Thank you @gameover.How are you doing these days?
This is a crazy story (also a very well written one). One shot! And such a delayed onset.
One very loud shot! 157 dB! That's loud enough to rupture your eardrum! Followed by a loud hockey game and a loud rodeo show, probably peaking around 100 dB.
After 3 months of worsening and not improving, my hyperacusis seems to be getting slightly better. Some sounds are starting to feel less loud. Before small things like flipping a light switch were insanely and intolerably loud, but now is fairly tolerable (not back to normal yet though).
My tinnitus is fluctuating a lot throughout the day. Sometimes I can hear my tinnitus over a conversation and sometimes it gets so quiet I can barely hear it in a silent room. A couple of times I even had to put in earplugs to check if it's still there. It was like a fucking siren in the beginning. So there's that. I think I'm also getting more used to it and it's not causing me such insane mental distress, as it did in the beginning.
Been going on walks in nature every day without earplugs to build sound tolerance.
How are you doing these days?