2020 US Presidential Election

People simply expressing opinions are not "insane", "out of their minds", etc. - it's simply a reflection on what seems to be happening.

I believe that because Trump is against needless warfare and military expenditure, dangerous immigration policies, corrupt district attorneys, election improprieties, and other things that scare the power elites in this country, he is being persecuted.

It has been shown since the bans on Facebook and other social media have been lifted, that Trump did not cause the events at the capital on January 6.

Biden has so many conflicts of interest, regarding Ukraine, that he should not be involved with it, nor even be in the White House. We have footed a bill of 100 billion dollars, so far, for this extremely corrupt country that is not a member of NATO, nor should it be.

We are paying for the war in Ukraine, and not once has this country sat down with Russia to discuss terms of peace, while Biden has been actively opposed to negotiations. There is simply too much money to be made by the war industry, and others who profit from armed conflict, both in the United States and abroad.

If Trump kept documents and "valuable artifacts", as an ex-president, and verbally challenged some election results, he at least did not get us involved in creating a war that will take the lives of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands, if not an even far worse outcome involving nuclear weapons or destruction of nuclear power plants.

Children should not be exposed to drag queens reading stories or interacting with them in classrooms or in other ways. These people may or may not be mentally ill, but kids are not capable of understanding complex sexuality issues, which requires maturity and the ability to recognize and deal with deviant behavior and lifestyles.
"The proof convincingly established, and the jury implicitly found, that Mr. Trump deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll's vagina with his fingers, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm."

God... What a monster. I can't believe this guy is the former president of the most powerful nation on earth. I can't imagine what sane, rational US citizens think about this and why it doesn't bother Republicans.

Yet everybody's known since before 2016 what kind of sleazy corrupt monster Trump is, leaning into it was basically his entire campaign strategy. Republicans don't care now the rapist label is actually "official," just like they won't care if he's convicted of every criminal charge that's being brought against him.

What's funny is why these sorts of revelations or the lack of Republican concern over them are somehow shocking; what on earth would lead you to believe that the modern GOP would ever care? The only time they ever care about civility or optics is when it can be used as a weapon against the people they see as their enemies.
E. Jean Carroll, the woman who accused Trump of sexually attacking her in 1996 was born in 1943, which makes her age about 53, and Trump's about 50, when the alleged attack occurred. Why didn't she call the police, or at least report it to Bergdorf Goodman's security and let them call the police? Why did she claim, six years later, on Twitter and Facebook, that she was a "Massive Apprentice fan", in reference to Trump's TV show, if he had hurt her?

Trump accosor Tweet 2012.jpg
At first it seems odd that an inveterate liar like Trump wouldn't lie about faith when it's to his advantage.

However, Trump is a malignant narcissist. A strong faith in God and Jesus would mean acknowledging something greater than him and giving it power over him.

He can't have that.

These MAGA hatstands called Obama a secret Muslim, but Obama could quote the Bible and lead prayers.

Trump treats the 10 Commandments like a bucket list, has said in interviews he doesn't ask for forgiveness of his sins (pretty central to the Christian thing), and gets the panic sweats when asked anything about the Bible.

And he gets treated like a messiah by gullible voters who were conned into exempting him from every single religious and moral test that they want to foist on the rest of us.

Yup. It's a cult and he is their "new Moses".
At first it seems odd that an inveterate liar like Trump wouldn't lie about faith when it's to his advantage.

However, Trump is a malignant narcissist. A strong faith in God and Jesus would mean acknowledging something greater than him and giving it power over him.

He can't have that.

These MAGA hatstands called Obama a secret Muslim, but Obama could quote the Bible and lead prayers.

Trump treats the 10 Commandments like a bucket list, has said in interviews he doesn't ask for forgiveness of his sins (pretty central to the Christian thing), and gets the panic sweats when asked anything about the Bible.

And he gets treated like a messiah by gullible voters who were conned into exempting him from every single religious and moral test that they want to foist on the rest of us.

Yup. It's a cult and he is their "new Moses".
To me, the less religious a candidate is, the better. Superstition has no place in the government, and that is all religion is.
To me, the less religious a candidate is, the better. Superstition has no place in the government, and that is all religion is.
So, what do you think of this guy...?

In a new video clip released Friday, a woman is asking Trump: "How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president? And who has mentored you in your faith journey?"

"Such a great question", Trump said. But then he turned to talk about something else.

Trump said, "You know, I've seen so much heartache and turmoil. I was a developer and I did other things and, you know, I had a wonderful life before all this stuff. I didn't know what a grand jury was. I didn't know what a subpoena—what is a subpoena? I had a wonderful life."

