Bro try to keep your mind sane and positive. Do not get dragged down in depressive thinking! I know how u feel having T that devestates your life. Also it sucks very much that Italy has no study center for u to participate in the study

. I felt exactly the same as u 7 months ago when I first got my Tinnitus. I was desperate to join the AM-101 trial and I would have done pretty much everything to get cured. But keep in mind the fact that many companies study tinnitus brings us sufferers all closer to a cure.
I have been lucky and blessed to be able to participate in the AM-101 study here in Belgium, and ofcourse I hope for a positive outcome. But regardless of the result this is my first month that I made my way out of my depression. Eventough due to the injections my T spikes really loud. I feel positive about the outcome and the future.
Maybe u can read the Tinnitus Retaining Therapy book in the meanwhile? Because I've noticed that u have to be able to not react emotional and stressed on the annoying T for your mind to get eased and destress. I know this might not be what u want to hear on the fact that u got denied on the am 101 trial but maybe it can help u in the meanwhile.
Since February 17 I suffer from tinnitus, after a concert (acoustic trauma). A hissing sound (now seems a sizzling sound).
For a month, I went into a depression. Think about suicide was the only thing that gave me relief but during this period I read plus 53 studies completely and some others partially (174 in total), I talked to many people and read more than 300 posts (on Facebook and on forums, for example tinnitus talk) and pathogenesis of many stories, but there is a lot confusion and lack of clarity. I wrote to Susan Shore, to dr. Rauschecker, to dr. Tzounopoulos, to Bettina Stubinski (aural team, of AM101) and the Mulders researcher. So I tried to get an idea about the genesis of tinnitus putting together the data. What I understood is that there could be different causes, but the effect is the same for everyone: an ''alarm signal'' that remains active. But why do many people have different signs and sounds at different intensities (I read pretty much everything from those who have a whistle, to those who train, who buzzing, rustling/hiss like me, or whatever)? May it be similar to when the clutch of a car is triggered and doesn't stop? Shouldn't we all hear the same sound? I know it is a difficult problem and I'm certainly not a scientist.
No doctor can tell me why this happens. If it is caused by a coclear damage with a certain signal depending on the lost frequency, for a nerve damage, brain damage or ... but I say: why?
I study philosophy. Philosophy can't help me in this difficult moment but, thanks to philosophy, I go on asking myself some questions (without answer), it seems legit, doesn't it? Why does this happen?
Personally, I have a hearing loss of 35db at 8000Hz due to an acoustic trauma and I struggle to hear even the 7000 until 12000Hz. Tinnitus really bothers me, it's a constant hiss followed by hisses and boos of about 20db or more. If I move my neck to the right or to the left, the sound becomes more high and it happens the same if I clench their teeth.
I tried corticosteroids (after acoustic trauma), hyperbaric room for 8 days (!!), Citicoline, tricortin, acetylcarnitine, Bromazepam, Clonazepam, duloxetine (ssri), nimodipine with ginko biloba supplements or vitamins, neyron 750, delecit 600, nootropil 1200, campral (acamprosate) 333mg but for nothing worked. So. I mask the tinnitus if necessary but it is not what I want. Know (after only two months) i am the admin of official T italian group on Fb so i know a lot of doc. and other figures. Now i am just a commercial that working in the field of wheelchairs and electromedical. I hope that in future i could work in this area.