No kidding. Bad enough I've been plagued for decades by "song stuck in head syndrome."I was a bit bothered by the idea that you were being haunted by the sounds

It's hard for me to remember to keep the neuromodulation to one hour with your musical audio because it truly fades out of my awareness when I'm working at the computer. Maybe it's a coincidence, but the last two nights, after alternating notched white rain audio and your ACRN, I only awoke once each night. It's usually 2 or 3 times. Also, for the first time in I can't remember how long, I am experiencing two mild days in a row. Usually after a mild day, the next day is up in the 8/10 range.
Hopefully it's not a fluke. Even if it changes tomorrow and reverts to its usual teeth-gnashing level, I'll continue for the entire three months. Can't thank you enough for this incredibly pleasing audio.