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40-Year-Old Mom and Wife with Severe Tinnitus


Jul 19, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus

I am a 40 year old mom and wife. I had 2.5 years of constant ear and nose fullness. I went to my GP multiple times, 4 ENTs, an allergist, rheumatologist, and neurologist. I have had scopes, x-rays, CT scans, an MRI, tons of bloodwork, and allergy testing (including food). I have been told nothing at all is wrong with my ears and nose?! I tried antibiotics, medrol packs, nasal sprays and rinses, and MANY other things with no relief. The medrol packs sometimes provided a little relief for a short time, but few docs are willing to give them long term due to the side effects, and they pretty much stopped working anyway after awhile.

Riding or driving in the car actually makes it worse, but I don't have any issues on planes. I have never had ear infections or swimmer's ear. I have dental issues from a fall, so I checked for TMJ, which was also not an issue. I have a history of immune issues, so I have been checked by a rheumatologist as well. I also have low B12 (a get monthly shots). I really don't feel dizzy or nauseous, though the doctors also tried meclizine, semprex d, singulair, and zofran. They even tried protonix in case there were reflux issues and migraine meds, even though I don't have headaches. Nothing helped at all!!!!

In March, my son got the flu and I ended up with the flu (both A and B strands). I was given tamiflu and a medrol pack (definitely not my first). During this time, I was worse than ever. My ears and nose were debilitating, plus I had massive fatigue. Literally, out of nowhere, a ringing/buzzing started in both ears. It has not stopped since. Not for even a second. It is very high pitched and sounds like a siren and crickets. I can hear it over everything. I cannot find any relief at all. Music, white noise, TV. Nothing helps. In fact, in some ways it makes it worse. I feel it in my entire head not just my ears and just don't feel "right."

I take ambien to help me sleep (but I had that issue already). I have also been given more meds since, including Xanax, Valium, vistaril, and neurontin. I have had no relief and it seems to be worsening. I am sure all the meds haven't helped matters, as some probably made things worse, but I was literally willing to try anything to get my life back.

I'm losing everything as I cannot take my son out as much as I did before and I feel I'm losing him a little more each day. I rarely go in the car anymore. I feel lost and scared. I feel alone. Frustrated. Angry. I am seeing a neuro-otologist next week but am losing hope as everyone keeps saying there is "no cure" and none of the doctors seem overly concerned except to try to help my mental health. I am obviously depressed and anxious, but I was not before this started. I just don't know how to keep up with my family feeling this badly. Resting does not even help. I don't listen to loud music. I don't drink. I eat well and drink lots of water. I'm just at a total loss.

I am also still having the underlying ear and nose fullness that nobody seems to be able to diagnose. I fear that not addressing that may have led to the tinnitus and now I'm scared it will never go away. I now have mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, but need to be re checked as it has been awhile since I was tested and I suspect it may be worse. The tinnitus has gotten increasingly worse in the past few weeks and I feel myself withdrawing and getting very impatient with my family. I am disconnected from my life. I try to re-join it but quickly realize I can't anymore. Even a short trip to the arcade makes me feel like I was going crazy. All the noises - I could still hear the tinnitus the whole time but the noises seemed to irritate it even more. The blow dryer even hurts. My ears actually kind of hurt - not an ache but more of a burn like you want to stick your fingers in them. Yet the docs say my ears are perfect.

I was so distressed one night, I went to the ER and they were very rude. They turned off all the monitoring equipment and refused to treat me, except to ask if I wanted to talk to a mental health professional. I have already seen a psychiatrist. I just want my life back!!!! I want a few minutes of peace. I am truly losing my mind from this sound!

Sorry for the lengthy intro. I am just not even sure what to do next. Every day is such a struggle and nobody around me seems to get it. They just go on, and seem to forget anything is wrong with me because I look fine. I believe in my heart that something caused this and that something is wrong with my ears and nose as they are STILL blocked. The tinnitus has made life truly unbearable though and I sadly have not found anything that calms it. Lately it seems worse on the left but I'm not sure. The sound is just intense in every way and no sound masks it.

