Hi all, is it normal to expercience 3 or 4 TST ( 5 secs ) along with fullness in just one day? I had TST before and after my main T onset, but they happened only once in that day and again after weeks. Today is different.
In your opinion what could be?
When the tone of the T changes, it means you have a Somatic Tinnitus, and it is very common among us. Mine is somatic too, it changes its loudness; however, it does not change if I move my fingers inside my ear.
About your question if it will go away, no one can reply. But I can assure sooner...
Every disease is reversible. I've always been of the opinion that pharmaceutical industries ( and other medical industries ) don't want to research something that can cure, at least, the majority of disease / condition in our bodies.
T is not different: they teach us "it cannot be cured" first...
Matt, I know that comparing your situation with another T sufferer can't help you, but here on TT there is @billie48 who has a very high pitch T and, despite this, he can enjoy life ( you know his story, do you? ).
Have you tried with the CBT / Mindfulness ? Unfortunately the big problem with T...
Don't worry @socalsurfer, just looking at the Success Stories inside this forum to understand that T, if it will remains, it's manageble :) But I wish you all the best in this journey ;)
I think habituation is when your T does not bother you anymore, and, in some cases, when you does not perceive its presence ( in my case, for example, somethimes it goes off my consciousness despite its fzzzzzz ) :)
9 months are nothing, we need at least 2-3 years to have a real relief. However the "new" in is approach to the T is that this symptom is not chronic as the medical science wants us to believe. The more one person believe T will stay, due to wrong medical advises and horror stories, the more it...
CST is not the only thing to do in order to get relief. He said that lots of times inside his books and on his videos on YT. You also need a psychological help and, above all, very very long time to fully recover from T. Why don't you just try to contact him via email? He doesn't want money for...
The first months are always full of both depression and anxiety, but they are indeed temporary. However I suggest to watch on youtube the videos of julian cowan hill, along with the success stories here on TT. Things will get better ;)
You're right: T is not something natural within our body normal functionality, since it is a symptom of something WRONG inside or near our ear(s), or inside our auditory cortex.
Nonetheless it is also normal to hear something in complete silence ( for non-sufferers ). This is the natural state...
Actually here on TT there is a video "explaining" a total T remission without letting us know the procedure. I can't understand if they are making fun of us or not :S
@passerby you are right! I was pointing the fact that the negative comments on facebook post makes the research looks like an hoax ( when it isn't ), that was my though.
By looking at the facebook page, I wonder why there are so negative comments under that post... It seems that the research is wrong :O
BTW i still think T is not chronic.
Thank you @Steve for this news :)
By the way if a "total" cure will be discovered one day, it will be the second best day for us.
( The first best day will be our habituation :D )
I think this is not a spike. It sounds like another case of somatic T, because changing position ( I don't know the right scientific description ) could lead to an increase ( or decrease ) of the tone.
T is silent for a non-sufferer. It doesn't kill, It doesn't spread its "action" like a virus and it is not a disease. For me these three factors are the main barrier for a real cure.
Last week has been the "Pizza all day" week. To make a long story short, from Tuesday to Sunday I ate lots of pizzas, but Sunday morning I found out my T has *maybe* worsen... despite its frequency is still the same.
I am only eating vegetables, fruits and yogurt and drinking lots of water from...
I have a very very noisy computer and mainly the noise is caused by fans (being a hardcore gamer, it's mandatory to have a big powerful gaming machine).
At the moment I'd like to upgrade it with water cooling, but before doing that, can it be dangerous for my ears (and my tinnitus) to hear such...
Lots of us, unfortunately, gained T after doing something wrong, like loud events, medical issues, etc.
These events were avoidable if only we had the opportunity to know the consequences and protect our ears or act in differents ways.
Now I am in the same boat, since it seems that my new tone...
My friend, I send to you a huge hug, that's the only thing I can do via internet. If you want to talk, I'm here :)
The main problem here is my thoughts about "why did I take these drugs, why did I stop them without asking to my doctor" etc since the new tone itself is too low that is not a big...
