I think that you hearing things differently will pass if it was from the drug. I do hope that if you are still playing in a band (just going by your picture) that you always are wearing custom fitted ear plugs. To me having tinnitus and playing in a band is like handling dynamite while holding a lit match.I have participated in the tact-1 and 2 of phase 3. I got got three injections after 2.5 months of T, and also received the real drug (3 months later) where I got 3 more injections. I regret my decision to take part in the trial after the second round and will not be participating in any more injections. My T went way up after the second round and almost came back down to normal. I got the injections in both ears. What has made it worse is that I hear fans and high frequency sounds differently now. I woke up 4 weeks after the second round and couldn't place a certain sound I was hearing. The things that gave me comfort now annoy me, total Hell. Before I went for round 2 I was starting to feel good about everything, I thought that I could live a normal life again. The second round definitely made my better ear worse and is worst than the other much of the time now. I hate to be debbie downer, but the only reason I joined was to share my experience. I hope that one day I can change my response to the survey but for now I am being honest and other people should know. It's a difficult decision to get the injections and if my hearing had not changed I probably wouldn't be regretting it so much. I know this will probably cause a stir so if you have questions please message me as there is a reason I can not go into much detail publicly. I'll do the best to share what information I can.
Great to hear. I thought you said in a previous post that you had heard that it was different in different centers. I am glad that you have confirmed this is not the case. Remuneration should be consistent across all centers. Good luck!@bedouin
This info re the payment for hotel and petrol or train etc....are exact the same amounts that someone else told me who is in the UK who lives 200 or so miles from the study centre.
So you are not the only one to get this payment
should be standard across all the eu countries taking part as on AM site it says that they will cover expenses (reasonable)
Hey Mikey Cliff. That is awful. So sorry to hear it is worse. I can relate to a career being trashed because of t. And a career in music too. I used to play part-time. Have had to give it up. If you don't mind me asking how did you get T? Was it from drumming? You said you wore ear plugs. You are the first person I have heard from that said they regretted going for the 2nd injections. Because that is the real drug. Is it any better now? I go for my 2nd set Nov 4th and a bit concerned now.I lost my career in drumming.I wore ear protections for years much more so than any of the other teachers I worked with or musicians I played with. I always wore protection, probably would have been better off if I hadn't. I would like to think you are right, but unfortunately I feel it is here to stay.
Hi amandine. When i made the decision to take part, I asked around on the forum as well as looked at the phase 2 results. I saw that people spiked immed after having the injections. But it came down in time. This is the first time I have heard of someone who's t has increased with Mikey Cliff. It's a bit worrying because i go for my 2nd injections on 04/10. I think it was locoyeti that said he had had a +ve improvement after the injections. More so with the first ones and then a bit less after the 2nd ones. You'll have to search the original AM101 thread for his submissions. Also cullenbohannon who had gone for them and said it was worth going. He had found it beneficial. There were a few others as well that helped me make up my mind. StayPositive was also one of them. Safety was effectively ruled out in phase 1. That should encompass no increased t nor hearing loss. I think search the original thread and you will find all the ones i looked at to make my decision. The phase 2 results also showed no permanent increase in t nor hearing loss.@bedouin
Have you found personal positive improvement stories from people who had the real drug either first time or afterwards in the 2nd set of injections?
I have not found any positive lowering reports yet.
In fact, on the contrary - I have seen only reports of it spiking the T.
But maybe I havent seen what you have read?
It said on AM trial report from phase 2 that it can make the T worse in 10% of people participating altho whether this is permanant or temporary I am unsure. So few people taking part ad on this forum.....yes no positives....are all the 10% on this forum?
Please can you send links or info to poitive reports from am 101 if you have any please?
I think that was Soulstation. His case was rather bizarre around travel arrangements. The post-mortem was "Get everything in writing" before you make the long journey. So if the trial doctor says its ok to take a taxi home to your bnb after the injections, then get it in writing, including everything you discuss telephonically, write it down. Get the doctor to sign off on those things before you make the long trip.Anyone been kicked off the studies and why?
