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Acquiring a Positive Mindset

Michael Leigh

Feb 4, 2014
Brighton, UK
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise induced
Acquiring a positive mindset

A few people have contacted me and asked what do they need to do to be more positive, as they are finding it difficult even though they try not to think negatively when their tinnitus is intrusive. Others are wondering will they improve to the point where the tinnitus will remain low or go away completely and never be heard? Some are worried they might never habituate and this is causing some concern.

The habituation process can be complex and each person's journey through it will be unique to them. Most people do habituate and are able to carry on and lead a fulfilling life doing everything that they want to. However, it seems some people find this hard to believe and I understand this having habituated to tinnitus twice. On both occasions it required patience, determination and the belief that I would improve even at those times when I felt that I was at my lowest ebb.

Tinnitus can affect our emotions significantly and one must try to remember that. Anything that we can do to bring calm and relaxation into our life will usually have a beneficial effect and make it less intrusive. The opposite is true the more stressed we become as the noise will appear to be louder and more noticeable. Those new to tinnitus sometimes find this particularly difficult and if hyperacusis is present it can add to the dilemma. The whole process can became overwhelming at times but my advice, is to take things slowly and not to push too hard as this will put additional pressure on yourself that you really don't need it. Whenever difficult times arrive, try accentuating the positive things in your life and focusing on them as this will help maintain your resolve.

For a moment think of the brain as a computer and our thoughts are the software that helps to drive it to enable it to do certain tasks. If the software is not running smoothly and unfettered the computer will not operate correctly. Similarly, if our thoughts are constantly taken up with negative thinking this can eventually have a detrimental effect on our well-being. I am not suggesting never to feel negative about your tinnitus I am saying, try not to allow negativity to become all consuming. Again, this isn't easy especially in the early stages of tinnitus and takes time to learn but don't believe that it is unobtainable as this will instill negative thinking.

How many times have you come up against a problem that you have been unable to find a solution to? Given the chance to mull things over for a while or after a good night sleep can often be beneficial. By the next day as if by a miracle, you have discovered an answer or made the right decision about something of importance. I believe this happens because the mind is calm and less stressed. I have heard writers and people that work in the arts, say their best ideas and inspirations comes to them when they feel this way. It's as if the mind energy is able to expand and reach outwards tapping into some unknown source in the universe. I prefer to be more realistic and see it as when we are calm and relaxed, we are able to think more clearly and positively. Life will usually become easier and less problematic which has to be a good thing.

Whatever type of tinnitus you have, by this I mean the level of intrusiveness. Being able to think positively will have a beneficial effect by making its perception lower and the habituation process easier. Bringing positivity into your life takes time and isn't achieved overnight. To start this process of acquiring a more positive mindset, I suggest practicing deep relaxation and muscle exercises. When done regularly the benefits will soon be realized and you will surprise yourself at what you will be able to achieve. This form of therapy is often mentioned in tinnitus books to help people with the condition. Likewise Yoga and CBT Mindfulness classes can be helpful.

Deep relaxation and muscles exercises cost nothing to learn providing you can spare up to thirty minutes of your time: three, four or five days per week. Just go to Youtube where there are many relaxation videos to choose and download and some come with narration, so you'll be guided through the exercises from beginning to end. Once you become proficient at it you will be able to relax at will any time of the day.



Hi @Michael,
As you know I'm having a hell of a time with my ear blasting my head off and pulsitile wooshing on top and I know at the moment doing what I can to relax is helping me from breaking in to tears but it's mental torture 24/7 and way off scale to Habituate too...
It's hard even to post so that's why I've been quiet on here as I now need support too!
Love glynis
You know that we cannot help you in a physical way. But be assured that in my humble opinion, even though nobody deserves T, you deserve it least.

I hope for better days for all of us.

Well said @Marlino I correspond with @glynis by phone occasionally and know she's going through a difficult time at the moment. No-one thinks or remembers the people that give support or care for others can become unwell too.

