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  • Users: Niamh
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  1. N

    Suddenly Can't Hear Any High Frequencies in My Left Ear — Everything Sounds Muffled

    I'm 14 and I've had the ringing in both ears since January this year and constantly ever since. It started with an ear infection, then the infection went and the ringing stayed. The doctor said I had wax build up but that's gone too. I always listen to music and now I'm petrified it's...
  2. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Can I still listen to music with headphones if I have an ear infection?
  3. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    BTW why don't you have social media???
  4. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Turns out I actually have 2 ear infections and that the left ear is worse than the right and the doctor said that he is happy I wasn't screaming in pain because it looks so bad. He said the ringing was caused by dead skin cells or something hitting the ear drum and that music had nothing to do...
  5. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I did have an ear infection in my left ear but it cleared within a week. I've had the ringing for 4 weeks now.
  6. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    So I just went into my nan's bedroom then all of a sudden my right ear had a sharp high pitched ringing louder than I've had for the 4 weeks I've had the ringing. It lasted 20 seconds and then it went away.
  7. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Do you have Instagram or Snapchat?
  8. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    My dad said he has noticed the ringing starts to get worse when I am down or stressing. He said it's psychosomatic or something.
  9. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

  10. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    It's got worse now. It's so high pitched and it's over powering everything.
  11. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Where are you from?
  12. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    How is it now?
  13. N

    Hearing Loss Induced, After Listening to Loud Music — Scared!

    I listened to loud music for a while too then a video on my computer triggered the ringing in my left ear. Same day went to doctors and was told I had an ear infection (ear was swollen and inflamed). Ringing got worse so went back and was told that the infection had gone. I cried and cried and...
  14. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I'm stressing the hell out. it better not be permanent. It's making me depressed.
  15. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Mine is getting worse. I can hear it in both ears now and I thought it was getting better but it's just getting worse
  16. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    How is it?
  17. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    It's really annoying me now. I'm so tempted to swear
  18. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Well the ringing has come back now. In both ears. My right ear just popped and it was like a static radio high pitched noise and it's not going away so I pretty much jinxed what I said.
  19. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    And the ringing did go into my right ear too for a few days but it went away.
  20. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Hiya, my ringing has actually gone surprisingly. it did get worse but that was because I was stressing over it too much and I focused on it. The best thing you can do is pretend it's not there. That's what I did in the end. Do not use earphones at all. Give it a few weeks and let your ears heal...
  21. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    How's the ringing?
  22. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    How do you private message on here?
  23. N

    . Then I put on youtube Tinnitus sound relief therapy and I've notied that the ringing noise is...

    . Then I put on youtube Tinnitus sound relief therapy and I've notied that the ringing noise is starting to fade and get quieter. Is that temporary because of the sound relief therapy or is its actually causing my left ear to get better and make the ringing die down
  24. N

    @Holly1987 Hiya. Great news. The ringing wad getting worse today and I was stressin loads. I had...

    @Holly1987 Hiya. Great news. The ringing wad getting worse today and I was stressin loads. I had no sleep at all. Then my ears were hurting because of my earings were causing my ear lobes to bleed and get infected. My dad said that the earings could have caused my ears to throb therefore causing...
  25. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Hiya. Great news. The ringing was getting worse today and I was stressin loads. I had no sleep at all. Then my ears were hurting because of my earings were causing my ear lobes to bleed and get infected. My dad said that the earings could have caused my ears to throb therefore causing my ears to...
  26. N

    Some Advice Desperately Needed — Rumbling in Ears, Intermittent Dizziness, Ear Fullness

    I'm 14 . I did have an ear infection. before I had an ear infection though I always would listen to my music on a high volume everywhere I went for months before the infection. on Monday the 7th of January I was watching a series on my computer and a song on there triggered my left ear to ring...
  27. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I didn't have glue ear or any liquid in my ear. Just something was swollen inside of my ear. I'm so bloody scared rn that it will never go away
  28. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    the noise is killing me. ive had no sleep even when I put 3 hors of tinnitus relief sounds on
  29. N

    how can I make the noise go away permanently since I still have a chance

    how can I make the noise go away permanently since I still have a chance
  30. N

    ive stopped eating and completely gone off my food

    ive stopped eating and completely gone off my food
  31. N

    @Holly1987 the problem is that I'm getting depressed because of it

    @Holly1987 the problem is that I'm getting depressed because of it
  32. N

    @Holly1987 I don't want it at 14. im too young. I want silence. the ear infection has gone but...

    @Holly1987 I don't want it at 14. im too young. I want silence. the ear infection has gone but the ringing is still here. ive had the ringing for a week now
  33. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    I don't want the ringing to stay
  34. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    but it has gone but the ringing is still here
  35. N

    @Holly1987 I'm so scared

    @Holly1987 I'm so scared
  36. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    my ear infection has gone but I still have the ringing in my left ear
  37. N

    @Holly1987 click on my profile page, then click on my postings, then click on the 5th posting...

    @Holly1987 click on my profile page, then click on my postings, then click on the 5th posting from the top saying I am 14 and read the big paragraph
  38. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    its in my left ear and yes I went to to get it checked and the infection has cleared
  39. N

    Afraid My Tinnitus Will Turn Into Hearing Loss

    I'm worried my ringing is permanent after ear infection
  40. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    read what I sent the big paragraph
  41. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I'm 14 . I did have an ear infection. before I had an ear infection though I always would listen to my music on a high volume everywhere I went for months before the infection. on Monday the 7th of January I was watching a series on my computer and a song on there triggered my left ear to ring...
  42. N

    Help! Hoping My Tinnitus Is from Ear Infection, Not Glue Ear!

    the nurse said my infection is gone and she said give the ringing a week and if its still there come back
  43. N

    Help! Hoping My Tinnitus Is from Ear Infection, Not Glue Ear!

    I have had an infection in my ear just swelling. the nurse didn't say anything about fluid. my hearing isn't affected kinda but my left ear has this constant ringing high pitched in my left ear and I'm petrified that it wont go away. the noise is getting higher and higher and unbearable
  44. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I just want to hear silence
  45. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    if I go deaf in the ear that the ringing noise is in.....would it go away
  46. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    if iwent deaf in the ear that the ringing noise is in would the tinnitus go away
  47. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I'm just getting really depressed lately and I hate myself. I want this ringing to go away as I have not been myself at all
  48. N

    so scared

    so scared
  49. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    my dad is getting angry because I keep waking him up because of the noise and crying and now he starting to loose his temper. I'm extremely worried about the future now that I may have tinnitus for life. its making me feel suicidal
  50. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I'm so stressed right now and I cant stop crying. I'm scared that the ear infection has caused it to be permanent or the loud music I used to listen to
  51. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    Hello I really don't want it to be permanent . I'm only 14.i don't want to have to have this noise 24 7. I don't know if it will go.
  52. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    I'm 14 . I did have an ear infection. before I had an ear infection though I always would listen to my music on a high volume everywhere I went for months before the infection. on Monday the 7th of January I was watching a series on my computer and a song on there triggered my left ear to ring...
  53. N

    14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

    can someone help me