@undecided I stopped them cold turkey after three weeks, since I was taking the lowest dose of both ( 25mg of lyrics 1 x day and 8 drops of alprazolam ). And my second tone started after two weeks.
Do you think this could be the cause?
Two month ago T started in my left ear but i was slowly habituating.
Then two weeks ago it started in my other ear, but it is another tone, very very low.
I opened two threads but nobody cared :cry:
I don't know if it's my fault or because my english isn't good, but I didn't find here any...
How is insane to start a video about tinnitus... with an high pitch tone?
I saw around the web a video about tinnitus. I put my headphones on, but I never expected that the video would begin with a sound like that!
I immediately removed the headphones and stopped playing. At the moment my...
"Banish Tinnitus Permanently With This Unique, Effective Tinnitus Retraining Therapy"
Oh God , I've had enough of these slogans :mad:
I have found this site about "Tinnitus Retrain" which ends with the usual "add to cart" button.
What do you think about? http://www.tinnitusretrain.com/
I still wonder how our psychological reaction can raise or decrease the sound of a physical event like T o.O
However I should start this method too, thank you :)
@fishbone It's not a matter if it will remains or not, the first constant tone is still there but it doesn't bother me anymore.
I am worried about the fact that these two intermittent tones will block my habituation. It's very strange to say, but I would rather have another constant tone...
So this past Friday a new tone, actually two, like a morse code, have come into my right ear. It's very low, I can hear it on quiet places. The very funny thing is my tone in the left ear, which is more high, sometimes I forget about it totally ( in fact I was habituated )!
However this morse...
@Hariz Nonis I am wearing my splint just for curing my T caused by TMJD and I started to wear it 3 weeks ago.
Maybe I am worrying too much :( an hissing is not a problem anymore, but a morse code, even if too low, is quite "scary" :)
@Hariz Nonis in you opinion three days are not enough to request a visit to the ENT?
All I know that Tuesday was the last day I took lyirica 25 and alprazolam, both ototoxic drugs, drugs that I've taken for just three weeks to sleeping and for anxiety managment. Hovewer I was improving my...
While in my left ear I was really habituaded ( and maybe the hissing was decreasing ), this friday in my right ear a new sound has appeared; actually are two sounds, like a morse code. I can hear them only in absolute silence ( normal sounds like computer fans or just birds chirping can mask...
I am in your situation too, because anti-depressants are ototoxycs and obviously I have fear they could making my "damaged" ear worse or damaging the "healthy" ear. Yes, it is a rare event, but I am quite scared :S
@nimx you should write your story under "Success Stories" ;)
@wishingluck along with nimx response, there is the story of @billie48 who suffered from severe T and H, @I who love music who suffered from severe T from at least 40 years, and now they are enjoying their life again, and who knows...
Do you know "Geoff Barker"? Because he is someone who "cured tinnitus for good"... for just 37$!
But I know this is another scam around the web. And it's quite "old": 2014 version!
http://www.curefortinnitus.com/ Just to make some laugh.
PS: I think a "scams" category could be added...
I'm 26. And I am not feel nothing unusual inside my ear, except an 6-8Khz T. No pain, no dizziness, nothing at all! No loud music, no meds, before T onset. Only a muscle tension ( found with the electrognatography ) on the left side of my mouth ( and I have T right there ), since I was chewing...
So for you Ginko helped a lot. Since my T could be related to TMJ ( I am wearing a neuromuscolar splint on night ), should I take Ginko as well?
By the way, I have T ( without any hearing loss or other symptoms ) from this February too. Is too late for hyperbaric therapy?
Always protect your ears! My condition could be related to TMJ too, but I always wear ear protection since our healthy hair cells could suffer from loud noises.
In fact in his books he suggest to attend the CBT to manage the stress ( also he suggest craniosacral therapy, but this is another fact ). Also ( this is my suggestion instead ) I find usefull Mindfulness to create other cognitive path to overcome our negative emotion / thoughts.
However, above...