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Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

Did CBD Oil Help Your Tinnitus?

  • It improved my tinnitus, temporarily

  • It improved my tinnitus, permanently

  • It had no effect on my tinnitus

  • It worsened my tinnitus, temporarily

  • It worsened my tinnitus, permanently

  • I haven't tried CBD Oil

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I tried 1ml/20mg full spectrum pharmaceutical oil and it spiked my tinnitus. Kinda interesting because nothing else really causes spikes for me. I do feel relaxed otherwise so it's a real shame. I expect/hope it will calm down in a few days.
I'm sure it will. The stuff is not ototoxic, but it has a very long half life, measured in days. I once got a spike from smoking weed which lasted for 3 weeks. That was undoubtedly the THC component (because CBD oil doesn't spike me and it has everything in weed except THC), but the point is that hemp spikes are temporarily but can be long.
(because CBD oil doesn't spike me and it has everything in weed except THC)
This actually depends a lot :) CBD isolate and products made from isolate (which includes many gummies, etc) literally just have CBD in them. Full spectrum extracts will have many of the things that pot does, but, not necessarily "everything". THCV is an unscheduled, poorly understood but clearly very psychoactive cannabinnoid which is not found in CBD products generally (else they would be very intoxication). Additionally, there are wide differences strain to strain in the terpenes and other more poorly understood cannabinnoids.
This actually depends a lot :) CBD isolate and products made from isolate (which includes many gummies, etc) literally just have CBD in them. Full spectrum extracts will have many of the things that pot does, but, not necessarily "everything". THCV is an unscheduled, poorly understood but clearly very psychoactive cannabinnoid which is not found in CBD products generally (else they would be very intoxication). Additionally, there are wide differences strain to strain in the terpenes and other more poorly understood cannabinnoids.
Okay, I stand corrected. :) I'm a novice to matters cannabis, but I'm loving it so far.
I got fresh stuff from my neighbor. I poured a few droplets in my ears on Sunday. During the night it was the loudest it's been in a while. On Monday I felt I had gone deaf in my left ear, it was so loud. Everything I heard was distorted it eventually settled back to my current fucked up state with a parting gift of a new tone in my left ear...
I posted that I was taking CBD Oil in this thread back in 2016. Time flies. Since then I have almost stopped taking it except for occasional days but that is just as much because I forget a few times and then get out of the routine as it is I don't need to take it anymore.

The last bottle I bought was the LoveCBD Dutch Oil, which was last year and I still have half the bottle.

I don't think I ever felt that the volume of my tinnitus was reduced for any length of time due to taking the Oil but it did help to relax me. I actually haven't found that taking anything or cutting out anything has a lasting positive or negative effect on my tinnitus. I am in a better job now and I don't have as much of a problem with sleep as I did. I still have a problem, it just isn't as bad. How much a better job has helped I don't know. I do notice I am having more days recently where my tinnitus is quiet as opposed to the past 5 years where it had been louder than I ever thought it could get (I still have days when it is unbelievably loud though). I have other health problems aswell though which are still not diagnosed and even though I believe there is some connection between the tinnitus and the other problems (e.g. eyesight, memory, balance) I can't think of any way to prove it to a professional, especially when they don't listen.

What I am sure of is that overall my lifestyle has not ever changed much except I don't expose myself to loud noises as much though I do pump up the car stereo a bit cos it helps with driving. My diet and drinking hasn't changed much, in fact I have an alcoholic drink regularly and I am having these quieter days now.
Took 2 months off from my VERY, VERY high doses of hemp. Please note I get high from using these amounts every day, we're not talking about normal use here.. Definitely a lot of THC involved as well as borderline unsafe amounts of CBD.

My tinnitus was so, so much better during these two months. It worsened when I started again.

Louder tinnitus or unbearable chronic pain? I choose louder tinnitus for now..
I got fresh stuff from my neighbor. I poured a few droplets in my ears on Sunday. During the night it was the loudest it's been in a while. On Monday I felt I had gone deaf in my left ear, it was so loud. Everything I heard was distorted it eventually settled back to my current fucked up state with a parting gift of a new tone in my left ear...

Why pour it in your ear? Olive oil would probably have the same effect..
Why would CBD oil, without THC, make tinnitus worse?
I buy virtually THC free CBD from Nootropics Depot and it doesn't spike me. It doesn't help the tinnitus volume either though, just helps me chill out.
Took 2 months off from my VERY, VERY high doses of hemp. Please note I get high from using these amounts every day, we're not talking about normal use here.. Definitely a lot of THC involved as well as borderline unsafe amounts of CBD.

My tinnitus was so, so much better during these two months. It worsened when I started again.

Louder tinnitus or unbearable chronic pain? I choose louder tinnitus for now..
Now I've been one month off CBD + THC, and my tinnitus has been worse than without... I suspect it might have more to do with sleep and other factors rather than CBD + THC. I just wish I could use it knowing that my tinnitus won't get permanently worse.
Hi Guys,

I have NEVER posted on a forum before but I feel compelled to share with my fellow tinnitus sufferers my recent experience using CBD Oil.

