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  1. Arrojo

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I’m confused. How is this any different from what’s been discussed in this entire thread? Also, it seems very expensive if it “only works for some.”
  2. Arrojo

    Hearing Aids

    I’ll be eagerly watching this forum and other places to see if any new great hearing aids that help us come from this FDA decision.
  3. Arrojo

    Tinnitus After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine — My ENT Has Seen Many Patients with the Same Issue

    I finally put two and two together. My tinnitus - now almost 30 years- has spiked recently. I received my 2nd dose of the Pfizer shot 4/9. It knocked me down with a fever for a day, then fatigue for a few weeks. It didn’t even occur to me that my spike was from the vaccine. But reading this...
  4. Arrojo

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    Agree that smoking weed is bad for you. I haven’t smoked it in many years. But you don’t need to smoke anything. Tinctures and edibles are the way to go. Even dry vaping (buds not cartridges) is much better. Smoking weed did exacerbate my tinnitus but it’s been at least 10 years since I smoked...
  5. Arrojo

    Exercise and Tinnitus — Experiences

    How active you are Very active. I am a runner, I've done 7 marathons, I ski all winter, do a lot of cross- training (like plyometrics, weights), hockey. Ran a 10K race today What sort of exercise you do See above How loud your tinnitus is Loud. Always there. I hear it when I run, ski workout...
  6. Arrojo

    Crickets Mask My Tinnitus Completely

    Crickets are great! They mask my T as well, probably because they are at the same pitch? I never heard of a cricket app, but will look now.
  7. Arrojo


    The crickets of late summer seem to be helping my T. The are very loud outside and the frequency is the same as my T. Would much rather listen to these calming insects than what's in my head. I love crickets.
  8. Arrojo

    Tinnitus Pro: Music Therapy iPhone App

    It's $20 (19.99 actually) not $10. Seems a tad pricey.
  9. Arrojo

    Starbucks Hot Chocolate Treatment?

    But, but, the whipped cream, people! The blog article specifically said that was a must!
  10. Arrojo

    Audiens — The Tinnitus Pill

    Heh. No, actually I was waiting until the end of the 60 day period. I have decided to get my money back. I do think this concoction of vitamins and supplements has helped reduce the volume of my tinnitus a little bit. Certainly not the 40% claimed, somewhere between 5% and 15% I would say...
  11. Arrojo

    Fish Oil and Tinnitus?

    I think fish oil caused my tinnitus to spike unfortunately.
  12. Arrojo

    Vitamin B-12

    Is there a difference in Cyano B12 and Methyl B12?
  13. Arrojo

    Fish Oil and Tinnitus?

    That link in the first thread no longer works. I'm dubious of this claim. Fish oil does have benefits for the heart; I take it when I train for marathons and I have a big jar of it. So I suppose I can start taking it again. I did find this other link...
  14. Arrojo

    Audiens — The Tinnitus Pill

    So, just over 30 days into this 'trial' and I will say that the loudness in my tinnitus has been reduced. Perhaps it's the placebo effect. Perhaps it's just the extra B-12 or maybe just the Ginkgo. (There are entire threads on this site devoted to both of those - are they snake oil too?)...
  15. Arrojo

    Scam?: Tinnitus Retrain System

    "Our TRS video assisted bundle usually sells for $127.99. Buy the entire TRS system including two additional, powerful bonus gifts for a very limited time. TODAY$47.99 Keep in mind $47.99 is far less than the price of one session with a habituation therapist, Specialist, or continuous drug...
  16. Arrojo

    What Is the Most You Would Pay for a Pill That Lowered or Eliminated Your Tinnitus Each Day

    Is this a daily fee or a one -time only lifetime supply?
  17. Arrojo

    If the Cure for Tinnitus Appeared Tomorrow, How Much Would You Pay for It?

    $46,722.16. And not a penny more.
  18. Arrojo

    Audiens — The Tinnitus Pill

    The pills came today. After taking my very first dose, my tinnitus miraculously went away!!!! (NOT). Snake oil trial officially underway.
  19. Arrojo

    Scam?: Tinnitus Terminator

    All of the warnings on money-back guarantees for this product has spurred me to inquiring with the "Tinnitus Pill" company (different company) regarding exactly when I need to claim (payment made or pills received? 60 days or 6 weeks)?
  20. Arrojo

    Audiens — The Tinnitus Pill

    Well, that's just silly. You're darn tootin' I'll demand my money back if/when these don't work. Having poked around this site, I've seen people willing to pay thousands for lasers and tens of thousands for stem cell treatment, neither of which has a money-back guarantee. So, I'd be more than...
  21. Arrojo

    Audiens — The Tinnitus Pill

    Oh, it's probably snake oil, but it does come with a money back guarantee after 60 days, so it seems fairly risk free. Has anyone tried this? I like how they do list the ingredients, for the sake of transparency (instead of saying something like 'based on a...
  22. Arrojo

    The Positivity Thread

    25+ years with this and yet, I am a happy person. Happy to be alive, thankful to be in good health (I am an avid runner), with family and friends who love me. No need to feel sorry for myself - there are so many others in the world with serious issues - just look at the daily news. I don't...
  23. Arrojo

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    Well, I've read all 20 pages and have a few thoughts. 1. Thank you, thank you for putting out this free Neuromodulator! 2. Most of the questions people ask have already been answered multiple times somewhere within these 20 pages. ;) 3. I've had this T for 25 years now, so I am not going to...
  24. Arrojo

    25 Years and Counting

    Hi, I know exactly how my tinnitus started. It was at an indoor concert to see a band called "Rocket From the Crypt", in 1990. I was standing in front of the speakers and have had ringing in my ears ever since. Not the smartest thing I've ever done. Like many, the ringing is most noticeable...