Hi everyone,
As the title says, i'm a 32-year old guy who had a fairly normal life...till 2 weeks ago.
I usually went out (usually to sporting events) pretty frequently but had a pair of custom earplugs
I had made 10 years go when I had a (very mild) acoustic trauma episode.
But on october 9th, after going to a very small soccer stadium (for which I felt I needed no earplugs -
big mistake), a fella not far from me had some sort of a very high-pitched "noise
blaster" type thing...and here I am.
I have a unilateral left ear very high-pitched "pure tone" tinnitus (I'd say about 13.5khz, not certain of this since hearing this kind of frequencies for too long "warms" the beast ) and a mild-to-moderate hyperacousis.
It's been a little longer than 2 weeks now, and i've gone through a lot of phases for what constitutes objectively a "little" period of time :
First phase : first 10-12 days : 1/ worsening of the condition (didn't hear it immediately afterwards, came in my life progressively the first few days - even during the steroids treatment period) ;
2/ sleep problems getting worse (at one point i had slept 4hrs in 3 days, was walking like a corpse, started having anxiety bouts and suicidal thoughts, which I had never considered in my entire life...)
3/ medication having little to no effect on the T : steroids didn't help at all, been on vasodilation for a few days without noticing any significant effects, tried magnesium/ginko with no effects except for general health (hey, it's always something...) etc.
Second phase : last 2-3 days : my GP changed my sleeping meds (I had atarax -which didn't really relieve the stress- and zolpidem - which only allowed me to sleep 3-4 hours which was insufficient). I have now used ambien for 2 days and my nights have been waaay better : 6 to 8 hours of sleep, less of a burden when waking up.
I also feel the amount of sleep has helped me manage the T, especially during the day when I now rarely hear it if any other noise is present.
I still have a few questions/challenges, and I wanted to use this post to ask around for feedback from people with similar enough symptoms , because after 16-17 days of T, I would like to return to a "normal cycle of life" (aka work/seeing friends on at least a semi-regular basis/exercising regularly) asap as I feel it would help me tolerate it faster.
1st question : Is it reasonable to expect a reduction in noise in the coming weeks/month, or is 2weeks already too late on this ?
2nd question : Question especially directed at those with a similar T (high pitched - around 13-14khz - ideally unilateral) : what's the BEST music/sound/distraction you use before and/or during sleeping ? I feel returning to some sort of a normal sleep (i.e, in a few days/weeks, ideally without heavy meds like ambien) would be a huge step forward for me !
Thanks for reading this (way too long !) message and maybe giving a few tips.
As the title says, i'm a 32-year old guy who had a fairly normal life...till 2 weeks ago.
I usually went out (usually to sporting events) pretty frequently but had a pair of custom earplugs
I had made 10 years go when I had a (very mild) acoustic trauma episode.
But on october 9th, after going to a very small soccer stadium (for which I felt I needed no earplugs -
big mistake), a fella not far from me had some sort of a very high-pitched "noise
blaster" type thing...and here I am.
I have a unilateral left ear very high-pitched "pure tone" tinnitus (I'd say about 13.5khz, not certain of this since hearing this kind of frequencies for too long "warms" the beast ) and a mild-to-moderate hyperacousis.
It's been a little longer than 2 weeks now, and i've gone through a lot of phases for what constitutes objectively a "little" period of time :
First phase : first 10-12 days : 1/ worsening of the condition (didn't hear it immediately afterwards, came in my life progressively the first few days - even during the steroids treatment period) ;
2/ sleep problems getting worse (at one point i had slept 4hrs in 3 days, was walking like a corpse, started having anxiety bouts and suicidal thoughts, which I had never considered in my entire life...)
3/ medication having little to no effect on the T : steroids didn't help at all, been on vasodilation for a few days without noticing any significant effects, tried magnesium/ginko with no effects except for general health (hey, it's always something...) etc.
Second phase : last 2-3 days : my GP changed my sleeping meds (I had atarax -which didn't really relieve the stress- and zolpidem - which only allowed me to sleep 3-4 hours which was insufficient). I have now used ambien for 2 days and my nights have been waaay better : 6 to 8 hours of sleep, less of a burden when waking up.
I also feel the amount of sleep has helped me manage the T, especially during the day when I now rarely hear it if any other noise is present.
I still have a few questions/challenges, and I wanted to use this post to ask around for feedback from people with similar enough symptoms , because after 16-17 days of T, I would like to return to a "normal cycle of life" (aka work/seeing friends on at least a semi-regular basis/exercising regularly) asap as I feel it would help me tolerate it faster.
1st question : Is it reasonable to expect a reduction in noise in the coming weeks/month, or is 2weeks already too late on this ?
2nd question : Question especially directed at those with a similar T (high pitched - around 13-14khz - ideally unilateral) : what's the BEST music/sound/distraction you use before and/or during sleeping ? I feel returning to some sort of a normal sleep (i.e, in a few days/weeks, ideally without heavy meds like ambien) would be a huge step forward for me !
Thanks for reading this (way too long !) message and maybe giving a few tips.