14-Year-Old with Tinnitus Caused by Virus?

I really don't want it to be permanent . I'm only 14.i don't want to have to have this noise 24 7. I don't know if it will go.

For some people, it goes away. For many others, it gets lower with time. Fore some of us, like me, it sticks around so we have to learn to live with it. Even that is doable, though not always easy.

It's totally unfair that someone as young as you should suffer from tinnitus, but if you give it some time, you might recover.

Two things:

1. Be careful with loud noise from now on. Don't go to concert or very loud parties. You'll probably have a better chance to recover if you don't.

2. If you do more tests, don't let them do a so-called acoustic reflex test - it's not safe for the ears. If a doctor or whoever places a probe-type device in your ear canal and you hear loud tones, move away your head and say it's too loud. If they try again, just move away your head again. Be as persistent as you have to.
For some people, it goes away. For many others, it gets lower with time. Fore some of us, like me, it sticks around so we have to learn to live with it. Even that is doable, though not always easy.

It's totally unfair that someone as young as you should suffer from tinnitus, but if you give it some time, you might recover.

Two things:

1. Be careful with loud noise from now on. Don't go to concert or very loud parties. You'll probably have a better chance to improve if you don't.

2. If you do more tests, don't let them do a so-called acoustic reflex test - it's not safe for the ears. If a doctor or whoever places a probe-type device in your ear canal and you hear loud tones, move away your head and say it's too loud. If they try again, just move away your head again. Be persistent.

I'm so stressed right now and I cant stop crying. I'm scared that the ear infection has caused it to be permanent or the loud music I used to listen to
I'm so stressed right now and I cant stop crying. I'm scared that the ear infection has caused it to be permanent or the loud music I used to listen to

No wonder.

Eventually, that stress and fear will pass by. You can't supress those feelings, so you'll just have to let them burn out.
No wonder.

Eventually, that stress and fear will pass by. You can't supress those feelings, so you'll just have to let them burn out.
my dad is getting angry because I keep waking him up because of the noise and crying and now he starting to loose his temper. I'm extremely worried about the future now that I may have tinnitus for life. its making me feel suicidal
my dad is getting angry because I keep waking him up because of the noise and crying and now he starting to loose his temper. I'm extremely worried about the future now that I may have tinnitus for life. its making me feel suicidal

