I did had hearing loss (not really significant like oddv since it was less than 15 db at some frequencies
What scares me most is the risk of hearing loss arising from any intratimpanic treatment. In the Phase II there reported some cases.
Tests with patients over six months were in use under this doctor. Does anyone know where the results of those tests are?
Please, someone tell me where the studies are assayed am 101 tinnitus 6-12 months with negative results? In some items that data is mentioned, but no study is provided.
I think it is this that hints that it is not effective after six months:
Because it is not known when that transition from ear to brain occurs, one of the current trials, of 300 European patients, is specifically testing tinnitus sufferers who have developed the condition no more than three months prior to treatment. The other, a study of 330 North American patients, is investigating a therapy within one year post-trauma. Preliminary results suggest that S-ketamine is effective beyond three months, but declines in effectiveness within a year of the initial trauma, so later stages of the trial are being refocused on the four- to six-month time frame. The trials will be completed at the end of this year, and Auris hopes to submit to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval in the summer of 2016.
This article was posted earlier in the thread. This guys seemed to have a very positive outcome but it states that he had T for two years before entering the trials which is obviously a typo. They must mean two months.@OddV How much of a benefit did you get? Did AM-101 cute ANYONE? It seems like most people didn't get any benefit at all. With the few people that had setbacks... why would anyone put themselves forth to try this?
This article was posted earlier in the thread. This guys seemed to have a very positive outcome but it states that he had T for two years before entering the trials which is obviously a typo. They must mean two months.
I'm yet to see any real reason to try AM-101 unless you're literally on the edge.
I've had my tinnitus reduced (so far) by 75% while I've been on the AM101 trial and more than likely AM101 will be on the market far more quickly than Autifony's drug. AM101 is in its last phase, Autifony is only in phase 2.
Would I rather take a pill than getting my ear drum punctured? Of course, but if AM101 hits the market, I guarantee you people that are distressed are going to be using it.
https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/am-101-participants-updates-and-q-a.6558/page-7#post-76363 <-- look at this one for sure
https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/am-101-participants-updates-and-q-a.6558/page-8#post-78786 <-- my 21 day follow up from the first set
Hope those answer some of your questions
As far as i know (and i think i have read all posts) the only hearing loss reported has been temporary, the worst case reported was oddv with a drop to 70 db which he reported was only temporary. Myself i reported a 15 db loss and a little bit of hyperacusis after second round of injections which lasted maybe about 15 to 21 days.Please, I am thinking of entering 101, any participant or another person could contact if there is a risk of permanent hearing loss? The Phase II studies are silent on this issue. Only speak of temporary loss. I am convinced that there is that risk.