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  1. P

    I Beat Tinnitus — A Beginner’s Primer

    Good luck with that mate, all the best.
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    I Beat Tinnitus — A Beginner’s Primer

    Forget ENT specialists. All they do is take your money and provide nothing.
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    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    I wish trials would start in Australia.
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    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I can't modulate my tinnitus at all in any way so it appears these devices won't help me.
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    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    Hope so. I hope OTO-313 can help everyone. I've had my tinnitus now for 20 plus years and pray for silence before I cash in my chips.
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    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    Has there been an announcement or write up in the financial press on Otonomy's stock price increase? Is it related to some positive trial result? Also, does anyone know if the OTO-825 gene therapy treatment can help tinnitus?
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    Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

    Sorry, I really am. I know we are just so desperate for help for this awful nightmare but this is just crap. No diet will help tinnitus. I read once a Keto diet would help tinnitus and it made me worse. I pray for a genuine treatment. I am amazed so many medications make tinnitus worse so...
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    Antidepressants and Tinnitus Both Doing My Head in: Can Valdoxan (Agomelatine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Hi @Uklawyer. I found Valdoxan did not spike my tinnitus at all, however, unfortunately it did not really help my depression. But please try it, just because it did not treat my depression does not mean it will not help you - you may get relief without tinnitus increase. Valdoxan has a...
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    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    All antidepressants make my tinnitus so loud I can't take them anymore and I need them for my mental health. I hope this is not the case for you - good luck.
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    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    Overall I think this is positive, we can only hope.
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    Can Ketamine Infusion for Depression Worsen Tinnitus?

    Yes it was immediate.
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    Can Ketamine Infusion for Depression Worsen Tinnitus?

    My tinnitus is noise induced - a loud pitched constant ring. Be careful or should I say give it serious thought. I had Ketamine and it caused a permanent spike it did not go away or reduce after procedure.
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    Has ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) Ever Been Tried as a Treatment for Tinnitus?

    Good morning. I am scheduled for another session of ECT soon. I'm in a pickle because it spiked my tinnitus to a severe level last time and it did not come back down. Has anyone else found this from ECT? I have trouble with all antidepressants too.
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    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    It's an option and one that is more probable. A cure for tinnitus and hearing loss is light years away. No one on this forum will ever see or experience it.
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    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Just to make my point. I fully understand that currently cutting off the auditory nerve is not an option and in most cases it does not work and can make things far worse. My point was however there must be a point within the brain where nerves terminate or commence at the primary point. Many...
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    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    They should research how to eliminate tinnitus with a process that renders one deaf permanently. It would provide results far sooner than all this study into regeneration of hearing, plasticity, gate channeling, vagus nerve stimulation with tones etc. All these approaches that have now been...
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    Antidepressants and Tinnitus Both Doing My Head in: Can Valdoxan (Agomelatine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I was referring to antidepressant and antipyschotic medication like Seroquel. They blow my tinnitus through the roof. I just cant stand it. Sorry I shouldn't have said all medications. Also I find upon ceasing the medication the tinnitus level does not drop back to its prior level. I just want...
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    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    Did anyone ever go ahead and have this procedure? Did it help? Have there been any further studies ?
  19. P

    Can Ketamine Infusion for Depression Worsen Tinnitus?

    Yes, Ketamine does make tinnitus much louder. I had it and wish I never had. The same goes for all antidepressants. I can't take any of them. They just blow my tinnitus through the roof.
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    Ketamine Treatment Clinics & Experiences — Can Ketamine Cure Tinnitus?

    I tried Ketamine for depression and it made my tinnitus far worse like all antidepressants do.
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    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    This has probably been asked before but is Susan Shore's tinnitus treatment in anyway different than Neuromod's Lenire treatment? I understand one stimulates the tongue and the other the vagus nerve on the back of the neck but what is the difference here? I just hope they are both successful...
  22. P

    Antidepressants and Tinnitus Both Doing My Head in: Can Valdoxan (Agomelatine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I have bipolar depression and every single medication spikes my tinnitus so I am not on any meds at the moment. I do need meds for my condition. Can anyone tell me if they just put up with the initial increase in tinnitus? Do you get used to it and will it plateau out?
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    Antidepressants and Tinnitus Both Doing My Head in: Can Valdoxan (Agomelatine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I just had an appointment with a woman who is the most highly regarded specialist in Australia. She stated that no antidepressant increases the severity or loudness of tinnitus. It is all in your subconscious mind which is uploaded to your conscious mind. Anyone agree or been told this? I hope...
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    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Well I just received my consent form and Zoom interview from University of Michigan. I'm sorry to report that I was contacted by the university and was told I may be suitable. As it turns out this trial is a follow-up to the initial trial and only caters for those that can somatically alter...
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    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I have just received notification from the University of Michigan that recruitment for a second trial for subjective tinnitus is now underway which I have enrolled. I'm just wondering if anyone else is going to take part in this trial? The concept is exciting. I hope it really works.
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    Tinnitus Began with ECT

    I’ve had 4 sessions of ECT and it made my tinnitus much much worse as do all antidepressants and TMS therapy. I think anything that raises serotonin aggravates nerves in the cochlea or brain and causes tinnitus to spike. Sadly for me the increase in loudness stayed; it did not reduce after...
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    Hello again to the group. I am again posing a question on ototoxic antidepressants. I am severely depressed and in desperate need of help with mental illness but also have tinnitus so debilitating I need masking 24 hours a day. My tinnitus started out so slight and over the years medication has...
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    Just an update, as stated my doc prescribed Reboxetine and for anyone outside the US with tinnitus, do not take this drug. 4 doses and the tinnitus much much louder. There simply isn’t an AD that does not make my tinnitus scream. There is a desperate need for research to find such an AD for...
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    I think I’m at the point where I just need to take an AD, I am just so low. I know it will make my tinnitus unbearable but I have no choice. Just how loud can tinnitus get? Paul
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    Bill Bauer - thank you. I’m from Australia and I’m assuming you are from the USA. Reboxerine is not available in the US so that might explain why you didn’t come up with much on it. It is an NRI antidepressant but now rarely used, it doesn’t have a good record in trials but one can only try I guess.
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    Hi and thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I’ve tried nearly all ADs. I read Mirtazapine was tinnitus friendly but I had the same frustrating result same with Amitriptyline. I guess I’ll just try Reboxetine as my last resort but I’m not confident. It really is a very poor quality of life...
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    Antidepressants Make My Tinnitus Louder: Would Doctor Recommended Reboxetine Work Well?

    Hello, new to the group and would like some info. I first got tinnitus 20 years ago for exposure to industrial noise. In the years since I have had severe depression. I find all antidepressants increases the tinnitus level. I have tried every class of AD and believe anything that increases...