- Nov 1, 2016
- 24
- Tinnitus Since
- 29/8/16
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Gig/Etd retracted full eardrum
Hello everyone my name is Reece
I'm a barber and 28, I've had tinnitus on and off for years from my previous job as a touring musician, for the last 3 years since stopping playing ive not thought for one second about tinnitus, I'm pretty sure I had some low level ringing there but it didn't affect me and I didn't hear it!
My ears have been troublesome since I was a kid , had grommets and also had perforated ear drums twice, once when I was 15 then again 3 years ago. The most recent one due to having in ear monitors fitted and the guy injectong the moulding paste too quick.
Now why I'm here is because 3 years of no ear troubles since perhaps made me complacent and I went to reading festival for 1 day this year without earplugs , I don't know why I did as I always wear them indoors at gigs!
I watched the 1975 headline and a bass boom went through my ears and the next kick drum made my right ear rattle almost so I spent the rest of the gig with my finger plugging my ear!
Had the usual dull hearing on the walk to the car , got home fell asleep but woke up to a bit of buzzing and ringing , didn't panic because I've had this before and it settled, the next day I woke up and was relieved that things were normal and my ears fealt ok!! But the next morning I woke to find my ears feeling blocked and wet inside almost and ringing more audible, my ears were sore and had a feeling of a head cold, gp said I had a viral infection and Eustachian tube dysfunction because of that , then specialist said I had a retracted right ear drum and it looked dull with fluid , now let me be clear I can no longer hear ringing unless the room is silent and I relax totally , but sleeping without pink noise would be a challenge , it's been 9 weeks of this shit now and although I've had good weeks , where I felt positive and I didn't look for it etc this week so far is back to panic attacks, crying , mourning my life before this all happened . If I look for it it's there still in my right and when I get stressed i get it in the left.
Anyone else had etd for 9 weeks and does the ringing go or at least go back to its previous non bothering level after the ear returns to normal , don't get me wrong the blockage is much better but it's still not right and my ear drum still looks dull according to my ent, I can still feel there is some
Mucus or fluid in my tube aswell.
Sorry for the essay but it's nice to get it off my chest
I'm a barber and 28, I've had tinnitus on and off for years from my previous job as a touring musician, for the last 3 years since stopping playing ive not thought for one second about tinnitus, I'm pretty sure I had some low level ringing there but it didn't affect me and I didn't hear it!
My ears have been troublesome since I was a kid , had grommets and also had perforated ear drums twice, once when I was 15 then again 3 years ago. The most recent one due to having in ear monitors fitted and the guy injectong the moulding paste too quick.
Now why I'm here is because 3 years of no ear troubles since perhaps made me complacent and I went to reading festival for 1 day this year without earplugs , I don't know why I did as I always wear them indoors at gigs!
I watched the 1975 headline and a bass boom went through my ears and the next kick drum made my right ear rattle almost so I spent the rest of the gig with my finger plugging my ear!
Had the usual dull hearing on the walk to the car , got home fell asleep but woke up to a bit of buzzing and ringing , didn't panic because I've had this before and it settled, the next day I woke up and was relieved that things were normal and my ears fealt ok!! But the next morning I woke to find my ears feeling blocked and wet inside almost and ringing more audible, my ears were sore and had a feeling of a head cold, gp said I had a viral infection and Eustachian tube dysfunction because of that , then specialist said I had a retracted right ear drum and it looked dull with fluid , now let me be clear I can no longer hear ringing unless the room is silent and I relax totally , but sleeping without pink noise would be a challenge , it's been 9 weeks of this shit now and although I've had good weeks , where I felt positive and I didn't look for it etc this week so far is back to panic attacks, crying , mourning my life before this all happened . If I look for it it's there still in my right and when I get stressed i get it in the left.
Anyone else had etd for 9 weeks and does the ringing go or at least go back to its previous non bothering level after the ear returns to normal , don't get me wrong the blockage is much better but it's still not right and my ear drum still looks dull according to my ent, I can still feel there is some
Mucus or fluid in my tube aswell.
Sorry for the essay but it's nice to get it off my chest