I started to see persistent changes about 40 to 50 days post 1st round. Nobody will be able to tell you whether they got the drug or not in the first round. I can not tell you if its because of the injections or just the normal course of my tinnitus (yes some people tinnitus goes away even on its own after months). What i can definitely tell you is that you will at least get back to base level (your pre trial tinnitus level) or even hopefully get improvement. What you are going through, we went through already, my tinnitus went crazy after injections but i managed to stay calm (anxiety makes it worst) and after two to three weeks went to base level and now i think i got a slight improvement. Doing next round next month and will post again. Also i started the trail with loss of hearing after acoustic trauma in three frequencies up to 50 db, got two of them back to normal (above 20 db) and the last and worst one recover up to 35 db (mild hearing loss) so i am also happy about that (probably not trail related).