AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

@khu85 , @SteveToHeal

The first thing they wanted me to do was show them documents from my ENT showing when my tinnitus started. The questions they asked were mostly about how my tinnitus started, if I take drugs (cocaine, speed, etc), have I tried anything treatments for my tinnitus. They also did a hearing test, took 2 blood samples, and went over the informed consent documents.

The informed consent document is what takes most of the time as it's a lot of reading, and then you asking what ever questions you have while going over the document.

My consultation was about 4 hours. It could possibly go faster if you don't have as many questions as I did. I had a lot of anxiety going into this, so I had a lot of questions. They were very good about answering all my questions.

They also gave me a copy of the informed consent which I then took to my ENT to get his opinion on the procedure and his thoughts on the side effects.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi everyone. I participated in the TACTT2 and enrolled in the AMPACT1 a few weeks ago, so I want to share my experience (apologies for the wall of text):

I have had T since about 6 months ago, but I have not figured out the cause (there are many candidates, and it might be multifactorial). It started at work when I took my ear buds out before leaving and it presented initially in my left ear. I had been listening to music with unusual regularity and duration since the beginning of the year (decided to do my work while listening to music), and also I had been sick with a virus 6 weeks prior. I was also 2 weeks into induction in the ketogenic diet and was just at the transition point to being in a ketotic state. Could be all of these things combined, or maybe some other factors. It has been since then the kind of tinnitus that goes up and down, I'll have good days a bad days, usually consecutively. My T has gotten much better but progress has been slow. The frequency of good days have slowly increased over the bad (they were roughly the same for the first 3 months and I'd say the first month I had more bad days than good), and the mean volume has gotten lower. The T is in my right ear occasionally, but at a much lower volume. My initial audiograms showed only a slight hearing loss in the upper frequencies in my left ear – I have no audiograms from before my T. There doesn't appear to be anything in my diet that aggravates it, nor do loud sounds do anything consistent (my loud days appear to be random). I did try some marijuana one evening between my two treatments, and that did significantly spike it, but it went back to normal 48 hours later. Overall the phenomenology of my T has changed a lot since it started, when it first began it sounded like the theremin in Pink Floyd - Dogs (around 10:45). There would also be chirping some times, and multiple tones as well. The worst was when I heard what I would describe as casino-slot-machine-noise-cacophany. Currently my T sounds much lighter, kind of like an electrostatic hiss, but the tone is not constant, its as if the sound is trying to carry a constant tone but keeps intermittently failing. There are times when I don't hear much of anything at all, but those days never run consecutively. I have used pink noise almost since the start and it has helped a lot. I don't use it to mask but mostly to distract my mind from listening to my T.

Before I got the TACTT2 shots I had been improving quite dramatically (the first two months were an unmitigated nightmare) and was even considering not taking it since I had maybe 7 out of 10 good days prior to the injections and was hoping to recover without intervention, but I decided on participating anyway since it seemed that the procedure was safe and would not impede or hinder my natural recovery. My experience with the shots were similar to everyone else here, and my ear healed within a week. I was unsure whether I got the drug or not, since over the following months I still had up and down days, but with increasing improvement, so I was not sure if this was spontaneous remission or if I had gotten the drug or not (40% placebo chance). It seemed as though it got slightly worse in my right ear after the injections, but that may just be because my left ear got much better and I could hear the noise in my right ear more.

My MML scores showed a 50% improvement in my left ear and a very slight worsening in my right ear, but MML is so difficult to test I would give very large latitude to the accuracy of the test. Given that the improvement was not overwhelmingly significant in my case (I wanted complete cessation, and though my bad days were not as bad as those in the first few months, they were still bad enough to impact my life), I was considering not even going through with the AMPACT1 shots (participation in this trial is kind of a hassle for me, with all of the follow up visits). I was also getting much more used to T in my life and my emotional response was much better (I don't know how far along in habituation I was in, but I felt that I was on the right track). I went ahead and got the shots (it was the reason I initially decided to participate in the trial in the first place, to be guaranteed the medicine). The procedure was the same as before, and since the gel leaks out of your ear I was able to feel it on my fingertips and also taste it on my tongue (I did this for the TACTT2 as well), and I could not tell a significant difference between the first round and second round so I may have gotten the drug during TACTT2 (or they could have done a great job of making them appear similar). It has only been a few weeks but I have had some good days, though the T is still there it is light. My good days have been fantastic, and my bad days have been far less intrusive (compared to initial onset). I will keep you guys updated over the coming weeks.

