i didnt notice an increse or anything while i was there. just got home and i feel like a spike...
its louder and the pitch is a little more strong.
Just when i was used to almost "no tinnitus"...
a few seconds of this could damage more what ive already achieved?
on my way home, i also heard an ambulance for a few seconds too
damn noisy world
well these past days my tinnitus has been "great"
thats means = almost had to cover my ears to listen for it.
just a few "spikes" while waking up and going to sleep.
its been amazing these past days, i almost believe it might be going away...
but...today i went to the mall to have lunch with friends, it was someway a littleee loud 83 db, so i wore my ear foam plugs.
we left the food court and i went to pay my phone, while i was there i took my ear plugs off, because it was super quiet, just when i was comfortable again...
an alarm started to ring... for a few seconds and i didnt know what to do you, i covered my ears and walked to the exit door, but at first i was shocked (cause it wasnt super loud, but still it was an alarm) so i stood there for a few seconds before leaving...
i didnt notice an increse or anything while i was there. just got home and i feel like a spike...
its louder and the pitch is a little more strong.
Just when i was used to almost "no tinnitus"...
a few seconds of this could damage more what ive already achieved?
on my way home, i also heard an ambulance for a few seconds too