I had reoccurring low tinnitus in my left ear, caused by taking medication, for several years which was not bothering me at all most of the times. Sometimes I would go a weeks without any noise. My life was good.
Over one year now, when I admitted myself to hospital for Benzo detox after experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms of anxiety, psychosis and depression while I was in hospital, I was forced to have a ECT without my recollection or my permission.
When I waked up, my whole head and both ears were hissing loudly and never stopped hissing since.
On my better days I would have bothersome tinnitus - hissing in my both ears, manageable with masking generators. On my bad days, once or twice a week, my whole head and both ears are hissing so badly, nothing is helping to mask the noise. It is very debilitating and my life is ruined since.
Most of the doctors I have seen so far keep still telling me ECT is harmless and all my symptoms I am complaining about are not related to it. I don't think most of the doctors are educated enough to know what ECT can do to some people. So far I am not recovering from the ECT's harmful effects, especially the hissing is getting worse.
My other problems since are constant headaches, numbness and memory lost I have never had problem with before. ECT is not a cure. It is torture with lasting brain damage.