"I couldn't be more glad. I am so happy I did it because I've made America great, we can do it again. Right now, we are not a great country. We are not a great country. But I've gotten to know, because of this, evangelicals. I know so many people who feel so good about themselves and their families, and they base it on religion. I had never had that kind of experience where I got to know so many. And Franklin Graham and Paula White."

"I mean, I know so many people that are so incredible, religious people, and not just Christians, not just evangelicals. You know, when I look at the Catholic faith, you take a look at what the FBI— no, but look at what the FBI is doing to Catholics, they've made them like the enemy, they've made them— it's horrible. How could a Catholic ever vote for a Democrat or a guy like Biden again after the experience that they're going through?"

Trump continued, "We have to protect religion. We have to have religious liberty, you know, it's two words that are not being used very much anymore. And we have to bring it back."
So, what do you think of this guy...?

In a new video clip released Friday, a woman is asking Trump: "How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president? And who has mentored you in your faith journey?"

"Such a great question", Trump said. But then he turned to talk about something else.

Trump said, "You know, I've seen so much heartache and turmoil. I was a developer and I did other things and, you know, I had a wonderful life before all this stuff. I didn't know what a grand jury was. I didn't know what a subpoena—what is a subpoena? I had a wonderful life."

"I couldn't be more glad. I am so happy I did it because I've made America great, we can do it again. Right now, we are not a great country. We are not a great country. But I've gotten to know, because of this, evangelicals. I know so many people who feel so good about themselves and their families, and they base it on religion. I had never had that kind of experience where I got to know so many. And Franklin Graham and Paula White."

"I mean, I know so many people that are so incredible, religious people, and not just Christians, not just evangelicals. You know, when I look at the Catholic faith, you take a look at what the FBI— no, but look at what the FBI is doing to Catholics, they've made them like the enemy, they've made them— it's horrible. How could a Catholic ever vote for a Democrat or a guy like Biden again after the experience that they're going through?"

Trump continued, "We have to protect religion. We have to have religious liberty, you know, it's two words that are not being used very much anymore. And we have to bring it back."
It's all just talk, he needs voters.

Belief in oppressive causes such as far right or left wing idealogies is similar to religious extremism, and is called religiousity. It does not require belief in he supernatural.

Most voters are not extremists, politically or religiously, but they should be vigilently against these ideas.

I would like to see more conservative values take root among the non-religious, who are usually connected to the left, which hace gone way too far in recent years.

Freedom from religion is as important, if not more so, as freedom of religion.
So, what do you think of this guy...?

In a new video clip released Friday, a woman is asking Trump: "How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president? And who has mentored you in your faith journey?"

"Such a great question", Trump said. But then he turned to talk about something else.
Yeah, just like a politician not to answer the question asked.
Yeah, just like a politician not to answer the question asked.
No high-level politician could be elected if he rejected religion. The American voter would rather have delusional people running things than rational ones. They would take a radical nut job over an honest, rational, ethical Atheist. The only way the latter could be elected would be to lie, and that would be wrong.

The worst part of being non-religious is the apathy among those who are this way. They are afraid for their jobs, family, and friends.

There should be universities, hospitals, funeral parlors, and other institutions owned and operated by declared Atheists, but they refuse to organize, unlike the churches and religious.

This country's Founding Fathers included many non-Christian Deists, such as Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Paine, etc. They believed in a God, and that Christ was a good teacher, but not the theology of the Bible. If they had lived today, they likely would have been Atheists. I doubt that the American Revolution would ever have occurred if they had been religious Christians or members of any other faith.
he didn't put America first and he sure as hell didn't "drain the swamp".
This was my issue with Trump. He didn't drain the swamp. He did quite the opposite in fact by bringing the swamp inside his own cabinet with people like Rex Tillerson, Ajit Pai, and investment banker, Steven Mnuchin who prior to their nominations were all working for powerful corporations, in the higher echelons of corporate hierarchy in their respective companies. The corporations they work for — Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs, and Verizon — are known to spend millions of dollars lobbying to US Congress to influence policy. Trump put these people in positions of power for no reason other than to promote the interest of big businesses — Trump tax cuts, lowering estate taxes for the wealthy, etc. This is not my idea of 'draining the swamp'.

Like literally, Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC at the time serving under Trump gave the internet service providers (ISPs) what they wanted — repealing net neutrality — for profit motive while screwing over the little guy. I don't know about you guys, but the internet should be open and equal to everyone. Taking away consumer rights in this manner is typical 'establishment' behavior.
Republicans quite literally live in opposite world.
Republicans seem more concerned with Hunter Biden's penis than policy.
I doubt that the American Revolution would ever have occurred if they had been religious Christians or members of any other faith.
Well, it's a good that the Founding Fathers were influenced by thinkers such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu (especially him). The brilliant ideas that came from Enlightenment period— social contract, natural rights, republicanism, separation of powers, and freedom of speech—provided the groundwork for many American revolutionaries and framers of the US Constitution, shaping the core principles of the nation's beginning. The founding of the country ushered in a new era for democracy, human rights, and independence which inspired others countries to pursue these same ideals.

