I am now wondering if acid reflux is the cause of my recent spike! And sound sensitivity!
Here is my recent history. I went to an ENT with a complaint of fullness in the left ear and my spike in tinnitus. I also complained of a drainage down my throat with at at least SEEMED to me as a layman that it was from sinuses.
She totally dismissed the drainage. I had significant hearing loss in my left ear but of course I am a stupid male and have not had my hearing tested in centuries so she had nothing to go on other than the significant difference to my right ear. She put me on a round of steroids and diagnosed me with possible Meniere's Disease. The steroids caused me to hiccup a bit but other than that no side effects. They also gave me a coarse voice.
I went back to get a second opinon from her colleague. He was such an a-hole. I asked about the drainage issue. He said it is acid reflux. But I was having no other symptoms other than the "drainage". I was not sleeping and not thinking well so I guess I did not express myself well. He got real ambivalent and said well if you are not going to take the medication I am not going to prescribe it. I should have asked more questions but just walked out.
I should have just listened to him because in the past 2 weeks, I am starting to notice the real effects of acid reflux. I have a burning and tightness in my throat. I am burping almost all of the time now. I should have said OK I will take the damn meds!
I go to a different ENT on this Friday. I just hope it is not too late and that I did not damage to my throat.
For those that have had acid reflux, how long did it last for you? The burning feeling has been about two weeks for me now.
I am just wondering if I had acid reflux way back from the first ENT???
Oh and the fullness? Finally diagnosed that myself. Hyperacusis. Which I mentioned to 3 ENTs. Not one of them considered it as an issue. I did some research and found your ear has a muscle that will help protect it from loud sounds. Sometimes that muscle over reacts and tightens. This causes the feeling of fullness... I noticed that the fullness only seemed to occur when there was noise. If I covered my ears or there was no noise the symptoms would go away.
And the other possibility is my acid reflux is a cause of the stress of my spike.
And I have been on Xanex which some say causes GERD and some say relives it so who knows.