Thank you to anyone who might be listening. I feel so very alone and scared. I can't go on like this!
Thanks for the hugs. Just wanted to quickly add that I was on low doses of all the meds listed and I'm relatively small (100 lbs). I tried going off everything at one point but felt more anxious. Most of these drugs seem to be ototoxic as well?! I feel like I'm having a spike and can barely think or type. Anyway, thanks again for listening.
Without any obvious triggers, it is difficult to say what caused your onset of tinnitus. There are still a number of medical conditions where the diagnosis is best understood via "patient history" as opposed to an attempt at an objective diagnosis. This may include tinnitus and autoimmune disease. For instance, autoimmune disease may occur in the slipstream of an infection or due to pregnancy. Although the correlation may not be immediately obvious, there may well be signs which become clearer with added knowledge (in retrospect).

I am seeing a neuro-otologist next week but am losing hope as everyone keeps saying there is "no cure" and none of the doctors seem overly concerned except to try to help my mental health.
Indeed in the year 2017, the main mission of an ENT is to rule out anything serious as opposed to ruling anything in with regards to something treatable. This can definitely lead to frustration. No doubt about it.
something is wrong with my ears and nose as they are STILL blocked
OK, this might have been addressed by your ENT, but blocked Eustachian Tubes have been known to cause fullness feeling in the ears and can cause Tinnitus, you can try this device. I have it and it really does open the tubes and relive the fullness. It's called an Eustachi - Eustachian Tube Exerciser. It was well worth the $60 after only a couple of uses for me.

Hi LB88:

I read your post, can empathize and understand your complete frustration and anxiety and your wonderment at how all these medical professionals can neither pinpoint the possible cause of your T and other symptoms nor offer any help or relief. While you say you cannot understand how you got the tinnitus in addition to the 2 1/2 years of ear and nose fullness since you have not done anything harmful to your ears, is it at all possible that you might have been undergoing severe emotional stress during the period just prior to getting tinnitus? I ask this since I suspect I got tinnitus due to the extreme emotional stress I was under during a long period of time prior. Mine might also have been caused by a sinus infection but I doubt this since the tinnitus appeared way afterward. I really do attribute my T to stress.

I know that extreme emotional stress can be responsible for a multitude of ills and can never be overlooked, especially when there has been no correlation between incidents and ears.

I hope you will be able to get to the bottom of your physical quandary and find a solution for the symptoms you describe. Until then, try to relax as much as possible (oh I know.. far easier said than done) and it may well be that your tinnitus will pass. It is possible, after all. Please keep us posted.

Sending my best wishes,
i am also 40 but not a mom - almost a wife, and i can imagine how this impacts you because even without the responsibilities you have i was losing my mind with the ringing and sounds. felt like a burden on my future husband. i had etd earlier this year and not sure if that may have had something to do with the onset or if it was the loud music i use at the gym. i just don't know. mine has calmed down a lot but what really helped me is NOT STRESSING about the noise. you get caught in something called "the loop" where tinnitus causes stress, which causes more tinnitus and then more stress.
Thank you all so much for the comments. I am feeling very low these days. I'm scared I will never be "ok" again. I feel like a burden too. I want my old life back. It's funny how I felt more hope when I was getting all of the tests. I was actually a little sad when they came back normal every time. I know that sounds crazy. I don't want something to be wrong, but at the same time I want something they can fix!

I go up and down with being calm but some days I just can't!!! I am still trying but the sound is incessant. I will definitely ask about ETD. It's odd that none of the ENTs have addressed that as a possible issue. I know that staying calm is the best thing...it's funny how hard it can be though! I truly feel hopeless. I do hope the best for all of us. This is a scary thing.
I truly feel hopeless
Please see this page from the authors of this site.


Especially helpful is the second paragraph when they state for the vast majority of Tinnitus sufferers it is only a temporary condition. It just takes a long time for it to fade. Stay positive and I'm sure everything will be fine.
I'm really scared today. Not sure what to do. I'm currently in a state of fear I can't even describe. I cannot find anything at all that will calm it! I am letting my family down and I don't want to give up, but I have tried so many meds and tests. Nothing is working. Does anything help anyone!?!? I feel prednisone helped some in the beginning. Neurontin (100 mg) seemed to help at first. Vistaril and a few others calmed me a little, but didn't really do anything for the sound itself. Now I'm scared of all meds because I'm afraid of making it worse. When I tried stopping them all, things "seemed" to worsen. I'm waiting to find someone to talk to before totally stopping again. I have to say I'm amazed at the lack of help with drug interactions and tapering, at least in my area.

