Its really tough being younger with T and h, when most people my age go to bars and clubs every weekend you either choose to risk it or end up kind of left out. I've been still exposing myself to a lot of sound but with earplugs and i would say that for the most part ive protected myself fine, but there have been specific incidents where my earplugs may not have fit well or ive stayed to longin a venue and its really had an impact.
Ive now stopped going clubbing and im just sticking to quite bars, to be honest im committing to a big lifestyle change now because all of my symptoms are progressing at an unmanageable rate.
The whole'is it safe or not' debate is flawed in that every case of T and H are different. People react differently to sound and other factors.
I would suggest however that if you are experiencing ear pain (pain coming on without sound present), Hyperacusis, distorted/muffled hearing and hot inflamed ears then you have done some damage to your auditory nerve and I believe this kind of ear issue will progress the more you expose yourself to sound, there is no question about it. I think that people whos T doesnt progress as they expose themselves to sound have in issue with there hair cells rather than the nerves. This could be a cold hard truth.
I'm pretty sure though that if you gie the nerve long enough (maybe 1 or 2 years) then it can heal to some extent and maybe your threshold for damage will increase and you will have more resilience to sound.
Here are some pictures of me clubbing with ear plugs- again, it can be done but be aware that if your T is from some damage to your nerve that you are running a risk.
Me covertly putting in an earplug....
With my freinds and my brother i have earplugs in even at my own flat party (plug up whenever it gets loud dont risk it)
Bright blue earplugs, don't care about how i look with them in (neither do they
Ive now stopped going clubbing and im just sticking to quite bars, to be honest im committing to a big lifestyle change now because all of my symptoms are progressing at an unmanageable rate.
The whole'is it safe or not' debate is flawed in that every case of T and H are different. People react differently to sound and other factors.
I would suggest however that if you are experiencing ear pain (pain coming on without sound present), Hyperacusis, distorted/muffled hearing and hot inflamed ears then you have done some damage to your auditory nerve and I believe this kind of ear issue will progress the more you expose yourself to sound, there is no question about it. I think that people whos T doesnt progress as they expose themselves to sound have in issue with there hair cells rather than the nerves. This could be a cold hard truth.
I'm pretty sure though that if you gie the nerve long enough (maybe 1 or 2 years) then it can heal to some extent and maybe your threshold for damage will increase and you will have more resilience to sound.
Here are some pictures of me clubbing with ear plugs- again, it can be done but be aware that if your T is from some damage to your nerve that you are running a risk.
Me covertly putting in an earplug....
Bright blue earplugs, don't care about how i look with them in (neither do they