My opinion: I believe that AM-101 probably has some effect in lowering the volume and intensity (again, it is hard to know this without testing it on chronic cases because I may simply be recovering spontaneously). I think it will have an even greater effect for those who have significant inner ear trauma, especially if delivered immediately enough. I am in the camp that believes that regardless of etiology, tinnitus is a brain issue, and that the mechanism of action for AM-101, from my study of the topic, is a palliative measure, and not a cure. Even if the palliative measure is lasting and your T volume is decreased permanently, I would much rather have T gone from my brain. But for most of us here, I imagine that any relief will be welcome.

I am still on the fence as to whether to continue with the AMPACT1 trial, I will monitor the next coming weeks if I feel any more improvement. In the meantime I am looking very closely at the recent retigabine developments. I think retigabine and AUT00063 look pretty legit and may in fact be the cure we are all hoping for.

Big thanks to @click , @yonkapin and @jazz for all your help.
@khu85 , @SteveToHeal

The first thing they wanted me to do was show them documents from my ENT showing when my tinnitus started. The questions they asked were mostly about how my tinnitus started, if I take drugs (cocaine, speed, etc), have I tried anything treatments for my tinnitus. They also did a hearing test, took 2 blood samples, and went over the informed consent documents.

The informed consent document is what takes most of the time as it's a lot of reading, and then you asking what ever questions you have while going over the document.

My consultation was about 4 hours. It could possibly go faster if you don't have as many questions as I did. I had a lot of anxiety going into this, so I had a lot of questions. They were very good about answering all my questions.

They also gave me a copy of the informed consent which I then took to my ENT to get his opinion on the procedure and his thoughts on the side effects.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

My experience was almost exactly the same as @earsnothappy except I was finished in about 3 hours. I must not have had as many questions!
My opinion: I believe that AM-101 probably has some effect in lowering the volume and intensity (again, it is hard to know this without testing it on chronic cases because I may simply be recovering spontaneously). I think .

In my opinion that's not true. Everyone in the study is acute. If people who receive the active drug over the placebo show a statistically better improvement, then it shows that it's working and it takes into account the spontaneous improvement.

The risk of comparing groups of people and having spontaneous improvement is higher if the sample size of the tested population is smaller. However, with these large trials involving many hundreds of people in separate trials, I think it's safe to assume that is not an issue.
In my opinion that's not true. Everyone in the study is acute. If people who receive the active drug over the placebo show a statistically better improvement, then it shows that it's working and it takes into account the spontaneous improvement.

The risk of comparing groups of people and having spontaneous improvement is higher if the sample size of the tested population is smaller. However, with these large trials involving many hundreds of people in separate trials, I think it's safe to assume that is not an issue.

You are right, I guess I should have more faith in their methodology. It was just so disheartening to not feel much improvement after the TACTT2 shots, I began to question the significance of the 'impression of change' numbers (subjective) especially given the small sample size. But it was statistically significant, and if you believe that there are no confounds in the experiment, then you have the believe the numbers. I guess I just may have gotten the placebo. I wish that @James White had continued with the AMPACT1 follow-up because I wonder what the effect this drug has on chronic cases.

