My Tinnitus Started with a Wax Removal

Vera Lisa

Dec 26, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
wax removal

My name is Vera and I'm from Portugal. I have T since 2015. I got T from a wax removal (suction) made by a doctor. Since then I have T in my left hear, specially when I wake up in the morning. I seems like it get worst when I lay down.
I have been to the doctor and made some exams and the doctor said everything is ok. He said that I need to learn how to live with it and gave me no hope at all. Just told me to take gingko biloba every day but it has no effect on me.

I have 35 years and it's scary to think that I'm going to live like this the rest of my life...

Is there anyone with a similar experience?

Thanks !
Welcome to tinnitus talk Vera.
Prior to wax removal olive oil should be used for a week to ten days to soften the wax.
There are other members who's tinnitus was due to wax removal also.

Keeping sound on around you day and night can help and if problematic then audiology could help with white noise generators or hearing aids.
Tinnitus comes with unwanted emotions and can cause day to day problems .
Talking therapy can help and the support from this tinnitus talk forum around the clock

.lots of love glynis
I have 35 years and it's scary to think that I'm going to live like this the rest of my life...

Is there anyone with a similar experience?

Although my T is not from wax removal, but I initially shared your above statement and probably most of the new T sufferers. This is the primary stressor of T, making its victim worrying too much above the future, thus resulting in high level of anxiety and stress. Many of us believe in this lie from the T bully during the new and darkest struggle. But now many find out that the future is not really that bad. This is because the brain is making a projection about the future based on the worst time of T suffering. However, the future is not necessarily all bad, nor the suffering from T that intense later in our T journey. I used to suffer and panic upon hearing T. Now the brain has hardened to the ringing and doesn't give a dime to T high or low. No more emotional reaction. T has lost its ability to inflict emotional suffering. Many writers of the success stories have related similar result. So don't worry about the future. It may not be what you are projecting right now. Take care. God bless.
How was your microsuction experience? Was it loud? How long did the procedure take? Was it painful? Were both your ears suctioned?

I got tinnitus in July then I went to my ENT who found wax blockage in my right ear. She took it out via microsuction, and I found the whole process to be fast, painless, and quiet. However, that day, I got hyperacusis, so I wondered if that could be a cause as well. But at the same time, I've read that H accompanies T in like half of the cases, so maybe I'm just one of those unlucky people, whether I had microsuction or not.
Hi everyone! Many thanks for your replies. It gave me hope! I'll try to stay calm...

Lex - My microsuction was very fast and loud. It was in both ears but in the left one (the one I got T) is was I little bit painful. The doctor said I had a lot of wax.. I went to the doctor to remove the wax because it was blocked and I couldn't hear from the left ear.

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