Hi Guys..Just created my account.
First of all sorry for my english, french is my first language.
Im a 30yrs old man from montreal.
My tinitus has started friday 10th february this year...No Idea why.. was drinking a beer with a friend at home around 11pm..
When he left, I turned off the tv, and I realized that i was still hearing a buzzing sound. I went outside..the buzzing was still there.
I went to bed and tought, well, I'm tired, tomorow it'll be gone.
But no luck, that night i heard it until the morning..
I went to a doc a week later, everything seems fine, gave me sinus rince and nazonex for 5 days for good measure.. No effects..
I saw an ORL last week, has'nt found anything, just looked at my ears, told me to do an earing test and to come back see him with the results..
I went to an osteopath the same day, she told me that I was really stuck near my skull, and she could help me with that.. took 2 more appointments..
I am really depressed since..I cannot maintain my sleep because of the buzzing sound!! And it is hard to concentrate at work with that
I always think how fine my life was before, and how miserable I am right now..
At least i found some way to relax after work by listening some hair dryer sound over youtube, that somewhat masks the buzzing... Thats what i have been doing every night since the start of this nightmare...
But here is something strange, last week on monday, wednesday, friday and today, uppon waking the buzzing was strong, but after my shower, the buzzing was gone....
But whenever I go to sleep, even for short naps, the buzzing is back...
I took a mini-nap today around 6pm..like 10 mins, woke up, ears was buzzing.. I stand up and moved a bit, the buzzing has faded...luckily..
I have noticed that when i close my jaws and forcing a bit, it boosts the buzzing too...
I tried some rivotril last week and it puts me to sleep for 3-4 hrs but no changes on the buzzing...
Tonight i will try some nytol to sleep, I need to have a good rest...
I will try also a dental protector, to see if its a problem with my jaws...
Well sorry for the big message with all kind of informations..I just felt I needed to share it with peoples that lives the same thing!
My familly and friend knows that I'm struggling right now but they cannot really understand what I'm going trought.
Thanks for reading this, i feel a bit better right now..
First of all sorry for my english, french is my first language.
Im a 30yrs old man from montreal.
My tinitus has started friday 10th february this year...No Idea why.. was drinking a beer with a friend at home around 11pm..
When he left, I turned off the tv, and I realized that i was still hearing a buzzing sound. I went outside..the buzzing was still there.
I went to bed and tought, well, I'm tired, tomorow it'll be gone.
But no luck, that night i heard it until the morning..
I went to a doc a week later, everything seems fine, gave me sinus rince and nazonex for 5 days for good measure.. No effects..
I saw an ORL last week, has'nt found anything, just looked at my ears, told me to do an earing test and to come back see him with the results..
I went to an osteopath the same day, she told me that I was really stuck near my skull, and she could help me with that.. took 2 more appointments..
I am really depressed since..I cannot maintain my sleep because of the buzzing sound!! And it is hard to concentrate at work with that

I always think how fine my life was before, and how miserable I am right now..
At least i found some way to relax after work by listening some hair dryer sound over youtube, that somewhat masks the buzzing... Thats what i have been doing every night since the start of this nightmare...
But here is something strange, last week on monday, wednesday, friday and today, uppon waking the buzzing was strong, but after my shower, the buzzing was gone....
But whenever I go to sleep, even for short naps, the buzzing is back...
I took a mini-nap today around 6pm..like 10 mins, woke up, ears was buzzing.. I stand up and moved a bit, the buzzing has faded...luckily..
I have noticed that when i close my jaws and forcing a bit, it boosts the buzzing too...
I tried some rivotril last week and it puts me to sleep for 3-4 hrs but no changes on the buzzing...
Tonight i will try some nytol to sleep, I need to have a good rest...
I will try also a dental protector, to see if its a problem with my jaws...
Well sorry for the big message with all kind of informations..I just felt I needed to share it with peoples that lives the same thing!
My familly and friend knows that I'm struggling right now but they cannot really understand what I'm going trought.
Thanks for reading this, i feel a bit better right now..