AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

Wanted to give a update. Im roughly 7ish weeks after injections from round 2 and i absolutely got some relief. I do believe i had placebo the first round as it took forever to go back to baseline...over a month and i really didnt see a improvement. Round two tho..i returned to baseline in just over a week or so. Starting out when i got my t in april i was 7 out of 10 and now ive settled around a 1-2. I cant hear my t for 75% of the day. I hear it at night when my head is on the pillow or if its extra quiet. My t does ramp up if im tired or stressed, i do have some bad days where its almost a 4 but those days are rare! Im very happy i decided to do the second round. Im not going any further as i cant see it getting better than this and i think ive always had it but before it got loud but i never paid attention to id say its almost back to just aware of it now. I dont visit here much as im trying to forget and not listen but i do remember..i will never forget the anxiety, panic attacks, stress and depression my t brought me in the beginning. I do take antidepressants now and that also helps keep me calm and when im calm the t is calm :) i reached out to many people for the newbies or anybody that needs support please dont hesitate to send me a personal message. Cheers
@shantelle I am so happy you are doing better. Are you going to do the third round?
Nope im all done as i dont see it getting much better than this! Its almost gone some days and other days its loud so a third treatment to me is alot to go as im not really bothered. Today i took a long nap with my 2 year old and when i woke up my t was completely gone! This is he second time this has happened. This lasted for 3 hrs and it came back but its a 1...last night tho I was extremely tired and i swear it was almost a 4! So weird.

I need some advice regarding phase III of the AM-101 study.

As described in my post here, I am experiencing a high pitched CRT-TV-like sound which originated in a loud wedding party 3 months ago. I have had much improvement since the event, however, a baseline (loudness of about 2/10) is always noticible. Further, I seem to have reactive intensity, which means that in certain environments (e.g. my office) it spikes up to about 5/10, which is fairly unpleasant.

With that in mind, I am thinking about participating in the phase III study, hoping to minimize the reactive spikes and get rid of the baseline. However, I am a chicken when it comes to the treatment; getting 2x3 needles in my middle ears is a part I am definitely not looking forward to. So I feel uncertain whether to participate or not. I am not looking for anyone who takes a decision for me, but would be glad if someone has any answers to the following two questions:

  • Has anyone experience the same symptoms and previously taken part in the study ? If so, please share your experience. From what I readin this thread, most people participating were suffering a strong, constant T rather than what I described above.
  • Or are there stories known of anyone with the same symptoms/noise induced damage and had them disappearing completely without further treatment after a while? Is there even a chance for it to fully recover by itself or is it more reasonable to take a chance and take part in the study?

Would be glad for advice from experienced members. Thanks in advance
With a self described loudness of 2 out of 10, I personally would not do it.
With a self described loudness of 2 out of 10, I personally would not do it.

Thanks for your response!

The "2/10 baseline part" isn't my motivation to participate, the increase during the day is. I spend about 10h a day at the office where the volume increases to about 5/10 on a constant base. Happened to go up to an approximate reception of 7/10 during one day two weeks ago. This is what bothers me most. The baseline, whilst not very pleasant, is something I could handle.

Is your statement because you feel that 2/10 is not severe enough to undergo the procedure or because you doubt that AM-101 will help to decrease the reactive share of the T?
@TC426 does the volume actually go up or are you just in a quieter setting? FYI the study is looking for people with volume at a constant level, because they serve as a more reliable way to measure the effect of the drug. So, just saying if you end up wanting to go through with it, you have a better chance of being accepted if you tell them its a constant volume.
@TC426 does the volume actually go up or are you just in a quieter setting?

Actually, I too initially believed that the changes were depending on my personal perception - but by now I can cleary tell that they are not. I have experienced the same pattern e.g when switching on the computer, the T triples within few minutes. Best example was a fridge in the living room of a holiday cottage; that was driving the intensity through the roof. Meanwhile, I can stay at home alone in a quiet room, and can only hear the above mentioned, constant baseline at volume 2/10.

FYI the study is looking for people with volume at a constant level, because they serve as a more reliable way to measure the effect of the drug. So, just saying if you end up wanting to go through with it, you have a better chance of being accepted if you tell them its a constant volume.
Thanks for the advice. As explained, I am experiencing both a constant and a fluctuating one. However, I can clearly distinguish the two schemes i.e. I would not have a problem to analyze whether or not I feel an effect on the constant share only. So I am convinced that I could contribute to the study, not only benefit from it.
Thanks for your response!

