wwtsai, I had a full battery of skin prick allergy tests. Found I was allergic to about 8 things common in my area. However, the doc said I wasn't highly allergic to any one thing so he wasn't sure going through the shots would be worth it. Maybe I should have ignored his advice. I never had allergy problems in my life until all this started 4 years ago. I do have mild high frequency loss in my left ear which I'm sure is the root of my issues, but I just feel instinctively allergies make it worse. I frequently have a runny nose, red and teary eyes. The fullness incidents always seem to happen in early spring and especially late summer. Like I said, I can't really work in my yard anymore for more than an hour at a time, even when it involves absolutely nothing loud or any kind of motorized tools because my ear will start clogging most of the time.
Anyway going to sleep now and the tinnitus is just a light whisper. Hopefully the trend continues. And I hope you get some answers. I will tell you the Flonase and stuff like that takes several weeks to a month or two to start working from what the doctors told me. I have been using that spray and Claritin daily now since all this started. Try not to use Afrin that much... it really doesn't do much for my clogging anymore though. It helped at the very beginning.
Remembering back to my first very acute fullness month of misery. The Prednisone did not work immediately. I remember it took about a week or so after I was done with the course for the fullness to finally break. I still remember that morning I woke up and it was blissfully gone. I actually think the fullness was worse than the tinnitus. The clogging was so severe, it made me feel like i was trapped in my own head and made me highly anxious and nervous. That was a long miserable month.
I was so clogged it was actually muffling my hearing in the clogged ear.
Anyway going to sleep now and the tinnitus is just a light whisper. Hopefully the trend continues. And I hope you get some answers. I will tell you the Flonase and stuff like that takes several weeks to a month or two to start working from what the doctors told me. I have been using that spray and Claritin daily now since all this started. Try not to use Afrin that much... it really doesn't do much for my clogging anymore though. It helped at the very beginning.
Remembering back to my first very acute fullness month of misery. The Prednisone did not work immediately. I remember it took about a week or so after I was done with the course for the fullness to finally break. I still remember that morning I woke up and it was blissfully gone. I actually think the fullness was worse than the tinnitus. The clogging was so severe, it made me feel like i was trapped in my own head and made me highly anxious and nervous. That was a long miserable month.
I was so clogged it was actually muffling my hearing in the clogged ear.