4 Months Into Loud Tinnitus


Jan 6, 2018
Tinnitus Since
4 months
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi guys,

my name is David, im 27 and got "T" 4 months ago... I hear a very high pitch sound about 10.000 Hz that sometimes moves from my head to my rigth ear. I also have a static sound like from an empty tv channel in my left ear, but that's less strong and more manageable.

I can hear my "T" in the car, over TV, on a moderate loud street and even over normal music volume. Just the water seems to mask it completely...

The main sound is like the one produced by crickets but more electric so I literally feel like im a robot sometimes.

I exposed myself to loud music over years, but honestly I think it came due to stress since it was the hardest year of my life... I had to quit my stressful job, and came back home with my family.
Im going thru really hard times since everything seems like a challenge to me.

I loved silence and electric noises always made me nervous, now I have one in my head... I always loved life, was a very sociable and active person, but this seems to be impossible right now.

Honestly I don't want to give up and fight for what I once loved, but it seems so fkng hard. Got a little better since the beginning, but it still horrible to cope with... I'm doing acupuncture, yoga, massages, running sometimes, hot baths, swimming, lots of sleep but honestly I don't know if that will improve my condition in the long term.

Also taking zinc,ginkgo,b12,magnesium and lexatin for my anxiety...
Sometimes in the morning or after running and having a bath the sound gets much lower, but it lasts for 30 min max.

Otherwise its constantly loud except when I get a spike and it feels like im having acoustic hallucinations.

I dont know what kind of answer I expect, but I read this forum since a wile and most of you seem like great people.

Just wanted to join the comunity and share my experience and feelings I guess...

Have a great day!
Welcome to Tinnitus Talk @David90 .
I would have your hearing checked first thing.
Also have you started or stopped any medication ?
Love glynis
I loved silence and electric noises always made me nervous, now I have one in my head... I always loved life, was a very sociable and active person, but this seems to be impossible rigth now.

Hi @David90

You are in the early stages of tinnitus and although things are difficult for you at the moment life will get better in time. Silence is NOT good for tinnitus and I explain the reason in my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View. Please click on the links below and read my posts. Take your time and read them in full. Since your tinnitus is likely to have been caused by loud sounds (clubbing) I advise you to keep away from the clubs and not to use headphones even at low volume. More about this is explained below.

All the best



I can hear my "T" in the car, over TV, on a moderate loud street and even over normal music volume. Just the water seems to mask it completely...


I feel your pain as my T is similar, except I can often hear it under the shower too.

I exposed myself to loud music over years, but honestly I think it came due to stress since it was the hardest year of my life...

Noise damage is cumulative. The stress may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but the simplest explanation is just your exposure to loud music over the years. That's probably the main culprit.

Did you do a hearing test? If so what does your audiogram look like? (if you feel comfortable with posting it, please do so)

Good luck to you!
I always loved life, was a very sociable and active person, but this seems to be impossible rigth now.

Welcome to the forum. You have received great advice from above posters. I will just share with you my experience with ultra high pitch tinnitus which yours seem to be. But on top of that, I also have had severe hyperacusis. These two devils didn't like each other and when I did things to please one, the other would kill me for it. Gosh! I was in a mess initially but today I live a normal, happy and absolutely enjoyable life. You don't need to lose heart over your temporary difficulties. Good days will be back. Believe it. Take care. God bless.

Thanks a lot for your support!

I will definitely follow your recommendations...
Here I uploaded my hearing test, think my left ear is a bit above normal but I honestly think its a mistake since I hear perfect in boath!
Mine also started with moderate/strong hiperacusis, but that got better by 70% since the beginning so its not a big deal rigth now.
Im going to a psychiatrist tomorrow, but im not really sure if I should take antidepressants... Do you think they help? Any recommendations for one that doesnt make my "T" worst?
Is it still possible for my "T" to get better with time or even dissapear?

Have a great day;)


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Here I uploaded my hearing test, think my left ear is a bit above normal but I honestly think its a mistake since I hear perfect in boath!

You do seem to have sensorineural losses in the low frequencies in your left ear.
Your hearing loss pattern isn't typical of loud music exposure build up though: for one, you'd see similar losses in both left & right ears, and music losses tend to leave a notch around 4 kHz. Your audiogram doesn't look like that.

Something else could be going on: I suggest you brainstorm with your doctor about Endolymphatic Hydrops or Meniere's Disease to see if there is a potential fit.

Im going to a psychiatrist tomorrow, but im not really sure if I should take antidepressants... Do you think they help?

It's a personal choice. I went to a psy too, but I didn't take the antidepressants for a couple of reasons:
  1. I didn't want to risk a side effect in addition to an already crappy life experience
  2. I wasn't "feeling depressed": I felt my reaction was a very natural reaction from anyone with a very sane brain. I didn't feel like I had any imbalance or that my brain was not responding reasonably. So I didn't want to mess with that.
Any recommendations for one that doesnt make my "T" worst?

There is no safe meds unfortunately, especially ADs... you'll find quite a few reports on this forum about people claiming they got T from ADs. On you you can assess if the risk is worth it to you. It's a bit of a gamble really.

Is it still possible for my "T" to get better with time or even dissapear?

It's possible, but if I were in your shoes I wouldn't just "wait and see". There are things you could be trying, from simple dietary changes (cut down on salt, caffeine, sugar, chocolate...) to specific meds - depending on what the diagnosis is.

¡Buena suerte!
Welcome, David! I, too, am about 4 months into Tinnitus and experience cricket-like sounds. I've found this group to be very helpful already, as so many people with much more experience with this have a lot of suggestions to offer. Good luck!
I'm two months in got from ear infection and the 1 month I wanted to die, now the last 10 days every morning it almost goes away but comes back in the late afternoon like today I had silence till now I hope this continues on feb 5 go to University of Miami for audiologist and ent allready been to local neurologist and doctor and ent all say I'm in great shape I'm hoping this continues so I can be me again I'm almost there
David, i had same symptoms as you. During 1st 3 months I felt so anxiety ridden there was no way
to escape it. I have a professional technical job, it was hard. Guess what after 4 months my brain
starts to get attenuated to it and most times it doesnt bother me, even when i hear it. How to escape
from the anxiety ? I told myself "It is not cancer!" that calms me down. What medicine helps ?
I took some blood pressure lowering drug by my doctor, it seems to lowering the volume, allergy medicine
also lower it, as do beer and wine but i dont suggest you become an alcoholic. I am off the blood pressure med now
only take maintenance dosage occasionally. For sleep i used a low dosage Lorazepem pill that i cut into quarters, and thank God, by his grace, i sleep like a log most nights and fully energized all day. May God blesses you.

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