I'm just lost! I used to read, watch tv, listen to music. I think I've probably always had a little anxiety, but this is truly an out of body feeling. I can't think enough to come up with a plan. I just keep thinking - get through the day and go to sleep. I am not necessarily trying to, but I'm barely eating. Not on purpose at all. It's like I forget to. I was really hungry when I first stared the prednisone and neurontin, but not anymore. I just don't know what to do. I'm sure there is another place on the forum about this, but when it gets so bad and you don't know if you should cry or scream, what do you do? My family still needs me and we don't have much help unfortunately. I am just NOT ok and I'm trying so hard to cope. I've had troubles in my life, but why is THIS one getting to me so much??? I'm petrified this is it. Forever. I started to cry reading to my son last night because I couldn't take the sound of my own voice!!!! Please any advice at all. If there's somewhere better to post let me know. I'm still new to this. Thank you all.
I'm really scared today. Not sure what to do. I'm currently in a state of fear I can't even describe. I cannot find anything at all that will calm it! I am letting my family down and I don't want to give up, but I have tried so many meds and tests. Nothing is working. Does anything help anyone!?!? I feel prednisone helped some in the beginning. Neurontin (100 mg) seemed to help at first. Vistaril and a few others calmed me a little, but didn't really do anything for the sound itself. Now I'm scared of all meds because I'm afraid of making it worse. When I tried stopping them all, things "seemed" to worsen. I'm waiting to find someone to talk to before totally stopping again. I have to say I'm amazed at the lack of help with drug interactions and tapering, at least in my area.

I'm just lost! I used to read, watch tv, listen to music. I think I've probably always had a little anxiety, but this is truly an out of body feeling. I can't think enough to come up with a plan. I just keep thinking - get through the day and go to sleep. I am not necessarily trying to, but I'm barely eating. Not on purpose at all. It's like I forget to. I was really hungry when I first stared the prednisone and neurontin, but not anymore. I just don't know what to do. I'm sure there is another place on the forum about this, but when it gets so bad and you don't know if you should cry or scream, what do you do? My family still needs me and we don't have much help unfortunately. I am just NOT ok and I'm trying so hard to cope. I've had troubles in my life, but why is THIS one getting to me so much??? I'm petrified this is it. Forever. I started to cry reading to my son last night because I couldn't take the sound of my own voice!!!! Please any advice at all. If there's somewhere better to post let me know. I'm still new to this. Thank you all.
@LB88 I can relate to many of the things you're saying - feeling disconnected, losing weight. Wanting my life back. As can so many here. I was eating a piece of corn on the cob this week and the sound of my chewing was driving me crazy! But I just ignored it and kept eating. I think we have to become queens of ignoring things - which actually has good implications for many other distressing things in life, right? Did you say you're seeing an neuro-otologist next week? You mentioned a psychiatrist - do you have one or a regular MD who can prescribe an anti-depressant or you can at least talk about one perhaps. I see a Cognitive-Based Therapist and he's really helpful for giving me options. What you need are options because trust me, this panic will pass and you will feel better. Can you give yourself the gift of 5 minutes when you don't think about your T? Or even one minute? Sometimes when I get panicky, I do some deep breathing or try to meditate. Or my new thing is a cocktail - 2 tablespoons tart cherry juice extract and a shot of vodka. The juice is supposed to be a natural source of melatonin and the vodka just helps it along.

What else helps me? Going for a walk, getting outside. Watching a comedy on TV that makes me laugh. Reading the Success Stories and Positivity Threads here.

I am so sorry you're going through this. I've said the same thing to my husband - my life is over. He looks at me like I'm nuts and says you're life is not over. And you know what, he's right! Based on what you're feeling right now, you can't make a far out assumption like that. Cause it'll pass. The best thing to do right now is relax, take a Xanax or whatever you need to get you through this rough patch. Feel free to message me if you want and I'll help you come up with some solutions. Hang in there hon, xoxo Rosemary
Thank you. It helps so much to not feel totally alone!!! I am trying to find just one thing that calms me for 5 min even like you said. I'm nervous for my appt Monday with the neuro otologist as I tend to get my hopes up and then feel devastated after each appt. I don't have anyone consistent for therapy but do need to find someone soon as I just can't go on like this. Thank you all!!
@LB88 - I hope you can get some answers and find relief soon. Sending best wishes.
It helps so much to not feel totally alone!!!

