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  1. zerosandones

    Peanuts? Causing a Spike?

    I noticed cashews spike my T. Very strongly, and very clearly. I used to be allergic to them when I was a kid and recently started drinking almond/cashew milk (no hives or anything, so thought I was fine). After 10-15 times I realized there was a very clear 1 to 1 relationship between that and...
  2. zerosandones

    Overmasturbation Tinnitus?

    You're probably looking into it too much but perhaps getting on an SSRI would help? There could be something going on related to your serotonin or testosterone levels. I think the only thing you can do is keep trying different things. And if the tinnitus really bothers you, don't j/o for a month...
  3. zerosandones

    Ear Cleaning Liquid Makes My Tinnitus Stop?

    @ruusupuska That does not sound fun! :( Have you thought of going to a dentist to get a night guard or chiropractor to relieve the neck/jaw muscle tension? I've been practicing meditating (during which I consciously relax my jaw -- which takes a bit of effort but is possible), and my jaw is...
  4. zerosandones

    Ear Cleaning Liquid Makes My Tinnitus Stop?

    Have you had your ear checked by an ENT? Perhaps you just have wax in there that needs to be cleaned out. Ear wax impaction can cause tinnitus. My right ear tinnitus goes away when I lie down in a certain position -- I was also thinking I should go back to an ENT and see if it's subjective...
  5. zerosandones

    Why Does It Reduce When I Lie Down?

    My right ear tone (very high pitched, inconsistent) stops if I lay down and turn my head to my left side 30 degrees (how I realized that, I have no idea). No other movement seem to have any effect. Interesting thoughts @linearb , I'm thinking I should hang from a pull up bar and see if that...
  6. zerosandones

    Help Me Understand What Type of Tinnitus I Have

    Is there any way I can edit the original post? Don't believe that was the title I made (guess the mods changed it?), and it sounds fairly commanding! Would love to add a 'please' in there.
  7. zerosandones

    Help Me Understand What Type of Tinnitus I Have

    Thank you Bill, very helpful advice. Able to tune it out many days now, but seem to get hooked from time to time. Hope I can continue to work on this in the coming weeks and months.
  8. zerosandones

    Help Me Understand What Type of Tinnitus I Have

    Hi all, I've had tinnitus for about a month, no hearing loss, no apparent cause. My left ear tone is ~600 Hz and is continuous and unvarying, while the right ear tone is ~11000 Hz and is intermittent and varies in loudness and tone, and can be affected by moving my jaw and head. The left tone...
  9. zerosandones

    Mobile Tinnitus Apps (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)

    I'm a software engineer and started having tinnitus about 3 weeks ago. Starting to habituate now but was definitely in a pretty dark hole the first two weeks and would like to do whatever I can to help others. Wondering if there are any standout tinnitus apps or software people have used that I...