- Nov 2, 2022
- 441
- Tinnitus Since
- 09/2022
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Ear infection/Ultra High Frequency SSHL in Right Ear
I am 8 months post tinnitus onset with multiple tones/sounds and reactivity following within a month of onset. Some of you who follow me or come across some posts may have generally read what was going on in my life before this. I just need to vent my story to those who truly understand my current condition and how it can instantly change a very strong, resilient, mentally sound person into someone who claws their way through depression, anxiety, anger, and fear every day due to their life being flipped upside down and put on hold.
My husband and I hit 3 years of trying to build our family this past June. I inherited a very rare genetic anomaly called balanced translocation that affects the viability of my eggs. Any time I got pregnant, we only stood a 15-20% chance of it making it past heartbeat. We tried naturally, which led to no living child, but a miscarriage through an ectopic pregnancy that required surgery to remove the pregnancy and my left fallopian tube. We then moved to medical interventions. Had no luck with lower level interventions, so them moved to IVF. Within a span of 6 months, I completed 4 egg retrievals. Again, because many of my eggs are negatively affected by my genetic thing, it took a while to create viable embryos that would not miscarry. Out of 4 egg retrievals and a total of 23 embryos, we created 4 viable embryos. Our first viable embryo was created following our 3rd retrieval. This embryo meant the world and more to us. We thought about this embryo for 6 months until we could transfer in February of 2022. Despite everything looking perfect, the embryo did not "stick" and we lost her. Heartbreak, devastation, etc was all we felt for a few months after.
Fast forward to July 2022 and after many tests on myself and hormone therapies, we competed transfer #2. Again, despite a healthy embryo and uterine environment, this embryo did not make it either and we lost him. Following this failed transfer, and before I went back to work in September (speech/language therapist in a school) we decided to do another egg retrieval. Retrieval #5 brought us one more healthy embryo, but unfortunately I suffered a very rare complication during the retrieval which led to my right ovary bleeding internally. Before we knew this was even happening while on our way home from the egg retrieval, I started passing out in the car. I could not make it from the car to my front door without passing out. Ambulance was called, I get to the hospital, my blood pressure is 80/50. Blood transfusions are started, I go into surgery, and despite my doctor doing everything she could for over an hour, I lost my right ovary. They also took my right fallopian tube with my ovary, and because I have no left tube from previous ectopic pregnancy, I can no longer get naturally pregnant at the age of 33. I still have my left ovary which produces eggs, but the gift of falling naturally pregnant has been taken away from me. If I am to ever be pregnant, it has to be through an IVF embryo transfer.
A month after losing my ovary, I had some troubling ear issue stuff going on which was so out of the ordinary for me because I never had ear issues. I developed Eustachian Tube Dysfunction due to a bunch a meds, and I had tried some drops in my ears a few times to help soothe the feelings as I had been dealing with it for over 2 months. As I noticed my Eustachian Tubes were feeling better and opening, I noticed my ears still felt muffled and closed off. On August 26th, I went to an ENT who looked in my ears and said "you have like a pseudo-membrane over your ear drums, have you been using any drops?" I said I did a few times. So she used microsuction in each ear for 5-7 seconds to clear the oil drops that were stuck up against the eardrums. I instantly felt better. I did mention to her that my right ear felt a little full still, and she said "yes, I see some clear fluid behind the ear drum, almost like with allergies, take some allergy med and try Flonase, which should help clear it." I drove home thinking finally, my ear issues are coming to an end.
Two days later, I experience very itchy ears, and what I know now to be hyperacusis. I was at a restaurant with my husband, and his voice felt so loud and all around me was just too much for my ears. I call the doctor to let her know what I was experiencing. She said this can happen, especially because I had that light barrier up against my eardrums, so my ears were acclimating to sound again. Then I said to her "my right ear still feels full too, are you sure I don't need an antibiotic or something to help things calm down?" She assured me things would calm down on their own.