Welcome. You are not alone. It is funny, before I found this site I felt totally isolated and alone. No-one I spoke with understood how debilitating tinnitus can be. The people here are extremely supportive, knowledgeable, and helpful; and most important: understanding and sympathetic. Hopefully, the knowledge that you are not the only one suffering from this, and the ability to connect with people who can truly understand your suffering, will help you cope. It is miserable, but at least we are not alone in our struggle.
@LB88 - How are you feeling? Have you found a therapist yet? Please let us know how you are doing.
Thank you for checking in. I'm not doing so good. Actually that is an understatement. I saw the doctor and it was a total bust.

I feel like I have no plan and I need a plan. The hissing just won't stop. Hissing and ringing and crickets/cicadas!!!! It never stops. I am reading more and starting to think I might have caused this. I have been on and off Valium and Xanax for many years. I rarely take them and never take the full prescribed dose, but now I'm reading they can cause tinnitus and so can withdrawal. I haven't stopped them but I don't take them regularly. To be honest, they haven't helped in so long, I rarely think to take them. Now, I just want off everything. My doctor seems to think this might not be the best time to do that though.

I'm scared to go outside. I feel like I'm scared of everything. Noise. Silence. Eating. Water. TV. Music.

I'm also angry. I don't mean to be but I feel angry because everything just goes on like nothing changed but my whole world has changed. I try to cry and used to cry all the time. In fact, I've always thought a good cry was cleansing. Now I can't even cry. I miss all the things I used to enjoy and can't anymore. I feel out of control. I know it is very possible the meds caused it but why so out of the blue?! So many years and nothing. I don't even know why I kept taking them when they were doing nothing!! Do I stop them? Did I cause this? I'm confused. I am supposed to pack for a trip and I don't even think I can go.

Thank you so much for any help/advice!!!!
I don't have anyone consistent for therapy but do need to find someone soon

Hi LB88 - I am glad you are staying in touch. Although I understand you are suffering and in need of relief I urge you to try to keep calm, not only for yourself and your husband but most importantly for your young son who needs you. You are trying your best to seek help and you need patience but blaming yourself because you think you may have caused the tinnitus will only create further anxiety and depression. There can be a myriad of reasons why you or any one of us get tinnitus and it can be difficult to pinpoint what is responsible. I feel it is far more important right now to concentrate on remaining calm and reducing your stress level as much as possible. The burden of additional stress can only serve to exacerbate any condition.

Even though you mention that you have a doctor and have been on and off medications, you indicated that you want to find a therapist soon. This would be wise and perhaps the therapist would place you on a suitable anti-anxiety medication which would help you. Apparently you are taking some medication now since you mentioned your present doctor does not feel this is the right time for you to stop taking what was prescribed. He apparently thinks it is unwise to stop now since he has assessed your psychological state and I think you should listen to his advice. I understand you may be fearful of these medications in that you think they may have caused your tinnitus but you do need to lessen your stress and such a medication would be very useful right now. In the distant past I had been prescribed an antidepressant as well as valium and xanax for major depression (I didn't have tinnitus then) and I did not get tinnitus from these. However, I do realize that each person's chemistry differs. Again, there can be so many reasons why a person goes on to develop tinnitus... that to scrutinize each and every action and/or medication you have taken, will only add to your extreme amxiety and you may never know the cause.

You have been to many doctors, undergone a multitude of tests and so far (thankfully) nothing serious has been found. I understand your dilemma since you desperately want answers and relief but should your recent severe tinnitus spike remain -- and this may not be the case -- I would urge you to take heart and know there are many people in this forum who are here to help you through the rough patches. Those people have the sounds of tinnitus you have described and in time have managed to habituate and go on to lead happy and productive lives despite their tinnitus. I am older and have no idea whatsoever how I got tinnitus although I suspect it was from suffering severe emotional distress over a period of time or perhaps from a long-ago sinus infection. Whatever the cause, I have tinnitus all the time and know it is a difficult malady to become accustomed. I find that when I become engrossed in something I pay no mind to it at all. When I actively listen to it, of course, I am aware it is there but we can not permit it to dominate our lives and stifle our joy.

You mentioned you were going on a trip but weren't sure you wanted to go. I hope this is intended for some good occasion. If so... maybe this is just what you need - a diversion which will serve as a little respite from worry.
Some times one little positive change can bring on others.