UPDATE: it has been more than a couple of weeks since my ears healed (since the AMPACT1 treatment) and I must say there has definitely been a change. My T does not really present as it did before. It is still early but I must say that since my ears healed I have not experienced any bad T. It has either been medium, or very good, or something between. Much more bearable and far less intrusive. I've never had this long a run without bad T since my T started. My T has always been up and down, good and bad days, but it seems like the drug has made the total volume go down. Also it seems to fluctuate more within the day itself, whereas before I mostly just had the same kind of T all day. I never really thought of myself of having hyperacusis, but since T I have been very weary of loud noises (I work in a very noisy city). I find myself no longer wincing at loud sounds. Perhaps some of this is psychological, but there is definitely a lower volume to my T. Although there had been times in the past where I could put my finger in my ears and barely hear anything, those moments are far more frequent. This is a surprise to me because as I have said before I was becoming very skeptical about AM-101. Good news overall, (though just n of 1)... lets see how long this lasts. Has anyone else on this forum gone through AMPACT1?
You are right, I guess I should have more faith in their methodology. It was just so disheartening to not feel much improvement after the TACTT2 shots, I began to question the significance of the 'impression of change' numbers (subjective) especially given the small sample size. But it was statistically significant, and if you believe that there are no confounds in the experiment, then you have the believe the numbers. I guess I just may have gotten the placebo. I wish that @James White had continued with the AMPACT1 follow-up because I wonder what the effect this drug has on chronic cases.

UPDATE: it has been more than a couple of weeks since my ears healed (since the AMPACT1 treatment) and I must say there has definitely been a change. My T does not really present as it did before. It is still early but I must say that since my ears healed I have not experienced any bad T. It has either been medium, or very good, or something between. Much more bearable and far less intrusive. I've never had this long a run without bad T since my T started. My T has always been up and down, good and bad days, but it seems like the drug has made the total volume go down. Also it seems to fluctuate more within the day itself, whereas before I mostly just had the same kind of T all day. I never really thought of myself of having hyperacusis, but since T I have been very weary of loud noises (I work in a very noisy city). I find myself no longer wincing at loud sounds. Perhaps some of this is psychological, but there is definitely a lower volume to my T. Although there had been times in the past where I could put my finger in my ears and barely hear anything, those moments are far more frequent. This is a surprise to me because as I have said before I was becoming very skeptical about AM-101. Good news overall, (though just n of 1)... lets see how long this lasts. Has anyone else on this forum gone through AMPACT1?
How long have you had your T?
Well I finished my evaluation yesterday and it seemed to go great. It took about 3-4 hours with the questions, hearing test, doctor visit, blood sample and how to use the electronic device.

The electronic device is pretty simple, a couple of questions each day to monitor your progress. It mainly asks you at the most sever point of your day.

According to doctors, there haven't been too many US/Canada participants just yet as the screening is rather limited. I believe only a small number of the total amount of patients they would like have been chosen and they will not have the results of who got the real medicine or not until the entire trial has ended.

There is however a follow up open case study after the initial study that you can participate in if you did the first trial. The open case study you are promised to get the real drug and according to the doctor, you can do this multiple times if you continuously want to. I suppose the theory is that with more injections the volume could continue to decrease.

Overall everyone seems pretty hopeful of this drug.

Hope this helps anyone who is set to start the trial.
Well I finished my evaluation yesterday and it seemed to go great. It took about 3-4 hours with the questions, hearing test, doctor visit, blood sample and how to use the electronic device.

The electronic device is pretty simple, a couple of questions each day to monitor your progress. It mainly asks you at the most sever point of your day.

According to doctors, there haven't been too many US/Canada participants just yet as the screening is rather limited. I believe only a small number of the total amount of patients they would like have been chosen and they will not have the results of who got the real medicine or not until the entire trial has ended.

There is however a follow up open case study after the initial study that you can participate in if you did the first trial. The open case study you are promised to get the real drug and according to the doctor, you can do this multiple times if you continuously want to. I suppose the theory is that with more injections the volume could continue to decrease.

Overall everyone seems pretty hopeful of this drug.

Hope this helps anyone who is set to start the trial.
What is the length of the entire trial? Time between placebo and actual drug if you received the placebo?
@khu85 , where are you doing your trial?
I am in NYC. I have yet to get the injections. It is about 2 weeks from the initial evaluation until you do get the injection.