The "2/10 baseline part" isn't my motivation to participate, the increase during the day is. I spend about 10h a day at the office where the volume increases to about 5/10 on a constant base. Happened to go up to an approximate reception of 7/10 during one day two weeks ago. This is what bothers me most. The baseline, whilst not very pleasant, is something I could handle.

Is your statement because you feel that 2/10 is not severe enough to undergo the procedure or because you doubt that AM-101 will help to decrease the reactive share of the T?

I went through three rounds, 2/10 isn't worth it. I don't know about the reactive T... I had it early on, but it stopped. If you were a steady 5, I'd say go for it. How long before you are outside the window to participate? You could always start the process and drop out before the first injections.

In my opinion, AM did quiet it down, but also helped with habituation.
What if you're the sort of person for whom that 2/10 is driving you up the wall?
Hindsight is 20/20 and I'm coming at this opinion as someone who was an 8/10 and now a 2/10. After going through 3 rounds, I, personally, would not do it.

It's not going to cure you, it might lessen the volume at that level, and I feel confident in saying that it helps with habituation, but I think the volume decrease is going to be minor starting at a 2.

However,everyone is different and has different factors going into their decision.

After my 3rd round, I'd say I'm now at a 2/10 and I would have done a 4th if I could have made the timing work,but ONLY because I was guaranteed drug and had already gone through 3 rounds.
Little update for everyone. Its been four weeks since my shots. The pulsatile tinnitus died away about a week and a half ago (never had before shots) however my tinnitus has gone up from a 3 to a 4. I believe wholeheartedly I got the placebo. Hopefully the next round will help me out.
I went through three rounds, 2/10 isn't worth it. I don't know about the reactive T... I had it early on, but it stopped. If you were a steady 5, I'd say go for it. How long before you are outside the window to participate? You could always start the process and drop out before the first injections.

In my opinion, AM did quiet it down, but also helped with habituation.

But can it work on people who have tinnitus 2 years and can it get worse?

When it will be possible to get it like in some EU state like medicine, normal one?
My freind french had tinnitus since 06/2010 and his T worsened in 2014 ,he participated in the AM 101 trial ,and this lowered his T so much, so as I see here AM101 may work on T more than 3 months.
unfortunatly my country is not concerned by this trial.

Very interesting. I have been wondering this exact thing you stated. I tried my best to get into the trial 2 months ago at several ENT locations due to an increase I have had recently. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to.
Or are there stories known of anyone with the same symptoms/noise induced damage and had them disappearing completely without further treatment after a while? Is there even a chance for it to fully recover by itself or is it more reasonable to take a chance and take part in the study?

If T induced from acoustic trauma doesn't stop after 48 hours after the event it is likely to stay for a while, which seems to be your case as you still experience tinnitus 3 months after onset. If you want to maximize your chances of recovery AM-101 is the only medically relevant thing you can do.
I formerly dropped out of the AM-101 study this week while in the 2nd round. I wasn't seeing benefit from the drug. While I intended to stay on through the end regardless of my outcome, I was rather disenfranchised by some of the events that took place this round. I came to the conclusion that the study was sloppily written and designed. It was a waste of my time to continue when I could be doing other things to help my tinnitus.

When you join AM-101 you are given a disclosure document that explains the study. The second round disclosure document has contradictory instructions about what will take place. Specifically, in one section documents says the followup visit is measured from the first injection visit, and then on the following page the followup visit begins on the 3rd injection visit. This is a huge discrepancy as the it indicates the followup visits will be performed at different times for different patients. From the disclosure document:

Each dosing cycle is divided into 2 periods:
• A Dosing Period with 3 scheduled dosing visits over 3 to 5 days; and
A Follow-Up Period with 3 scheduled follow-up visits, one after about 10 days, one after about 35 days, and one after about 84 days after the first dosing visit in each dosing cycle.

--------then on another page------
Follow-Up Period
Each dosing cycle has a Follow-Up Period with 3 scheduled follow-up visits, one after about 10 days, one after about 35 days and one after 84 days. The Follow-Up Period starts after the third dosing visit of each dosing cycle.

