I have had hearing loss at 4k and tinnitus to match it since I was exposed to loud white noise while sleeping bad in April. It took a while to start habituating but since the AM101 trial failed and I lost hope of a near term cure it has accelerated quite a lot. I have gone from thinking about my T 2000 times per day to around 50. My emotions around it have also settled down a lot. It never keeps me from sleeping or wakes me up. That being said my T itself hasn't changed. It is primarily in my right ear (although it spreads around a bit) and is always there if I think about it.
Yesterday morning I was awakened at 7am by sudden tinnitus in my "good" left ear that was 2-3x stronger than anything my right ear had ever produced. I managed to sleep again but when I woke in a few hours my left ear felt muffled and dead. I used the frequency slider on notchtherapy.com to do a self test and discovered that my ability to hear 2300->3500hz was almost gone! I have never had hearing loss in that range before. This was a case of sudden onset hearing loss! Lucky for me I read this forum and know what that means. I got myself to an ENT immediately and did an audiograph that showed a big difference from the one I did 3 months ago. Within 6 hours of onset I was on steroids and blood dilation drugs. There is an MRI scheduled for Tues (4 days away, first appt we could get). The doctor said if I hadn't acted so quickly the hearing loss would have been permanent.
It is now 24 hours since the incident first happened and I am happy to report that my "good" ear seems like it has gone back to normal baseline. I had an (irrational) hope that the drugs would also help my 4 month old T... but that hasn't changed. Still I am grateful that the new tone and loss from yesterday is gone. It would have been quite a bit harder to habituate to.
Yesterday morning I was awakened at 7am by sudden tinnitus in my "good" left ear that was 2-3x stronger than anything my right ear had ever produced. I managed to sleep again but when I woke in a few hours my left ear felt muffled and dead. I used the frequency slider on notchtherapy.com to do a self test and discovered that my ability to hear 2300->3500hz was almost gone! I have never had hearing loss in that range before. This was a case of sudden onset hearing loss! Lucky for me I read this forum and know what that means. I got myself to an ENT immediately and did an audiograph that showed a big difference from the one I did 3 months ago. Within 6 hours of onset I was on steroids and blood dilation drugs. There is an MRI scheduled for Tues (4 days away, first appt we could get). The doctor said if I hadn't acted so quickly the hearing loss would have been permanent.
It is now 24 hours since the incident first happened and I am happy to report that my "good" ear seems like it has gone back to normal baseline. I had an (irrational) hope that the drugs would also help my 4 month old T... but that hasn't changed. Still I am grateful that the new tone and loss from yesterday is gone. It would have been quite a bit harder to habituate to.