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  1. T

    Alpha Lipoic Acid and Noise Exposure

    So I have a relatively long car trip upcoming and I just wanted to ask what you people think about taking alpha lipoic acid as a possible precaution against any noise induced spikes. It will be about 2.5 hours on a good road in a VW Jetta. I have to add that my tinnitus is NOT noise induced and...
  2. T

    Fear My Tinnitus Will Get Worse After Going to a Café and Alarm Going Off

    Interestingly today I had a similar noise exposure: I let friends talk me into going to the fairground and have lunch at the beer tent. I thought, why not? Unfortunately the area in front of the beer tent (we couldn't go inside since we had a chain smoker with us) where the only free table was...
  3. T

    Cold and Hydrops and Tinnitus

    Thank you for your kind words, @Redhen! I woke up this morning and while my ears are stuffed and it's really uncomfortable, particularly the problematic right ear, the T hasn't spiked. It's even pretty calm. However, I just called the emergency service ENT on duty and she told me to buy...
  4. T

    Cold and Hydrops and Tinnitus

    In early February I came here for the first time because my T (which I'd had for a loooong time) got really LOUD and SHRILL due to a cold after an episode of sudden hearing loss (this one triggered by stress) and I really thought I'd die. I was told that I would habituate eventually and even...
  5. T

    This Is So Awful Right Now

    That's what I was thinking. So I will try not to take it. I mean, I can get through the day as long as there are sounds in a moderate volume around me or I have someone to talk to or the radio or music on or the TV. I still hear the T over anything with the exception of running water but it...
  6. T

    This Is So Awful Right Now

    Well, I understand the process just fine. I'm not totally new to the T-thing, it's just this new and louder and shriller mutation that overwhelms me. And I know that this is a viscious circle that feeds on my anxiety. So I wonder if the medication I tried to avoid will help. Last night I managed...
  7. T

    This Is So Awful Right Now

    Thank you! I'm trying to stay positive and this morning it was almost gone but it has come back again and sometimes it feels like the 'spikes' are moving around in my head. That gives me hope that the worst will subside when the cold and the swelling in the ears (I can still feel my right ear...
  8. T

    This Is So Awful Right Now

    Well, after lurking here for years, I finally joined. Because while I've been suffering from T for many years, it's really gotten BAD in the last few days. When I first started to notice it in 2005-ish it was mild, barely audible. The probable cause was the fact that I was in college and I...