I also experienced incompetence from the staff who managed the trial at the Santa Monica, California site. On my first day of the second round I told the trial rep I was ready for my blood and urine test. She told me it was not needed. I reminded her it was in the study document. She told me no, because I was continuing it was not needed. I also did not have my physician exam either. Then on the third injection day they figured out that I needed and did these tests and exams then.

Then they forgot about me for my first 10 day follow up and that got done on Day 15 (based on the waiting period starting on day 1). They gave me little notice for the appointment and I had to juggle work scheduling to make it.

Another reason I dropped was being treated badly by the ENT office performing the injections. On my second injection I was in the chair, with the doctor ready to inject the compound. Then the lead doctor came in called out my doctor, and the next thing I know I was being led to the waiting room where I sat for almost and hour and a half. Turned out they needed the room for a paying patient of the practice. On other visits I was moved during the 30 minute waiting period because they needed the procedure room for other regular patients. I was forgotten about on one of my waiting periods and ended up waiting for almost 45 minutes. On my 10 day follow up visit I waited almost three hours to have a hearing test and doctor follow up because they kept bringing paying patients into the audiologist ahead of me.

After the first followup visit I made the decision to drop and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Nagler in Atlanta to start Tinnitus Retraining Therapy or TRT. While on AM-101 patients are not allowed to use any other therapy and I figured it wasn't worth my time to put off what could make me better.

I researched various non-medical therapies and TRT made the most sense to me. I shopped around for TRT practitioners and I was really impressed with Dr. Nagler's background and enthusiasm. I figure if I was going to spend the effort on this treatment I might as well find a good clinician to administer it.

TRT is not inexpensive as there are the meetings with the clinicians, the equipment, and transportation and hotel. I was able to get some rather inexpensive airfare from Los Angeles to Atlanta for my wife and I. We used Uber to get around and found a reasonable hotel close to Dr. Nagler's office. I really lucked out with equipment as I was able to find a lightly used set of simplicity noise generators for $600 on ebay. They came from a lady that used them to get over misophonia and used them less than two months. Otherwise it would have been $1800 for new devices.

We spent two half days with Doctor Nagler and his audiologist named Doctor Rushton and got started with TRT. I had a good positive experience, but I won't go into this further as it is outside the scope of the AM-101 thread. In the future I may write about my experience on the proper area of tinnitus talk.
I have a chance of undergoing the trial here in Spain. Got my T 7 weeks ago after being during 10 minutes in a loud rehearsal room while having a heavy cold. It fluctuates in intensity and pitch/type of sound and seems to have more presence in one ear or other depending on the day. Also it sometimes tends to be "in my brain".
Along this 7 weeks I have experimented some spikes (3/4) that come as heavy white noise and fade within few hours (3 or 4). My mood also goes up and down and as soon as I feel I can cope with this for the rest of my life next move I feel life doesn't worth the effort with this.
Feeling hesitant about undergo the trial. Feel terribly scared about side effects.
Any thoughts, advice, words from you guys to help me make the decission?
I'm in a position close to yours, sometimes I feel like I'm OK with this and at some other time I feel totally desperate. I contacted a clinic where I could have the injections (I do not know if I am going to be accepted though).

I could suggest you to take a look at the following post :

There seems to be very few (if any ?) lasting side effects, and the cases with more "severe" adverse effects resolved.
Which ones are you afraid about ?

Overall the results are significant enough to be worth a try !
Anyone know the statistics for the am-101 trial? Like what percent benefited, what percent got worse and what percent had no change?
Anyone know the statistics for the am-101 trial? Like what percent benefited, what percent got worse and what percent had no change?


I don't know if people are going to read through those papers but I'd like to direct them to this graph. AM-101 clearly shows better efficacy than placebo some time after the procedure.
I have only a few days left to decide if I should take this trial or not. I have heard good and bad things about this trial and do not know what I should do. Most of the time simple white noise from around the house knocks it out. I am just so afraid that this trial will make it worse, but at the same time I am worried it will get worse over time.
There's absolutely no evidence that participating in the trial and receiving the actual drug will guarantee your tinnitus to stay low over the years. The best it could do is lower your tinnitus (maybe you could get rid of it, who knows).
The only way to prevent your tinnitus to get worse is to protect your ears and to be healthy (you could ask this in the support section for a detailed answer though).

I have an appointment on thursday. I hope I'll be able to join the trial.

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