Hi guys,
Just wanted to give you all an update. I saw an ENT last Friday, he looked over my ears and removed some wax in my left ear and gave me a device to equalize the pressure in my ears since they were a little retracted. The pain in my ears has mostly gone away and even my tinnitus went down a lot almost to the point of complete silence!
However last night before I went to bed the volume kicked up a notch almost to the point it was before my doctor visit. I have noticed that it seems like when I lie down the volume of T goes up, anyone else have a similar issue?
Also the doctor was a jackass frankly not very sympathetic to my T basically shrugging it off saying most people's T goes away in six months to a year which I highly fricken doubt.
However the silver lining is that the volume for a while was reduced and it hadn't happened before. All I can hope is this is a sign that it will go away permanently within this mythical year.
Just wanted to give you all an update. I saw an ENT last Friday, he looked over my ears and removed some wax in my left ear and gave me a device to equalize the pressure in my ears since they were a little retracted. The pain in my ears has mostly gone away and even my tinnitus went down a lot almost to the point of complete silence!
However last night before I went to bed the volume kicked up a notch almost to the point it was before my doctor visit. I have noticed that it seems like when I lie down the volume of T goes up, anyone else have a similar issue?
Also the doctor was a jackass frankly not very sympathetic to my T basically shrugging it off saying most people's T goes away in six months to a year which I highly fricken doubt.
However the silver lining is that the volume for a while was reduced and it hadn't happened before. All I can hope is this is a sign that it will go away permanently within this mythical year.