My younger brother, he is 35, got tinnitus when he was very young. These days, he works with IT and has a son. Having permanent T doesn't mean you won't have a future. But with any luck, it's not permanent in your case.
He doesn't seem to care about his T one bit. I struggle more with it, but I'm also capable of holding down a job (I'm a book keeper).
My younger brother, he is 35, got tinnitus when he was very young. These days, he works with IT and has a son. Having permanent T doesn't mean you won't have a future. But with any luck, it's not permanent in your case.
if iwent deaf in the ear that the ringing noise is in would the tinnitus go away
My younger brother, he is 35, got tinnitus when he was very young. These days, he works with IT and has a son. Having permanent T doesn't mean you won't have a future. But with any luck, it's not permanent in your case.
if I go deaf in the ear that the ringing noise is in.....would it go away
@Niamh I recently had some fluid build up in my ears, so bad that I couldn't 'pop' them. Lots of pressure and somewhat affected my hearing.
I have pre-existing tinnitus, but that wasn't affected by the fluid, thank goodness.
I bought the "Ear Popper" (I'm in Australia), and it cleared my ears up the first time I used it! Amazing.
You shouldn't use it if you have a cold or are congested, but I could feel the fluid draining out as my eustachian tubes opened. Bliss.
I'm 14 . I did have an ear infection. before I had an ear infection though I always would listen to my music on a high volume everywhere I went for months before the infection. on Monday the 7th of January I was watching a series on my computer and a song on there triggered my left ear to ring constantly. I was panicking and crying because I was worried that I have permanent tinnitus because my dad told me about it and my music that id listen to would be so loud that my cousin from across the room could hear it even though I had earphones in. I went to a surgery near me and I was seen by a nurse. she checked my ears and said in the left ear I have an ear infection. she said it was inflamed or something and red inside something to do with my ear drum I cant remember . so she gave me steroid spray called otomize and ibuprofen tablets. the ringing was bearable and I didn't mind it but then something happened at home so I panicked a lot and got really stressed and cried and then ever since the ringing was got unbearable. constantly never ending in my left ear high pitched ringing/whistling. I havent had any ear ache only the odd one now and then that lasts like 10 seconds in my right ear not left. my jaw has been hurting only a tiny bit and my teeth are hurting only for a few seconds but the pain isn't aw. on a scale of 1-10 the ear pain is 2 and the jaw and teeth is a 3. the ringing has made me so worried and depressed. I'm crying non stop because I'm starting to think this is permanent(the ringing). ive been up all night shaking with no sleep. the noise is that bad I cant even close my eyes or nap. my dad said give it time it will go away. I went to the surgery again today since all ive been doing all week is crying and stressing. I finished the medication I was given(the spray and tablets). I had a different nurse this time. she checked my ear and said the infection has cleared up and its gone. so then she did a hearing test with this metal thing where she hit it off her desk and put it by my ears to see which noise was better and she put it between my eyebrows in the middle. she said my hearing is fine too. I said im worried I may have permanent tinnitus but she just burst out laughing and said I'm too young to get tinnitus.she didn't give me any medication and said if its still ringing in a week come back and we will have to sort some things out and do tests. The ringing is getting more frustrating and unbearable and I'm starting to panic because ive seen on google and even my dad said yes that there is people who have been left with tinnitus permanently because of an ear infection even after its cleared up. I cant stop shaking and worrying and crying and my parents are trying o sugar coat it saying it will go and its not life threatening but I know they are lying just so i will shut up. my dad said my stress is making it worse. but of course I am going to stress. ive had suicidal thoughts because of this too. no one understands and my dad keeps telling e to go to sleep BUT I CANT!!! he said I wont have tinnitus because tinnitus is caused by drilling and it is caused over a few years not a short amount of time. ive been off school for a we. ive had the ringing for a week and 1 day now. I want to hear silence again. I want to go back to normal. I'm a nervous wreck at the moment. I cant live with tinnitus if I do have it. theres no cure. I need help asap. I don't know what to do!!is the ringing caused by the ear infection I had or the loud music. btw I haven't used my earphones since the ringing started. apart from I did use headphones on a low volume for 3 mins music but that's it. pray for me pls that it will go away. I'm scared
@Niamh I recently had some fluid build up in my ears, so bad that I couldn't 'pop' them. Lots of pressure and somewhat affected my hearing.
I have pre-existing tinnitus, but that wasn't affected by the fluid, thank goodness.
I bought the "Ear Popper" (I'm in Australia), and it cleared my ears up the first time I used it! Amazing.
You shouldn't use it if you have a cold or are congested, but I could feel the fluid draining out as my eustachian tubes opened. Bliss.
read what I sent the big paragraph