I think more important than knowing the cause of one's tinnitus is our attitude about it which will ultimately shape how we react. Please spend some time reading the many success stories and the positivity thread as I know you will benefit from these and feel as encouraged and hopeful as I did when I first became a member. Keep us posted.

Sending good wishes,
Thank you - I am reading and listening and trying hard to be positive. I'm not sure why but it just seems to be worse than ever right now. I'm very fearful of getting on a plane. I've never had trouble before but have not been on one since the tinnitus started and I get massive issues from pressure changes in the car. I am trying to stay strong for my son. I called my primary doc and psych today and both are on vacation. Ugh!! I was hoping for a referral to a therapist. I would like someone who has some experience with tinnitus patients if at all possible. Is that important? I basically had one doc tell me to stop all meds and one say to hold off. I think stopping all at once right now would not be wise. I need to taper at least and find something to help me get through this.

There is just NO let up - I don't even have a second. Is there a hotline that anyone has called before? There is truly nobody in my life that understands and I'm so scared.
@LB88 - I'm sorry you are still not experiencing any relief. Hopefully when both your GP and psychiatrist return from their vacations, you can contact them and you will get some help.

I have no idea of the medications and dosages you are taking but I do know from my own personal experience that if you are taking meds regularly, it would be unwise to stop them suddenly as many can cause withdrawal. In the distant past when I was diagnosed with major clinical depression (not having anything to do with tinnitus since it was 30 years prior) I was prescribed an antidepressant and both Xanax and valium. When I stopped seeing my psychiatrist I foolishly decided to suddenly stop taking both the Xanax and valium and this caused withdrawal symptoms and was very difficult; I then learned my lesson. I would caution you not to just stop taking your medications all at once but rather.. wisely do so with a doctor's advisement and he will most likely have you taper off very gradually to avoid any negative effects. Since you are under such severe stress presently, perhaps it would be wise to continue taking them (I assume it is an anti-anxiety medication) until which time you can consult your psychiatrist. Again, I am not a medical professional in a position to tell you what you should do... only to say what I have done in the past and what I would do given the situation now.

As for making plane trips, I suggest you can look at the posts under "flying and tinnitus" in the search bar and see what others have posted since I have no experience with this issue. When you read these posts, you will see some people use earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. I don't know anything about a tinnitus hotline but you can do a search in your area to see if one exists.

I'm glad you are reading many posts and try to concentrate on the many success stories. Please do not lose hope. Members here do understand and I hope you will have some improvement soon. Take care and keep posting.

I am reading more and starting to think I might have caused this. I have been on and off Valium and Xanax for many years. I rarely take them and never take the full prescribed dose, but now I'm reading they can cause tinnitus and so can withdrawal.
In that case, it sounds more like your prescribing physicians caused it. I believe there is possibly some (anecdotal) evidence of benzos causing tinnitus from a cold turkey. Regardless, I am generally disappointed by the number of people (in terms of a population percentage) who take benzos. My main question is why???



Attached is some (old) literature on the subject.


  • Protracted Withdrawal Syndromes From Benzodiazepines (1991).pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 26
I believe there is possibly some (anecdotal) evidence of benzos causing tinnitus from a cold turkey.

As I had mentioned in my post..... 30 years ago when I had stopped seeing my psychiatrist I very foolishly suddenly stopped taking both Xanax and valium when what I should have done was to gradually taper off when I was still under his care (I had stopped taking the antidepressant while still seeing the doctor). Stopping these anti-anxiety medications without the advice and guidance of the prescribing doctor is inadvisable. I did not get tinnitus as a result but what I DID have happen... was terrible withdrawal. I took 5 mg. valium 3 x daily and the lowest dosage of Xanax 3 x daily. At the time when I was still seeing the psychiatrist, I noticed that when I tried to skip taking both of these even one time during the day I became extremely nervous and jumpy so I had to finally take them both. The belief by some that addiction can only occur when the dosage of valium is 15 mg. 3 x daily is taken for a while was surely not the case with me. I, having taken no medication whatsoever prior to this... somehow became "addicted" and HAD to take these 3 x daily without fail or I began pacing and becoming very nervous.

I don't believe it is ever a wise decision to take oneself off prescribed medications (without a consult with the physician) especially if they are known to be addictive.