Within a couple of days the hyperacusis did completely calm down, I wasn't bothered by noises at all and was going about life normally, but my right ear felt fuller and fuller. A week later, with a very full feeling in right ear, my tinnitus makes its debut in the right ear. I go to a local clinic who tells me my right ear drum is bulging with so much infected fluid behind it. I get on Augmentin, the infection clears after 6-7 days, but the tinnitus stays. I make my way back to that ENT who checked my ears and hearing, stating all looked fine, and she suspected that "little high ring" to go away. About a month later after another virus or two, I am about 3-4 sounds deep bilaterally with reactivity or spiking tinnitus to sound, to the point I have to take a leave from my job and completely stop my life as I know it.
I now sit here, 8 months later, still in complete disbelief of the wrong side of rarities I have endured over the past 3 years. Quite a few very rare things have happened to me that led me to this spot, when all I was trying to do was become a mother. I'm a hard worker, a fun aunt, a caring daughter, a loyal and loving wife, and even when life threw punches, I'd have a cry or scream about it then I'd say to my husband "let's go grab some margaritas, let's go see some friends, or, let's watch some of our shows" and I'd carry on and be grateful for the life I had and my overall health that allowed me to do the things I was doing.
This condition has not only stopped life and our journey of becoming parents, but it has broken me. It has altered my mental state in ways I've never before experienced, even through all the loss and trauma with infertility situations. Ive thought scary things I never thought I would, and I've cried in utter fear and despair so many times. I've tried many things to try to help me improve just so I could function enough, but can't say I can report any improvements. As I fight this war, the world around me continues to move along. Couples getting pregnant, people living their lives normally, everyone getting excited for summer, and I am just stuck in a snow globe watching it all happen. Oh, and Mother's Day is in a week. It's just one dagger after another and I am mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted of it all.
If you read all of this, I truly appreciate you listening to my vent story. Things have only gotten harder recently, so I thought maybe if I turn to writing and sharing with those who understand my current state, it would be therapeutic. I'm not giving up, I have my frozen embryos to fight for and a life I love way too much to leave, but it doesn't change how utterly exhausted I am of this awful condition and how it hasn't turned a corner with reactivity and spiking, leaving me debilitated and a shell of who I used to be.
My husband and I hit 3 years of trying to build our family this past June. I inherited a very rare genetic anomaly called balanced translocation that affects the viability of my eggs. Any time I got pregnant, we only stood a 15-20% chance of it making it past heartbeat. We tried naturally, which led to no living child, but a miscarriage through an ectopic pregnancy that required surgery to remove the pregnancy and my left fallopian tube. We then moved to medical interventions. Had no luck with lower level interventions, so them moved to IVF. Within a span of 6 months, I completed 4 egg retrievals. Again, because many of my eggs are negatively affected by my genetic thing, it took a while to create viable embryos that would not miscarry. Out of 4 egg retrievals and a total of 23 embryos, we created 4 viable embryos. Our first viable embryo was created following our 3rd retrieval. This embryo meant the world and more to us. We thought about this embryo for 6 months until we could transfer in February of 2022. Despite everything looking perfect, the embryo did not "stick" and we lost her. Heartbreak, devastation, etc was all we felt for a few months after.
Fast forward to July 2022 and after many tests on myself and hormone therapies, we competed transfer #2. Again, despite a healthy embryo and uterine environment, this embryo did not make it either and we lost him. Following this failed transfer, and before I went back to work in September (speech/language therapist in a school) we decided to do another egg retrieval. Retrieval #5 brought us one more healthy embryo, but unfortunately I suffered a very rare complication during the retrieval which led to my right ovary bleeding internally. Before we knew this was even happening while on our way home from the egg retrieval, I started passing out in the car. I could not make it from the car to my front door without passing out. Ambulance was called, I get to the hospital, my blood pressure is 80/50. Blood transfusions are started, I go into surgery, and despite my doctor doing everything she could for over an hour, I lost my right ovary. They also took my right fallopian tube with my ovary, and because I have no left tube from previous ectopic pregnancy, I can no longer get naturally pregnant at the age of 33. I still have my left ovary which produces eggs, but the gift of falling naturally pregnant has been taken away from me. If I am to ever be pregnant, it has to be through an IVF embryo transfer.