@SteveToHeal To my understanding it is a screening process where they will see if you are otherwise healthy. During this period you have to make entries every night. Failure to not do the entries may disqualify you as well.
My trial ended yesterday. No changes in my tinnitus. Don't know if i got the placebo or am101.
I got the option now for 3 injections with the real drug for sure. I got 2 weeks to make up my mind.
Hi Bart. Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear that your T has not changed yet. How long was your trial? Was it 2.5 months? Have you now got another round of it? i.e. Another 2.5months where you are guaranteed the drug?
update: last two days it was a solid medium, still fluctuating within the day, sometimes very soft but never rose to a very high pitch at all. didn't bother me much, i have been using pink noise from my phone to divert my mind when it does seem a bit loud. today was near silent, so far a great day.

@Bart Marien, i was also on the fence as to whether to join the follow-on AMPACT1 study, but now that i have gone through with it i am very happy for my decision, as it does seem to be having an effect for me.
update: last two days it was a solid medium, still fluctuating within the day, sometimes very soft but never rose to a very high pitch at all. didn't bother me much, i have been using pink noise from my phone to divert my mind when it does seem a bit loud. today was near silent, so far a great day.

@Bart Marien, i was also on the fence as to whether to join the follow-on AMPACT1 study, but now that i have gone through with it i am very happy for my decision, as it does seem to be having an effect for me.
That is great. It sounds like you got the real drug. I wish you all the best!
The placebo is just what it is.. a placebo. It isn't suppose to work.

From my understanding it is a 100 day trial from the first evaluation. The second round which is the open case is going to be the real drug. From what the doctor explained, you are welcome to do the open case more than once if you feel that the drug has made improvements and want to try it again. So to my understanding from what was explained, multiple injections may further reduce the noise.

The open trial should be open to people who have had tinnitus longer than 3 months. I have my first injections in about a week. A bit nervous at this point. For those who have gotten the injection, how did it feel and were you able to operate normally that day/week?
The placebo is just what it is.. a placebo. It isn't suppose to work.

From my understanding it is a 100 day trial from the first evaluation. The second round which is the open case is going to be the real drug. From what the doctor explained, you are welcome to do the open case more than once if you feel that the drug has made improvements and want to try it again. So to my understanding from what was explained, multiple injections may further reduce the noise.

The open trial should be open to people who have had tinnitus longer than 3 months. I have my first injections in about a week. A bit nervous at this point. For those who have gotten the injection, how did it feel and were you able to operate normally that day/week?

i would recommend taking the 3 days off that you will have the injections, and schedule the last one for a friday. i did wednesday, thursday, friday, and then had the weekend to recover.
i would recommend taking the 3 days off that you will have the injections, and schedule the last one for a friday. i did wednesday, thursday, friday, and then had the weekend to recover.
How did the real drug work for you locoyeti?
How did the real drug work for you locoyeti?

hey @Hudson , it been less than a month, so time will tell, but i would say that it has decreased the volume (and hence the intrusiveness) of my T. my bad days feel like what my 'medium' days were like previously, and on my good days i don't even really notice it at all. i have more good days than bad. its still early though. i have also read from people that have habituated that their experience is not unlike what i am experiencing.

i'm curious, will you be trying retigabine?
i would recommend taking the 3 days off that you will have the injections, and schedule the last one for a friday. i did wednesday, thursday, friday, and then had the weekend to recover.

Hi @locoyeti . I am due to get my first injections this week as well but I have a very busy work schedule. From your experience, would it be possible to get the injections at the end of of work day (say 4pm) and be functional the next morning?
Hi @locoyeti . I am due to get my first injections this week as well but I have a very busy work schedule. From your experience, would it be possible to get the injections at the end of of work day (say 4pm) and be functional the next morning?

that is tough to answer, because I didn't go to work those days, and i always worked from home the following week . your ears will be stuffed up and so it may be hard to hear. you T will probably get temporarily worse. but people endure far worse than this and can remain functional at work. i think i asked the people in charge of the trial, and they said that it wouldn't be a problem to go to work immediately after the shots. i am glad that i was able to take off though, because work can be stressful and i wanted to recover as fully as possible. you should seek the opinion of some of the other am-101 participants in this forum as well.
Good luck @Bart Marien

Keep us posted. I should be going in my first injection in a week. I hope I get the real drug. I am going to try to take the week off anyhow, just worried if I should just take mass transit instead of driving.

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