Why do people take these meds? If they trust their doctors, are in a state of extreme desperation, anxiety and need relief.. they agree to take them.
I also took the meds under the care of a trusted physician during a difficult time for myself and my family. I have not stopped the Xanax or Valium, only the medrol and neurontin, which had been newly prescribed for the tinnitus (but I have since re-started them based on advice from my GP). In any case, I do wish I had known more about the benzos sooner and weaned off them as now is not the best time...though I hope to be able to start very soon.

I have been to the ER twice since I last posted. I had severe nausea and debilitating headaches. Not even really a headache and definitely not a migraine. Nothing I can really describe. My whole skull hurt and throbbed down my neck. These symptoms lasted 4 days. I'm finding myself off balance and my hearing is muffled. I called the neuro-otologist. He told me to go to the ER (which I had already done) and that he can no longer help me.

I'm scared that my hearing is worsening and nobody has re-checked it in awhile. The ER did give me anti-nausea and vertigo meds, but that's all. I am worried it could be signs of Menieres? Has anyone heard of the vertigo attacks coming later? My ears were muffled for a few days (tinnitus still there), but now the tinnitus is back in FULL force. Louder than ever. I'm scared and have no docs left to see, though I feel they need to at least consider menieres now??? I actually thought the sound was lessening and I had a little hope even though I was so very sick!!
I'm scared that my hearing is worsening and nobody has re-checked it in awhile. The ER did give me anti-nausea and vertigo meds, but that's all. I am worried it could be signs of Menieres?

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing these new troubling physical symptoms. I see there are very many posts about menieres in this forum so query this in the search bar, read them and perhaps you may be able to gain some insight and be helped by what other posters have said.

If I were you I would return to the GP and insist he refer you to some new specialist(s) who can determine exactly what your current health problems are and explain that you are now experiencing a tremendous amount of physical discomfort and stress as a result. Due to your severe stress, this could possibly account for the tinnitus increase. Unrelenting stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on our physical and emotional being. I believe I actually got tinnitus as a result of extremely high stress and agitation for a prolonged period of time so I never discount this as being a contributor to increasing the volume and intensity of tinnitus.

I hope you are able to soon find much needed answers. Keep us posted.

Wishing you well.
Hello LB88, I am 43 years old, and a mom,AND I'm dealing with this same crap,too! It started in on me just over a week ago now. It constantly screams in my ears, it's distracting and I have a hard time concentrating. I also have severe anxiety and I can tell you,sweetie, it makes it A LOT worse. Trust what these guys say, they've experienced it just like we have and gotten past it and gotten their lives back. One of the best things I've found to do in dealing with the early stages (when you're going to be the most effected by it) is to distract yourself. I know it's hard because you keep noticing it over and over, but if you keep thinking about it constantly it will get worse because anxiety over it will increase the ringing. I also have the chirping and buzzing, it's so distracting I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind, but then I have to remember to calm down and find something to distract you from it. Also if you stay on the computer a lot searching for help and info on how this happened you'll just get more worried and scared. Trust me, it's what I've been doing and it doesn't help, just scares you.
Get up from the computer or laptop or cellphone and get outside.Go for a walk. I sat outside and watched my neighbor mow his lawn yesterday, it was a good distraction and it helped for a little while. I have also noticed my ears feeling muffled sometimes, I think it happens when it calms down a little, our ears are sensitive to sound and the loud ringing causes them to feel that way. Kind of like when you've been to a concert and your ears sound muffled afterwards. I have also had attacks of vertigo, I feel wobbly, like I can't walk straight. I think the loud ringing is confusing our brains and making us feel strange. I believe what they say that our brains will get used to it over time and it will seem like its not there, but until then, things are going to be weird for us. There are times when I think it may be a lot less but as soon as I think about it again (checking it, paying attention to it) it comes on even stronger. You will get through this. You will survive.Go hold your child, hugs help a lot.
I agree. The anxiety is definitely not helping and is it an awful loop. The worse the tinnitus gets, the more anxious I get, and then the tinnitus gets even worse!! I just find myself in a panic that I will never be the same again. I will never be ME again. I find myself unable to enjoy anything. Very little distracts me so far but I'm trying. I also have that awful kind where sounds don't mask it but make it worse, or at least my brain perceives it as worse. I find myself avoiding things a lot. I also worry because I do still have these other symptoms like the ear fullness, and now nausea/dizziness, motion sickness, headaches. I also have more trouble with water in my ears from showers which I never had before in my life. I know I need to learn to deal with this and I know it's not life threatening, but having a consistent doctor supporting me and monitoring it would help a lot.