A month after losing my ovary, I had some troubling ear issue stuff going on which was so out of the ordinary for me because I never had ear issues. I developed Eustachian Tube Dysfunction due to a bunch a meds, and I had tried some drops in my ears a few times to help soothe the feelings as I had been dealing with it for over 2 months. As I noticed my Eustachian Tubes were feeling better and opening, I noticed my ears still felt muffled and closed off. On August 26th, I went to an ENT who looked in my ears and said "you have like a pseudo-membrane over your ear drums, have you been using any drops?" I said I did a few times. So she used microsuction in each ear for 5-7 seconds to clear the oil drops that were stuck up against the eardrums. I instantly felt better. I did mention to her that my right ear felt a little full still, and she said "yes, I see some clear fluid behind the ear drum, almost like with allergies, take some allergy med and try Flonase, which should help clear it." I drove home thinking finally, my ear issues are coming to an end.
Two days later, I experience very itchy ears, and what I know now to be hyperacusis. I was at a restaurant with my husband, and his voice felt so loud and all around me was just too much for my ears. I call the doctor to let her know what I was experiencing. She said this can happen, especially because I had that light barrier up against my eardrums, so my ears were acclimating to sound again. Then I said to her "my right ear still feels full too, are you sure I don't need an antibiotic or something to help things calm down?" She assured me things would calm down on their own.
Within a couple of days the hyperacusis did completely calm down, I wasn't bothered by noises at all and was going about life normally, but my right ear felt fuller and fuller. A week later, with a very full feeling in right ear, my tinnitus makes its debut in the right ear. I go to a local clinic who tells me my right ear drum is bulging with so much infected fluid behind it. I get on Augmentin, the infection clears after 6-7 days, but the tinnitus stays. I make my way back to that ENT who checked my ears and hearing, stating all looked fine, and she suspected that "little high ring" to go away. About a month later after another virus or two, I am about 3-4 sounds deep bilaterally with reactivity or spiking tinnitus to sound, to the point I have to take a leave from my job and completely stop my life as I know it.
I now sit here, 8 months later, still in complete disbelief of the wrong side of rarities I have endured over the past 3 years. Quite a few very rare things have happened to me that led me to this spot, when all I was trying to do was become a mother. I'm a hard worker, a fun aunt, a caring daughter, a loyal and loving wife, and even when life threw punches, I'd have a cry or scream about it then I'd say to my husband "let's go grab some margaritas, let's go see some friends, or, let's watch some of our shows" and I'd carry on and be grateful for the life I had and my overall health that allowed me to do the things I was doing.
This condition has not only stopped life and our journey of becoming parents, but it has broken me. It has altered my mental state in ways I've never before experienced, even through all the loss and trauma with infertility situations. Ive thought scary things I never thought I would, and I've cried in utter fear and despair so many times. I've tried many things to try to help me improve just so I could function enough, but can't say I can report any improvements. As I fight this war, the world around me continues to move along. Couples getting pregnant, people living their lives normally, everyone getting excited for summer, and I am just stuck in a snow globe watching it all happen. Oh, and Mother's Day is in a week. It's just one dagger after another and I am mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted of it all.
If you read all of this, I truly appreciate you listening to my vent story. Things have only gotten harder recently, so I thought maybe if I turn to writing and sharing with those who understand my current state, it would be therapeutic. I'm not giving up, I have my frozen embryos to fight for and a life I love way too much to leave, but it doesn't change how utterly exhausted I am of this awful condition and how it hasn't turned a corner with reactivity and spiking, leaving me debilitated and a shell of who I used to be.