Have heard some horror stories of people being kicked off for no good reason and without much care or consideration for the person kicked off.
To know why people being kicked off or refused may help someone to stay on.....
Any idea why? Is there anyone else that reported pain and no-little-pain between the first and 2nd set? Could it be the placebo does not hurt? Real drug does? Or maybe the 2nd set is because you have already had a needle through the eardrum and there is some residual weakness from the 1st set. All hypothetical meanderings here!This time compared to the first seems a lot more painful.
To all you AM-101 participants. I had T onset on September 22 due to a middle ear infection. The tone/volume has been consistent since that day, however, I think I'm getting use to it. I would rate it a 6 or a 7 on loudness/intrusiveness scale.
I made my way into the AM-101 trial and my first injections are next Wednesday. I'm trying to make up my mind if this is worth the risk or not.
All others that have received the injection, I would appreciate your feedback. @Dr. Nagler Would appreciate you weighing in as well.
I am eligible... Guess the biggest concern I have is making it worse, but reading the papers on it, it seems like it is a small chance.
I do go back for my first follow up on Thursday. My T is still high and I still have a full feeling in my ear. It is still draining. Every now and then it starts to sound like its clearing up, and then right back to full. I take that as a sign that it should clear up in the next week or two. It is annoying but I still think its worth the try. I did get my first reimbursement check in the mail@NewGuy
I know that you are due back on the 30th.
Just wondered how your T is now - hopefully it has gone back down now (or not?).
Please let me / us know how you are?
Sorry to pester you about this but real interested....as you know, I am trying to see if i can do these trials but not terribly sure about it. I know that you are an incredibly strong and positive person hence you went ahead without having a problem making up your mind yes or no.
So for someone like me who is undecided and feeling very vulnerable at the moment, an update as to how things are would be very welcome even tho I know that what happens to you may not happen to someone else....thanks
I am in the UK, as per my profile. See Location under my thumbnail pic.Would you say having read it all, that it is more positive than not. By the way, are you in the States?
Most probably. Given my situation yes. Ask me again in a months time after my 2nd set of injections. If it makes it worse, then obviously no. So far - after 1st set - no improvement - no change.@bedouin would you do it again?
I can relate. Me too. Any connection between floaters and t? Doubt it. Just thought that was co-inkey-dink. lol. It does make things seem 10 times worse tho, that your body is well and truly packing up on you. I feel about 80 with all the complications t has caused!(been battling with floaters and what not)
Not that rare. Me too!! The 3rd day of the 1st set of injections were screaming painful so i'm not looking forward to my 6 injections (2nd set) next week - one in each ear over 3 consecutive days. Ouch! I'm not saying that to put ppl off btw. I would do anything to get rid of t and pain is transitory.For some it will be difficult, believe me I cried like a baby after the last injections and boo whooed when I got home for the next couple of days
Dr. Nagler... I'm not motivated to contribute the scientific body of knowledge nor do I think AM-101 is the Second Coming. If results to this point show there is a 50% chance of helping me 50% I would do the trial. Given that standard, what does your interpretation of the the results mean for my decision?OK. Here's my svelte 226 lbs. of weigh-in ...
Clinical trials are very important. Incredibly important.
If you are enrolling in the AM-101 trial because you are eligible and are interested in contributing to the body of scientific knowledge, then I say: "Go for It."
But if you are enrolling because you firmly believe that AM-101 is The Second Coming, then I say: "Take a Pass."
Dr. Stephen Nagler
Dr. Nagler... I'm not motivated to contribute the scientific body of knowledge nor do I think AM-101 is the Second Coming. If results to this point show there is a 50% chance of helping me 50% I would do the trial. Given that standard, what does your interpretation of the the results mean for my decision?
Thank you!