My tinnitus completely changed in 2008 after a second noise trauma. It became variable. Silent, mild, moderate, severe and very severe. In addition to this I heard a cacophony of sounds including the lower tones that you speak of. The lower tones did go away. Prior to this my tinnitus was low and only heard it in quiet surroundings. It took 4 years to habituate for the second time.Can I ask if any of you developed a new tone, like a lower frequency tone, did it ever go away?
My other tones are louder and very intrusive. It's driving me insane :/ I just wish I had hope it will reduce to what it was.
Click on my Avatar @VickiD and a box will appear on your screen, then click on Started Threads, you will find them in the list.Where can I find your articles @Michael Leigh?
I know you are having a lot of difficulty at the moment, but I think you are a lot stronger than you think. You can draw inspiration and positivity from that, because you are decorating which is no easy feat while coping with ragging tinnitus. At the same time don't push yourself too hard because the body needs rest. Try to have a radio playing music softly in the background while you work and place a sound machine by your bedside at night for sound enrichment.I had Cranial Sacral Therapy on Thursday and it did relax me a lot but my friend is very sick and I have a lot of stress going on so it's near impossible to relax plus I've got the blaring of tinnitus going on.
I went to bed as late as possible (2 am) after painting my whole hallway. I knackered myself out and fell into bed and took Diazepam. But only 4 hours later I'm awake and I've been lying awake since 6 am trying to get back to sleep with the sounds blaring.
I'm sick of it and feel like I can't go on like this. I'm truly at breaking point.
GP has prescribed Mirtazapine which I had last time. I collect it Monday so I can hopefully get a better night's sleep as those knock me out.
Mine is crazy. I have background ringing with multiple high pitched tones that make a sort of electrical storm in my ears and head. I also get a background sound like a fridge in my right ear. It's so hard to ignore I know because these sounds are like live variable sounds, rather than just a pure tone which is always there too. Mirtazapine should help you sleep. If you can sleep better, then you will cope better.I'm wondering if anyone has constant fluctuating tinnitus? One minute it's doing crazy noises, then goes to one sound for a bit, then bang to the crazy sounds again.
Wise words there. Like Michael says, us veterans all have the resources to dig deep when needed @VickiD.but I think you are a lot stronger than you think.
Sounds like a familiar quoteyou are a lot stronger than you think.
It's one of yours @fishbone.Sounds like a familiar quote![]()
It's a rare tinnitus you got.I'm wondering if anyone has constant fluctuating tinnitus? One minute it's doing crazy noises, then goes to one sound for a bit, then bang to the crazy sounds again.
Hey VickiD,I can't believe after 6 years of managing it, I am back to the cornered animal scared and vulnerable all over again.
Absolutely free Vicki! I certainly know when I'm in this fight/flight state, talking with those who understand helps calm my nervous system but affording these sessions is not possible. Sending hugs xSick of it. Therapies are so expensive. People charging £70-80 an hour to talk when I'm wondering how I'll pay my mortgage! Bloody vicious cycle.
Hey Vicki, I thought I would put your mind at ease a bit. Is it possible your hissing started after a flight or ear infection? I've seen 4 different ENTs and found out that 99% of the time, hissing comes from inflammation in the Eustachian tube. The eardrum could be being sucked in slightly due to the pressure being off and thus, you get a hiss sound.I'm wondering if anyone has constant fluctuating tinnitus? One minute it's doing crazy noises, then goes to one sound for a bit, then bang to the crazy sounds again.
Hi @VickiD - I'm sorry you've been suffering so much.GP has prescribed Mirtazapine which I had last time. I collect it Monday so I can hopefully get a better night's sleep as those knock me out.
I couldn't tell you without knowing what caused your tinnitus. Tinnitus from ear infections 99% of the time is from extremely swollen Eustachian tubes which can take years to go down without treatment (steroids, anti-allergies, saline sinus rinses).@Sugarpuddle, would you happen to know if ETD can also produce somatic tinnitus? I'm considering that I may have ETD due to hissing in my right ear, but with the added symptoms of being able to make it worse by pressing on parts of the right side of my head. It's been several months and progress has been slow and steady I think, so don't give up hope @VickiD!
@Vicki14, I am sorry it has built up to this.I, after 7 years of tinnitus and hyperacusis, am at this point with screeching in both ears and a horrible high pitched eeeeee in my good ear. I feel exactly the same and mine has been triggered by noise/stress.
Sorry to hear this.My friend died on Saturday
Despite your initial onset not being noise, but drug induced, my guess would still be the noise exposure; otherwise, the sudden increase is very coincidental.Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and an old banger car pulled out of the space making a loud screech. I got home, I realised I had a high pitched eeeee like a dentist drill in the ear that's usually noisy.
I didn't sleep because of the noise. I just started to sleep with low noise with the help of some natural stuff and waiting till I'm absolutely wiped out.
Since the beginning of the year, I have been getting headaches. I went to ENT about forehead pain as it felt sinus related. They did endoscopy which showed inflamed turbinates. I have no idea if this is contributing to the new sounds? The forehead pain started the beginning of the year but the onset of the new humming sound was in October, before the sinus issues. And yesterday, a high-pitched noise was added to the mix. Was it the banger car? Is it sinus issues or is it more related to stress?
For the record, I have no hearing damage. My original tinnitus in 2016 was caused by Optimise ear drops, which I only recently learned out. It knackered my right ear. It will probably never ever be repaired now.
Any advice - please, I'd love to hear.
I can't sleep with sound, noise maskers etc. I have tried. I just can't do that. It distracts me.
Do you think my turbinates being swollen could be the cause of the extra tinnitus noise? I am getting lots of headaches and facial pain too. It's so grim xI couldn't tell you without knowing what caused your tinnitus. Tinnitus from ear infections 99% of the time is from extremely swollen Eustachian tubes which can take years to go down without treatment (steroids, anti-allergies, saline sinus rinses).
It's extraordinarily rare for an ear infection to be so bad that it physically damages your nerves buried in your cochlear. Even if ENTs love telling you that, it's completely false and they only say it because there's an extreme lack of research in this area.
Somatic tinnitus is caused by the nerves in your neck. Have you tried massaging the back of your neck and cheeks? Or been to someone who specializes in face and neck massages? That seems like your first go to.
In terms of mine, I've found the cause. My higher turbinates in my nose are completely swollen from multiple infections. They slightly released and made space yesterday for the first time in months and I realized that's what is causing the suction in my tubes - my turbinates are literally blocking the entrance and throwing off the pressure, plus I have a ton of congestion behind them.
So I've gotta figure out how to get this turbinate swelling down (vitamin A usually works, takes about 2 weeks for them to shrink) as the steroids aren't touching on it sadly.
When I can sleep, I'm ok during the day. It's the evenings when I get so anxious about sleeping and with being unwell, headaches and pain around forehead, it makes for a really difficult time to be honest. StrugglingHow does it affect your job?
Hey Vicki, you need to go to your GP and get them to request a CT scan at a hospital. If you're having facial pain and headaches, then you could have a tumor, a mucus ball blockage, or anything else. You need to see an ENT.Do you think my turbinates being swollen could be the cause of the extra tinnitus noise? I am getting lots of headaches and facial pain too. It's so grim x
I'm curious to whether you have sinus issues - headaches and facial pain? I've had them since the beginning of the year.
When I can sleep, I'm ok during the day. It's the evenings when I get so anxious about sleeping and with being unwell, headaches and pain around forehead, it makes for a really difficult time to be honest. Struggling![]()