I'm 41 and I have had mild tinnitus for as long as I can remember but I haven't allowed it to affect my life - not until recently. The past two years have been very stressful and I have been coping well. However, about a month ago I went to bed at 10pm and woke up an hour later with the loudest ringing in my right ear!! If my usual tinnitus is a 3 then this bugger was a 9. I was petrified. This incredibly loud alarm bell ringing lasted a few hours and I was beside myself that I was stuck with this uninvited noise forever. On the verge of a panic attack I decided to take a sleeping pill (not usual practice) knocked myself out and luckily I woke up without the super loud tinnitus.

Desperate for advice and support I called the British Tinnitus Association the next morning. The helpful guy asked me if I was stressed out at the moment and then it all fell into place - Stress is having a physical, audible effect.

About two weeks ago, in the same right ear, a louder tinnitus than my usual mild base tinnitus started. I could hear it over the TV and conversations with friends, it was starting to affect my everyday life and I was becoming anxious that the super loud tinnitus was going to rear its ugly head again! So I started Googling and found Tinnitus Talk and the thread started by a guy who wrote about his positive experience with CBD Oil.

My other half had bought some CBD Oil (10% so quite strong) a few years ago and knew it was knocking around in a drawer somewhere. Bingo! I found it, took a few drops and let it sit under my tongue for a minute or two, this was at about 2pm. That evening at about 10pm I'm watching a film and it occurred to me that I couldn't hear my new louder tinnitus. I went outside in the quiet and I still had my mild tinnitus but the new one had gone!! I went to bed without it and woke up without it. The following afternoon I noticed a slight ding (not ringing) so I took a couple more drops and a few hours later it went again.

Every morning since then I have had a couple of drops and it keeps my tinnitus spike under control. I felt I really needed to share this with you guys in the hope that if you try it, it could help you too :)
OMG, I hope you had long term relief. I actually just found a little jar in our flat. I took about 5 drops now before bed. Hopefully it helps with my hyperacusis to at least chill me out. Thanks.
Hey folks. After doing some research lately, I'm curious about trying this and adding it to my daily regimen.

Can anyone drop any brands with which they have had great success? I'm a bit daunted by how many there are out there, and I only want to get stuff that is legitimate and quality.

@GBB Are you still happy with yours from Nootropics Depot? I'm considering signing up for their services considering they get their name dropped a bit here.
Did it have any THC?
It was an 18:1 ratio full spectrum CBD. From my understanding there is about 1 mg of TCH for every 18 mg of CBD. So it does have THC but super super minimally.

This is coming from someone who used to take 20 mg of medical grade 100% THC edibles nightly. It was the only way I slept. Now I have nothing that helps me sleep. I want to go back to taking my gummies so fucking badly.
I tried a few drops of CBD (18:1) under my tongue last night, and it spiked my tinnitus really badly for a few hours...
Same thing happened to me. I didn't give up, though! I went and tried several other brands (from dispensaries) and had even worse spikes. I'm glad I tried it because now I'm 100% certain it causes spikes and I will never try it again. Glad it helps some, though.
It was an 18:1 ratio full spectrum CBD. From my understanding there is about 1 mg of TCH for every 18 mg of CBD. So it does have THC but super super minimally.

This is coming from someone who used to take 20 mg of medical grade 100% THC edibles nightly. It was the only way I slept. Now I have nothing that helps me sleep. I want to go back to taking my gummies so fucking badly.
Ah, my bad. I wasn't familiar with the terminology. That does seem like a very low percentage, but it could still be enough to cause a spike. Have you considered trying a broad-spectrum instead?

I haven't read very many people having issues with straight up CBD, as it's almost always those who take in marijuana or CBD oil with THC that tend to cite issues. Of course, everyone reacts differently, and it's very possible CBD may be a problem for you regardless of any minute THC content.

It does make me a bit hesitant to drop a bit of money on something that might just make me worse...
Ah, my bad. I wasn't familiar with the terminology. That does seem like a very low percentage, but it could still be enough to cause a spike. Have you considered trying a broad-spectrum instead?

I haven't read very many people having issues with straight up CBD, as it's almost always those who take in marijuana or CBD oil with THC that tend to cite issues. Of course, everyone reacts differently, and it's very possible CBD may be a problem for you regardless of any minute THC content.

