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  1. Romain_T

    Managing the Habituation Process Like a "Project"

    I try to set goals, yeah, but you're right, I'll try not to be too rigid about it :-) Thanks for the (sound) advice !
  2. Romain_T

    Managing the Habituation Process Like a "Project"

    Hi, After probably the worst 3 weeks of my life (since I got T, 3 hours of sleep despite zopiclone, crawling through the days like a corpse, unable to go back to work...) I've finally got a grip on what to do to live with it. I've recently seen an ENT who took my problem seriously and she...
  3. Romain_T

    New Tinnitus Sufferer from France — Biggest Hurdle: SLEEP!

    That's a promise :-) Thanks, i'll try to keep those words in mind :-)
  4. Romain_T

    New Tinnitus Sufferer from France — Biggest Hurdle: SLEEP!

    Sorry, my fault for messing up, I thought I had the correct US name for the med. After checking, the molecule in the med I use now IS called Zopiclone (close enough to mess it Up, I'd say). Merci pour le mot de bienvenue :) As for the rest...yeah, I get what you're saying, trying to stay...
  5. Romain_T

    New Tinnitus Sufferer from France — Biggest Hurdle: SLEEP!

    Hi everyone, As the title says, i'm a 32-year old guy who had a fairly normal life...till 2 weeks ago. I usually went out (usually to sporting events) pretty frequently but had a pair of custom earplugs I had made 10 years go when I had a (very mild) acoustic trauma episode. But on october...
  6. Romain_T

    Learning to deal with it !

    Learning to deal with it !