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  1. V

    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    I just want to give everyone some hope... I had had tinnitus for 5 years and all of a sudden it disappeared... and it's been 3 months... It may come back, I don't know, but at least I would have had some time without it... I never thought it would go away... but it happened... I work at a radio...
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    Just in one ear. Not in the head
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    Yes I had it in the ear not in the whole head. It is very localised in the hear.
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    No, it is completely gone... I still wear earplugs if I go to a lowder place just in case...
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    If I moved my head sometimes it stopped for some seconds... I never knew why I got T... I just know it started after I had wax removal by microsuction... the doctors I went only make me some tests to see if I had hearing lost and I haven't.. they just said that I needed to live with it and I...
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    It suddenly disappeared. I remember waking up one day with no tinnitus and it was very strange because I had gotten used to it. The silence felt very strange... I didn't do anything at all... It was a normal day...
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    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    Hi, I got my tinnitus after a wax removal by microsuction on 2015... My ear was blocked with lots of wax. Since 2015 I had tinnitus in my left ear everyday... I tried acupuncture without success and I went to doctors and they told me that I will have to learn to live with it... I was 35 at the...
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    Does Anyone Else Get Resentful of People with Healthy Hearing?

    I don't feel resentful and I don't feel sorry for myself anymore... I am in a new phase... I feel like I have a "special power".. a secret that nobody understand..only people with tinnitus will understand what we suffer and that give me a feeling of being a very strong person.. people without...
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    After Getting Tinnitus, Why Doesn't My Left Ear Pop?

    I'm going to book an appointment with the ent. Hopefully with some nasal spray I will get better...
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    After Getting Tinnitus, Why Doesn't My Left Ear Pop?

    I got my T after a wax removal by microsuction 2 years ago... My ear was blocked with lots of wax... Maybe my eustachian tube is blocked? How can I find that out? Who doctor should I visit? Thanks
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    Anyone Get Mad Dreams on Meds?

    I only take 1 mg melatonin at night but normally I don't have crazy dreams..
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    After Getting Tinnitus, Why Doesn't My Left Ear Pop?

    Since I got tinnitus in my left ear it doesn't pop. Does anybody know why???
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    Tinnitus After Having Ear Syringed by Nurse at GP

    Hi I got my T after a microsuction made by a specialist doctor.. he said that I had a lot of wax ... I have T just in my left ear for more than 2 years now... Unfortunately there are some people in this forum that got T after a wax removal...
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    Progressive Tinnitus. How on Earth Are You Supposed to Deal?

    @Zenyatta Please don't lose hope. Think that it will get better... You need to be positive... :)
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    Progressive Tinnitus. How on Earth Are You Supposed to Deal?

    @Zenyatta I wish I know something that helps... My advice is for you to investigate what is happening with your body in general terms. Try to find out what is causing this spike. Try to have a healthy diet, no salt, lots of water and most important thing sleep well... I know it is almost...
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    Post a Picture of Your City :)

    I live in Portimão, Algarve, Portugal...
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    Progressive Tinnitus. How on Earth Are You Supposed to Deal?

    I had spikes before and at the time I though I couldn't live like that but my T went back to normal after a while. As you had an infection, your spike seems to be related to that. Maybe it is not healing yet. Don't loose hope. All of us know how difficult it is but we need to stay strong.
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    What to Do?

    In the meanwhile don't stress, stay on a healthy diet, drink a lot of water and try to sleep as much as you can.
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    Tension, Pain in Ear, and Higher Tinnitus

    My T is also fluctuating during the day. It is louder when I wake up in the morning. Sometimes I have a slight pain in the ear and it gets louder but then it return to normal ....
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    It's Getting Better or Easier to Ignore

    Hi, I liked your post and it gave me strength. You seem very strong... This is not easy at all but we need to stay strong. :)
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    Poll: Tinnitus Loudness in the Morning

    My T is also super loud in the morning when I wake up and when I am laying down at the sofa. T doesn't like when I am in a horizontal position... Don't know why this happens...?!?!
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    People's Experiences on Spikes

    I had some spikes too. It was very scary because I thought my T was going to be like that- louder and more constant - but one week later it get better and back to normal T. Stay strong and believe that it will get back to normal..
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    The Dangers of Microsuction

    Hi blue28.. I hope you get better too.. At the beginning I was very angry but with time I calmed down and accepted what happened to me. It make me feel better. I am trying to be more positive. I do things that make me feel good and try to be happy. My T get worse if I stress. I'm doing...
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    The Dangers of Microsuction

    Hi, I got my T after a microsuction too. I had my hear blocked with wax and I went to a doctor in a private hospital. He made me a microsuction straight away and I got T since then. It was in 2015. They don't believe me. And another doctor from the same hospital told me that I have to leave with...
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    Tinnitus and Menstruation

    My tinnitus gets worse during menstruation too. And in the morning it is always louder.
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    I am trying acupuncture .. i had only 2 sessions but i have no results yet... I am also taking some herbs and mushrooms... They say its for the liver... Hope it works!
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    Sleep Acts as Off/On Switch for Tinnitus

    For the last 3 days my tinnitius is better. I'm getting out of the bed as soon as I wake up and I think this is calming my tinnitius. Very strange but for me is working so far. Thanks Tony Phylactou for the tip!(y)
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    How Did Your Tinnitus Start?

    I'm 36 and I have T since 2015 caused by a wax removal by microsuction. I don't have any hearing loss and I take gingko biloba but have no improvements yet. My T is worse when I wake up in the morning and when I lay down. It seems to be related with my head position..
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    My Tinnitus Started with a Wax Removal

    Hi everyone! Many thanks for your replies. It gave me hope! I'll try to stay calm... Lex - My microsuction was very fast and loud. It was in both ears but in the left one (the one I got T) is was I little bit painful. The doctor said I had a lot of wax.. I went to the doctor to remove the wax...
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    My Tinnitus Started with a Wax Removal

    Hello! My name is Vera and I'm from Portugal. I have T since 2015. I got T from a wax removal (suction) made by a doctor. Since then I have T in my left hear, specially when I wake up in the morning. I seems like it get worst when I lay down. I have been to the doctor and made some exams and...