I've had T for three weeks and i have to say Im dealing with it much better now. I think when I hear it and feel a bit annoyed or even afraid of it, I just remind my self, "Yes, you have tinnitus. You are going to hear that from now on, its your new normal. Its fine, you'll forget it soon and focus on something else". And most of the time i do.
I've had T for three weeks and i have to say Im dealing with it much better now. I think when I hear it and feel a bit annoyed or even afraid of it, I just remind my self, "Yes, you have tinnitus. You are going to hear that from now on, its your new normal. Its fine, you'll forget it soon and focus on something else". And most of the time i do.

Hi @VincentWinters
Good to hear that you are managing your tinnitus. This condition comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it the same. When it is mild or moderate as you have it many people are able to manage. When it reaches severe levels and this is sustained, it can be rutheless and very debilitating. I am pleased for you that you're coping well and hope that it stays this way for you. However, please don't under estimate tinnitus because it can ruin some people's lives. If your tinnitus was caused by loud noise: wearng headphones or listening to loud music at clubs etc, please take care. If you decide to continue using headphones keep the volume as low as possible. If you can stop using them that's much better.

If you go to clubs or the cinema regularly then use "noise reducing" earplugs that have filters in. Please remember to still be careful as earplugs will give no protection from external sound if it is loud enough, it can still reach the inner ear and cause problems making the tinnitus louder.

Since your tinnitus is mild, it will probably reduce to a level that you hardly hear it. Use sound enrichment at night and try not to sleep in a quiet room. Please read my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View. Go to my "started threads" and it's in the list.

All the best
Hi @Michael,
As you know I'm having a hell of a time with my ear blasting my head off and pulsitile wooshing on top and I know at the moment doing what I can to relax is helping me from breaking in to tears but it's mental torture 24/7 and way off scale to Habituate too...
It's hard even to post so that's why I've been quiet on here as I now need support too!
Love glynis
Hi @glynis , in our thoughts. Hope you are back on form soon. Best Wishes Phil
Just a note for @glynis Glynis emailed me after my first post eight months ago, when my tinnitus was new, and I was really struggling. Her kind words of encouragement meant the world to me back then, and they still resonate. I am sorry to read she having some hardship right now, and I wish her the very best. She deserves it!
Hi @Michael,
As you know I'm having a hell of a time with my ear blasting my head off and pulsitile wooshing on top and I know at the moment doing what I can to relax is helping me from breaking in to tears but it's mental torture 24/7 and way off scale to Habituate too...
It's hard even to post so that's why I've been quiet on here as I now need support too!
Love glynis
Did something happen that cause this? low freq whooshing? I hope they find the cause for you as i have pt on my left ear and i know how miserable it is. is it constant? or depending on your neck position?
Hi @Michael,
As you know I'm having a hell of a time with my ear blasting my head off and pulsitile wooshing on top and I know at the moment doing what I can to relax is helping me from breaking in to tears but it's mental torture 24/7 and way off scale to Habituate too...
It's hard even to post so that's why I've been quiet on here as I now need support too!
Love glynis
@glynis , hope you recover fast. Clonzepam doesn't help or you don't want to take it ?
Ear drums a funny colour and bulging out.
Been put on antibiotics for ear infection.
I am due to see ENT in November for sinus problems and could be causing ear infections due to allergic rhinitis and post nasal drip .
If meds don't help the doctor is going to contact ENT to make sure my ears get checked out as well as nose.
It's been hard with breathing problems as a sever asthmatic with nose problems on top and ears infected too!
My ieg level is up as blood shows a infection in my system and had to have more blood tests done today to monitor it too...
Things can only get better I keep telling myself ....
Thank you for your support it really means alot....
Love glynis
As you know I'm having a hell of a time with my ear blasting my head off and pulsitile wooshing on top and I know at the moment doing what I can to relax is helping me from breaking in to tears but it's mental torture 24/7 and way off scale to Habituate too...
It's hard even to post so that's why I've been quiet on here as I now need support too!
Love glynis

Sending my very best wishes @glynis and hoping that you will feel much better very soon. You are surely one of the sparkling gems in this forum and always there offering your help and support to all others. Take good care of yourself and feel better.

@glynis you have been giving so much support unselfishly. You are well respected and loved by those helped by your kindness. Hopefully those infection problems will be temporary and the more normal T will return. You are in my prayer. God bless.

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