I'm 14 . I did have an ear infection. before I had an ear infection though I always would listen to my music on a high volume everywhere I went for months before the infection. on Monday the 7th of January I was watching a series on my computer and a song on there triggered my left ear to ring constantly. I was panicking and crying because I was worried that I have permanent tinnitus because my dad told me about it and my music that id listen to would be so loud that my cousin from across the room could hear it even though I had earphones in. I went to a surgery near me and I was seen by a nurse. she checked my ears and said in the left ear I have an ear infection. she said it was inflamed or something and red inside something to do with my ear drum I cant remember . so she gave me steroid spray called otomize and ibuprofen tablets. the ringing was bearable and I didn't mind it but then something happened at home so I panicked a lot and got really stressed and cried and then ever since the ringing was got unbearable. constantly never ending in my left ear high pitched ringing/whistling. I havent had any ear ache only the odd one now and then that lasts like 10 seconds in my right ear not left. my jaw has been hurting only a tiny bit and my teeth are hurting only for a few seconds but the pain isn't aw. on a scale of 1-10 the ear pain is 2 and the jaw and teeth is a 3. the ringing has made me so worried and depressed. I'm crying non stop because I'm starting to think this is permanent(the ringing). ive been up all night shaking with no sleep. the noise is that bad I cant even close my eyes or nap. my dad said give it time it will go away. I went to the surgery again today since all ive been doing all week is crying and stressing. I finished the medication I was given(the spray and tablets). I had a different nurse this time. she checked my ear and said the infection has cleared up and its gone. so then she did a hearing test with this metal thing where she hit it off her desk and put it by my ears to see which noise was better and she put it between my eyebrows in the middle. she said my hearing is fine too. I said im worried I may have permanent tinnitus but she just burst out laughing and said I'm too young to get tinnitus.she didn't give me any medication and said if its still ringing in a week come back and we will have to sort some things out and do tests. The ringing is getting more frustrating and unbearable and I'm starting to panic because ive seen on google and even my dad said yes that there is people who have been left with tinnitus permanently because of an ear infection even after its cleared up. I cant stop shaking and worrying and crying and my parents are trying o sugar coat it saying it will go and its not life threatening but I know they are lying just so i will shut up. my dad said my stress is making it worse. but of course I am going to stress. ive had suicidal thoughts because of this too. no one understands and my dad keeps telling e to go to sleep BUT I CANT!!! he said I wont have tinnitus because tinnitus is caused by drilling and it is caused over a few years not a short amount of time. ive been off school for a we. ive had the ringing for a week and 1 day now. I want to hear silence again. I want to go back to normal. I'm a nervous wreck at the moment. I cant live with tinnitus if I do have it. theres no cure. I need help asap. I don't know what to do!!is the ringing caused by the ear infection I had or the loud music. btw I haven't used my earphones since the ringing started. apart from I did use headphones on a low volume for 3 mins music but that's it. pray for me pls that it will go away. I'm scared!
Just to shed some light, I'm am in a similar situation to you, and my tinnitus is already starting to become more quiet and improve. Since you are only 14, your ears can heal from damage not just from an infection but from headphones. Their is a likely chance that your tinnitus could go away if you leave the headphones just like I have, and healing can take at least 3 moths, so don't give up hope at least for 3 months, and relating back to the ear infection, I got mine from a common cold virus that was triggered from using my headphones, they can take at least 6 weeks for the infection to go if it is caused by mucus begin stuck in the ear? Was something called a Damp Ear drum. Have you got Glue Ear? Thats what I have.
Let me know and I will try and help as I am in a similar situation, but have learnt not to stress over it even though when sleeping I still hear it even when i don't think about ti and I know how hard it is for us kids rather than adults, have you tried earplugs? That helps me.
Let me know about the questions I have asked and will try and help you, just try and stay calm and remember since your still young, you have a chance of your ear healing and it going away and this can take up to 3 months :)
if I go deaf in the ear that the ringing noise is in.....would it go away
It is an internal noise meaning your brain is creating the frequency when its not really their. So you would still hear a noise that is coming from your brain
Just to shed some light, I'm am in a similar situation to you, and my tinnitus is already starting to become more quiet and improve. Since you are only 14, your ears can heal from damage not just from an infection but from headphones. Their is a likely chance that your tinnitus could go away if you leave the headphones just like I have, and healing can take at least 3 moths, so don't give up hope at least for 3 months, and relating back to the ear infection, I got mine from a common cold virus that was triggered from using my headphones, they can take at least 6 weeks for the infection to go if it is caused by mucus begin stuck in the ear? Was something called a Damp Ear drum. Have you got Glue Ear? Thats what I have.
Let me know and I will try and help as I am in a similar situation, but have learnt not to stress over it even though when sleeping I still hear it even when i don't think about ti and I know how hard it is for us kids rather than adults, have you tried earplugs? That helps me.
Let me know about the questions I have asked and will try and help you, just try and stay calm and remember since your still young, you have a chance of your ear healing and it going away and this can take up to 3 months :)
I didn't have glue ear or any liquid in my ear. Just something was swollen inside of my ear. I'm so bloody scared rn that it will never go away
Luckily no I dont and I have quit the headphones.
you should quit them for the time being until the virus is resolved.