Also- I hate to say it but my family just doesn't get it. I think they try but as we all know life goes on and since I "seem" fine, they forget or get annoyed with me. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel horrible inside and lonely too. I don't know how to help my husband see. He has more on his plate now so he's stressed which seems to be his main concern which is sad. I don't want to burden my child. He's just too young but I'm definitely left out with very little support system. I think it's all just too much. I wanted to get better so bad for them but now I'm not so sure I'm ever going to get better. At least not the way I was before. It's so hard to face that.
The biggest problem with T is you can't see it.So we don't know who has it and who doesn't.Our family can't see it or percieve it so unless they are dealing with it too, there is no way they can understand what it's like.My husband also has it because he grew up on a farm and drove a tractor since he was five years old.So I can talk about it with him.

The good thing is we have this forum to come to and talk with people dealing with this too.My husband isn't too good with encouraging or positiveness so here I am! This is a really scary thing and having others to talk to really helps.I also have the fun kind where sounds make it worse.I've tried masking it but the more I try and listen to something else to cover it the louder it gets.It screaches so loud I can hear it over the mask sounds.

When its really loud I have to go to a quiet room with no sounds and watch a quiet video on my cell phone.I have to turn the sound down real low.I like going out side but if its screaming too loud I can't stand the bug sounds. They make it get worse.I can hear it over them.

At night I go into our bathroom where its real quiet to sit with my phone and try to get it to calm down a little before I go to bed.I have neck problems and my tinnitus is because of that, when my neck is swelled more the T is worse.I can't take a normal shower so I can wash my hair because the warm water makes my neck swell up and makes the T scream like crazy for the rest of the day.I take baths and wash my hair once a week in cold water.

Doctors for some reason don't really care too much for anything like T.Meds don't work on it very well so they aren't interested in it.Most doctors aren't interested in support anyways because they're too busy running people through like cattle.

Real support comes from people who have gone through the same thing and so they understand.
@LB88, I'm very petite and was prescribed ativan for anxiety years ago when my son's appendix ruptured. It took only 2 weeks taking it everyday to get addicted to it. When my son was out of danger after two weeks I stopped taking it then I went crazy with the anxiety.

I needed to continue taking it. But the one pill of .5 mgs wasn't enough. I was okay for maybe 5 hours and then it would wear off and I would go crazy with anxiety again.

Did you read Bobbie7's post where she said if she didn't take her dose of xanax and valium 3 times daily she became nervous and started pacing?

You said in one of your posts you rarely take your medicine and you do not take the prescribed amount. How often do you take it? You might be having withdrawal symptoms and that's why you feel okay sometimes and then not. To get off of ativan I was given clonazepan for a few months and then weaned off of it a few months. 1mg took all my anxiety away for the whole day. For your ears and nose I would take a steroid nasal spray like flonase or nasacort once or twice a day and an antihistamine like zyrtec.

It has helped me alot with ear pressure, stuffy nose and hissing in the ears. Especially the antihistamine!! If that doesn't take the nose stuffiness away than add some saline spray. Hopefully if you can find something to help with your anxiety all day long your ears will quiet down also. I know it tough the ringing etc. in the ears and head.

If not for a benzo that calmed mine down alot, I would have went crazy.

I haven't taken anything for over a month and still have a few bad days but mostly good now.

And if you take the antihistamine late afternoon it will help you sleep at night. A good sleep, not feeling drugged.

Also if you have a headache because of sinus pressure take a ibuprofen. It has taken my pressure headache away plus lowered the T.
@LB88, I understand your frustrations. Loud hissing is tough. I have it very bad upon awakening...terrible way to start out a day. I take some zolpidem and valium too. Sometimes gabapentin/clonazepam works. Also trying Lipoflavonoids plus the night version with melatonin. I found this website recently. I hope you find some relief.
Thanks for the link! So, I got on a plane for the first time since the T started and I am having the worst spike ever!

I made an appt to see my doc to discuss the Xanax and Valium in full detail because it says to take "as needed" for anxiety. I will get to the bottom of it very soon.

@mabear73, I understand how you feel. This is FAR from easy. We are all lucky to have each other.
Is this post still going? I am going through this right now! How are you doing LB88?

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