All of My Doctors Have Given Up — Think I Should Too

What is astounding to me is that even after all of you have been through... you do not have a shred of humility...

Glib: Shallow.

Aspersion: An attack on the personal belief of someone else.

Humility.......Trust me I have a very low sense of my own importance. I feel utterly worthless. Hence why I would like to be humanely whacked so to speak.
@Ed209 can't be the only adjusted person! (well he is pretty exceptional, so maybe)

I wouldn't go that far, Kelpie :LOL:. However, I return the compliment and note that your reports about your trial with Sonic Lab have helped many people. Anything that offers hope can only be a good thing.

Unfortunately, tinnitus threads often end in chaos, or we find ourselves chasing our tails. I can see why this happens and have sympathy for all sufferers.
Glib: Shallow.

Aspersion: An attack on the personal belief of someone else.

Humility.......Trust me I have a very low sense of my own importance. I feel utterly worthless. Hence why I would like to be humanely whacked so to speak.
So where in my post did I attack you???
Hi Marie,

someone suggested, that I come here and give some feedback on the matter and that is why I came in here. First of all most doctors that I have been to, have not been helpful in helping me with my tinnitus. I started 30+ years ago seeing people that claimed to be helpful, but no one was that much of a help to me. I would say that my previous audiologists have been the most helpful to my situation.

I understand how you feel totally. Doctors, people, even family gave up on me and spread labels on me, "he will never graduate highschool", "He will not do good in his life", "there is no hope for him in life". I have been the underdog my whole life. I want to say this much, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF PEOPLE GIVE UP ON YOU! It only matters if YOU GIVE UP ON YOU!

I have been to many specialists as well and never had help. It has been an up and down life living with tinnitus, but it's been UP when I figured out how to not let the tinnitus have power over me. The first few months to years were pretty hard. It has not been easy at all. It takes lots of self love, self control and shutting out negativity from people or from situations. My posts always show positivity , my attitude shows positivity. My life is filled with negativity and loneliness/pain 24-7.

At the end of the day, ONLY YOU can help YOU. Being driven and motivated to want to help ourselves and make our lives better is the key. I live with intrusive tinnitus and almost profound hearing loss. I just came from lunch and was enjoying the time I spent with my martial arts training partner. I cannot 100% understand what he says. He has an accent and I have the worst ringing and the worst hearing as well. I still laughed, smiled and loved the time .

The tinnitus is always ringing like HELL, it is what it is. I have no control over the ringing, I ONLY HAVE CONTROL OVER HOW I RE-ACT TOWARDS IT.

I would say having ample support and love is CRUCIAL to this issue. You need to speak it out with people that you love. People that are accepting. Ignore people that do not take you serious. Avoid places that are loud, avoid situations that bother your ears.

Voice your feelings and let people know that your ears are bothering you!

You need to shift that focus away from the ringing and think of other things. Do stuff that helps you not think about the noise. I train in the gym 6 days a week and do my martial arts. You can do other things like yoga, or something that is tranquil. Do something that is safe for you and your ears.

At the end of the day only you/me/we can help ourselves. Each day take those small steps and do something that can help you. Those small steps, can eventually lead to big accomplishments :)


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