"Air Behind Eardrum," When I Move My Jaw


Nov 7, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud music, I suppose
I'm not sure how to describe it any better than I did in the title. Whenever I move my jaw in a certain way it seems as if air gets in behind my eardrum in the right ear.

It doesn't happen to my left ear at all. It has been that way for quite some time, even years before my tinnitus in the right ear appeared so I'm quite sure that it isn't whatever caused my tinnitus that is causing that to happen.

However I wonder if whatever makes that happen could be the cause of my tinnitus. I don't know.

Maybe the two are completely unrelated but it just seems strange to me.

Has anybody experienced something similar or does anybody know what it could be?
It sounds like Eustachian tube dysfunction to me.
Have a read up about it.
Love glynis
Rainbowsheep, I have exactly what you have. Move jaw to left and I hear and feel air escape, tinnitus started getting worse recently but only in my right ear. I now also have the sensation that there's something wrong with my ear, like the start of an ear Infection/clogged ear. Did you find anything that could explain it? Currently researching answer to your question.
Kind regards
Rainbowsheep, I have exactly what you have. Move jaw to left and I hear and feel air escape, tinnitus started getting worse recently but only in my right ear. I now also have the sensation that there's something wrong with my ear, like the start of an ear Infection/clogged ear. Did you find anything that could explain it? Currently researching answer to your question.
Kind regards
No I haven't found anything yet but I'm thinking about seeing an ENT for it. I guess they might be able to figure out what it is :D

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