It does make me a bit hesitant to drop a bit of money on something that might just make me worse...
I'm honestly done trying lol. It's just super depressing. If anything I miss THC. That's the stuff that would knock me out. I'm terrified to try it again.
It does make me a bit hesitant to drop a bit of money on something that might just make me worse...
I was experiencing a horrible spike over Christmas and I started taking 10 mg pure CBD from Pureis. It seems to have calmed my tinnitus from where it was. I definitely have been sleeping much better because of the CBD. I can't tell if it's had a real effect on my tinnitus because we can't measure it yet. However it's not had a bad effect so far and I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now.
I was experiencing a horrible spike over Christmas and I started taking 10 mg pure CBD from Pureis. It seems to have calmed my tinnitus from where it was. I definitely have been sleeping much better because of the CBD. I can't tell if it's had a real effect on my tinnitus because we can't measure it yet. However it's not had a bad effect so far and I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now.
I am extremely jealous lol. I wish it didn't do anything to my tinnitus. I'm really looking for better sleep alternatives than the Xanax. Of course marijuana makes tinnitus worse lol. Why wouldn't it.
I was experiencing a horrible spike over Christmas and I started taking 10 mg pure CBD from Pureis. It seems to have calmed my tinnitus from where it was. I definitely have been sleeping much better because of the CBD. I can't tell if it's had a real effect on my tinnitus because we can't measure it yet. However it's not had a bad effect so far and I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now.
Honestly, if it can have a noticeable effect on my day-to-day mood and/or sleeping ability, I think that's valuable enough. My main concern is just avoiding it being bad for the symptom by exacerbating it.

Might talk with my grandfather and decide to make the purchase. If I can't finish the bottle, he might be able to instead so it's not a waste.

Thank you for your report! I don't think I can get Pureis here though...
Honestly, if it can have a noticeable effect on my day-to-day mood and/or sleeping ability, I think that's valuable enough. My main concern is just avoiding it being bad for the symptom by exacerbating it.

Might talk with my grandfather and decide to make the purchase. If I can't finish the bottle, he might be able to instead so it's not a waste.

Thank you for your report! I don't think I can get Pureis here though...
Ya no worries and to be honest I told myself "nothing has made it better or worse. Why will this?" And there it goes. Now, tonight I am experiencing a little more noise but I think it might be down to anxiety.
I tried a full spectrum CBD oil for a couple of months and it had no effect on my tinnitus.
I think this is very helpful for myself as well. I was starting to worry that I am maybe doing further damage but with this condition nothing is ever clearly laid out.

Thanks for sharing your experience with CBD.
I was reading about ototoxic drugs causing all kinds of hearing damage and ran across a study involving chemotherapy drugs which are really, really ototoxic. The researchers discovered that when rats were treated with that chemo drug the inner ear began to express, or up regulate as they say, a marked increase in CB2 receptors. It seems in response to the damage being done the ear starts looking to capture more cannabidiol. This indicated to them that CB2 agonists would be a very promising avenue of research for preventing the hearing damage from chemotherapy. That includes tinnitus by the way. There is a company that is producing synthetic cannabidiol drugs and has come up with the most powerful CB2 receptor agonist yet called HU-308. Wikipedia has a list of CB2 agonists. The thing to realize when looking at that is that technically THC is a CBD agonist insofar as it will bind to the receptor just like CBD will bind to CB1 receptors. But CBD by far goes to CVB@ and THC by far to CB1. CB1 receptors are very highly expressed in the brain. CB2 are mainly in the immune system. So the agonists listed vary in degree in their affinity for CXB2. HU-308 almost entirely goes to CB2. Very high affinity.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a source for that drug. It's always labeled as for research only. I am wondering if broad spectrum might be the best version of CBD to take in the meantime.

Looking for some online now.
I was reading about ototoxic drugs causing all kinds of hearing damage and ran across a study involving chemotherapy drugs which are really, really ototoxic. The researchers discovered that when rats were treated with that chemo drug the inner ear began to express, or up regulate as they say, a marked increase in CB2 receptors. It seems in response to the damage being done the ear starts looking to capture more cannabidiol. This indicated to them that CB2 agonists would be a very promising avenue of research for preventing the hearing damage from chemotherapy. That includes tinnitus by the way. There is a company that is producing synthetic cannabidiol drugs and has come up with the most powerful CB2 receptor agonist yet called HU-308. Wikipedia has a list of CB2 agonists. The thing to realize when looking at that is that technically THC is a CBD agonist insofar as it will bind to the receptor just like CBD will bind to CB1 receptors. But CBD by far goes to CVB@ and THC by far to CB1. CB1 receptors are very highly expressed in the brain. CB2 are mainly in the immune system. So the agonists listed vary in degree in their affinity for CXB2. HU-308 almost entirely goes to CB2. Very high affinity.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a source for that drug. It's always labeled as for research only. I am wondering if broad spectrum might be the best version of CBD to take in the meantime.

Looking for some online now.
Wow, and an extremely interesting and thought-provoking post. I certainly hope there is something to this, as though who are receiving chemotherapy for an already terrible ailment should not also have to suffer hearing loss and tinnitus as well.

If you have that study link on-hand, I would very much like to see.

Best of luck as well with finding a broad spectrum CBD oil to try. I think I might have given up on my searches, because it is seemingly too expensive for me to try and keep up as a regimen.
I was reading about ototoxic drugs causing all kinds of hearing damage and ran across a study involving chemotherapy drugs which are really, really ototoxic.
@Tom Rollison, @Drachen -- You may want to check out the following thread (link below), which I feel has some really interesting information along the lines of what you're discussing... The 2nd and 3rd posts references using Sodium Thiosulfate to counter the effects of the chemotherapy drug Cisplatin.

Sodium Thiosulfate — "May" Help w/ Hearing Loss and/or Tinnitus

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