Is your sensitive hearing defined as noises sound abnormally loud, or a discomfort in the ear such as pain, tinging, nunbness?
For some people, it goes away. For many others, it gets lower with time. Fore some of us, like me, it sticks around so we have to learn to live with it. Even that is doable, though not always easy.

It's totally unfair that someone as young as you should suffer from tinnitus, but if you give it some time, you might recover.

Two things:

1. Be careful with loud noise from now on. Don't go to concert or very loud parties. You'll probably have a better chance to recover if you don't.

2. If you do more tests, don't let them do a so-called acoustic reflex test - it's not safe for the ears. If a doctor or whoever places a probe-type device in your ear canal and you hear loud tones, move away your head and say it's too loud. If they try again, just move away your head again. Be as persistent as you have to.
Hiya. Great news. The ringing was getting worse today and I was stressin loads. I had no sleep at all. Then my ears were hurting because of my earings were causing my ear lobes to bleed and get infected. My dad said that the earings could have caused my ears to throb therefore causing my ears to ring. I took the earing out. Then they started to bleed a bit. Then I put on youtube Tinnitus sound relief therapy and I've notied that the ringing noise is starting to fade and get quieter. Is that temporary because of the sound relief therapy or is its actually causing my left ear to get better and make the ringing die down
You do not get antibiotics to treat your tinnitus. You get antibiotics to treat bacterial infection.
I just read your first post again, you said you have a viral infection, that's why you didnt get antibiotics.

How are you feeling today? Any better?
My music teachers said today that he got tinnitus from a viral infection just like me when he was my age and it never went away and he has had it for the rest of his life, does this mean it will be the same for me or did he just have bad luck?
If you are lucky, it probably will start to heal, as I said, you're 14, so your ears can easily heal form a damage done to them, so they probably are starting to improve.
Then I put on youtube Tinnitus sound relief therapy and I've notied that the ringing noise is starting to fade and get quieter. Is that temporary because of the sound relief therapy or is its actually causing my left ear to get better and make the ringing die down

Sound relief therapy can't heal your ears.

However, if sound relief therapy can make your ringing quiet down, then the damage to your ears maybe isn't that severe. This, in turn, means that the chance for it to improve or go away should increase.

It's a good sign.
My music teachers said today that he got tinnitus from a viral infection just like me when he was my age and it never went away and he has had it for the rest of his life, does this mean it will be the same for me or did he just have bad luck?
Oh sorry that he shared that with you. Please do not worry.
No, this doesn't mean it will be the same for you. Everybody is different, and every situation and reason for the tinnitus is different. There are good chances you will get better soon.
Just take care of your ears right now, no headphones or loud noises.
Hope you feel better soon.
How's the ringing?
I feel like it has gotten a bit worse. I can hear it when I am in a class room and it has also gone to the right ear as well as the left. Do you think this is just the virus getting worse before starting to go?
It is normal to have the ringing go from one ear to both ears, I don't think i know anyone who only has it in one ear for 5+ years. I think it tends to go to both ears and then stabilize over time. Don't worry, even if this is permanent (it might not be) it will reduce in volume over time. Just take a deep breath and try to relax, the more stress you are the worst it will get.
I feel like it has gotten a bit worse. I can hear it when I am in a class room and it has also gone to the right ear as well as the left. Do you think this is just the virus getting worse before starting to go?
Hiya, my ringing has actually gone surprisingly. it did get worse but that was because I was stressing over it too much and I focused on it. The best thing you can do is pretend it's not there. That's what I did in the end. Do not use earphones at all. Give it a few weeks and let your ears heal. It would be better to take some time off school though so the loud noise won't cause the ringing sound to increase xxx
I feel like it has gotten a bit worse. I can hear it when I am in a class room and it has also gone to the right ear as well as the left. Do you think this is just the virus getting worse before starting to go?
And the ringing did go into my right ear too for a few days but it went away.
Hiya, my ringing has actually gone surprisingly. it did get worse but that was because I was stressing over it too much and I focused on it. The best thing you can do is pretend it's not there. That's what I did in the end. Do not use earphones at all. Give it a few weeks and let your ears heal. It would be better to take some time off school though so the loud noise won't cause the ringing sound to increase xxx
Hi Niamh,

Could you please write a success story?


You can tell your story, your journey with tinnitus, and how it went away.

It might be very encouraging for our visitors now and in the future.


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