Thank GOD for the Enlightenment period...
In a small digression, I just wanted to share with you guys that in Spain, last Sunday Pedro Sánchez's communists stole the election, very likely manipulating mail vote. That's why they set the general election in July, the first time in Spanish history, with blazing hot temperatures, over 40 degrees celsius, and they encouraged mail vote on holiday season (Pedro's friend, appointed by him, heads the public mail company and the votes were in his hands).

In this scenario I would not recommend anyone to invest in Spain, and my long term plan from now on is moving all my savings outside Spain and eventually relocating to a different country.
In a small digression, I just wanted to share with you guys that in Spain, last Sunday Pedro Sánchez's communists stole the election, very likely manipulating mail vote. That's why they set the general election in July, the first time in Spanish history, with blazing hot temperatures, over 40 degrees celsius, and they encouraged mail vote on holiday season (Pedro's friend, appointed by him, heads the public mail company and the votes were in his hands).

In this scenario I would not recommend anyone to invest in Spain, and my long term plan from now on is moving all my savings outside Spain and eventually relocating to a different country.
That really sucks. Please let us know where you land; I'm sure many Americans will join you if Trump is elected.
Trump now faces one of his gravest criminal threats from a new indictment that is likely just days or weeks away, for his attempts to reverse his 2020 election defeat.

This indictment is not great for him (none of them really are), but the GA case turning into a RICO case is really the one that has teeth. I think at this point, Trump knows he's going to be convicted of something federal one way or another, so adding more isn't really making his situation worse. He's just counting on becoming President again and pardoning himself, or having any other Republican that becomes President do the same. But if he gets state charges, then his situation becomes immediately worse.
And impeachment of Biden, in the middle of the 2024 election campaigns, would be a good thing. Hopefully, there will be enough evidence found to attain this.
And impeachment of Biden, in the middle of the 2024 election campaigns, would be a good thing. Hopefully, there will be enough evidence found to attain this.
Won't happen. The Republicans have already said that bringing impeachment against Biden will hurt their election efforts.
Jack Smith has leveled additional charges against Trump that he instructed employee to delete surveillance video from Mar-a-largo. This is big folks. This is first hand info that there was a conspiracy to obstruct, even after the FBI had instructed Trump and Co. to not delete the footage. New charges added and a new defendant. And we know by first hand evidence that Trump willingly obstructed.

Smart that the DOJ had already slurped the cloud backups. Not looking good for Trump.
Jack Smith has leveled additional charges against Trump that he instructed employee to delete surveillance video from Mar-a-largo. This is big folks. This is first hand info that there was a conspiracy to obstruct, even after the FBI had instructed Trump and Co. to not delete the footage. New charges added and a new defendant. And we know by first hand evidence that Trump willingly obstructed.

Smart that the DOJ had already slurped the cloud backups. Not looking good for Trump.
Trump is worth billions, has 500 companies and if these charges were so important, they'd be prosecuting him now. This is an attempt to deter him from campaigning in 2024, that's all it is.

He gave us four years of peace and relative security, and this was simply not acceptable.

I would prefer that Trump not run again but I will never, in a million years, vote for Biden. I would prefer virtually anybody, including DeSantis, Trump, Newsome, Kennedy, etc. It's beyond Democrat vs. Republican, this man is a corrupt, inept, dangerous menace to our country and the world.
Trump is worth billions, has 500 companies and if these charges were so important, they'd be prosecuting him now. This is an attempt to deter him from campaigning in 2024, that's all it is.

He gave us four years of peace and relative security, and this was simply not acceptable.

I would prefer that Trump not run again but I will never, in a million years, vote for Biden. I would prefer virtually anybody, including DeSantis, Trump, Newsome, Kennedy, etc. It's beyond Democrat vs. Republican, this man is a corrupt, inept, dangerous menace to our country and the world.
FYI; Post on the 2024 US Election thread to remain up to date.
There are many options I am considering right now. I just applied to an Australian company. Let's see how that evolves... I think it is unlikely that I am successful but it would be a dream come true to relocate to Australia.
I hope it works out for you, lots of opportunity there. Fingers crossed. Good luck @Juan.
Hey guys, new 2024 US Presidential Election thread is here.

Staff will be closing this soon. Just a heads up :)

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