AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

So pain is temporary but this pain is not is there 24/7 like a torture.
Apparantly most of the participants in these trials are men. Wonder why that is? Maybe the girls are just too cautious - dont know.
I dont know whether to wait it out and see what happens - cos if the drug (s) work then they should become available to all over the next year I would have thought - no?
Have sent email to the centre in Tours for someone to call me or email me back. Could not find a trial coordinator so will be speaking (when he calls) to the chief who is in charge of these trials. Trying to ask about the expenses side being covered as money is now a real issue and there simply isnt enough to pay for the petrol and hotel cos then the account will be empty and wont be able to pay the bills. But if can claim it back?

Today it seems to have gotten a bit quieter again but not as quiet as was on Wednesday. Anyhow dont want to go on......

By the way New Guy, how are you sleeping now with all these injections and stuff going on? Hope you are getting good nights. Nobody on here has yet reported good findings or relief having taken part in these trials...but then they dont yet know if it was placebo or real. But today is your last injection and then I expect you'll be heading home....for the weekend....and then you have to be back in 7 days? for next appt?
Also,what kind of stuff do you have to fill in the diary during the first 14 days pre injection and then thru these days? Just wondering cos hope it is not too difficult as I would have to do all this in french and not my mother tongue....or maybe i can write in english and they can translate. I can speak french okayish but writing is harder......
I don't think I would wait if I had the chance to do something, even if its only a small chance. My sleep has been the same as before, no problem. As far as the e-diary, its 2 questions a day. 1) on a scale of 1 to 10 how loud was your tinnitus in the last 24 hours 2) on a scale of 1 to 10 how annoying was your tinnitus in the last 24 hours. It only takes a few minutes a day to fill out. Do not forget to fill out or you will be disqualified.
Well an update,
I applied to three centres, the closest to me was Toulouse about 450kms or Tours 300kms and Paris which is really far away and also a big noisy city which is difficult to navigate.
I got a reply from Paris telling me to call to make an appt.
From the centre who sorts the applications, I received a reply email telling me that I should go to Tours as it is my closest.
So since then I have been trying to make a connection with Tours.
Finally spoke to a lady at Tours yesterday and she gave me email address to speak with the Drs involved.
So she told me to send the email to her and she would forward it. She said write in English as the Dr spoke good english so I did.
I asked all sorts of questions on the email including about the expenses reimbursement side of things. I gave them my phone number to call me or reply by email.
I got a very short email response just now.
Here it is and is so typically french....
Dear Mrs Ross,
For our center the inclusion are stopped because we have invovled enough patient and, unfortunatly ,I think that you cannot be included in this study in France if you don't speak perfectly French.
Maybe you can ask to Auris if there is a center for english speaker.
Kind regards
Dr Soizick Pondaven-Letourmy
CHU de Tours
02 18 37 05 24
The doctor is assuming that I dont speak french as I wrote to him in English but I did so cos the lady at the hospital told me that his english is great so dont need to do it in french.......
So what do I do with that? Dont even get to the first appt. So do I now apply to Toulouse which is so far away to be ridiculous.
As for England and doing the trial there, they are asking me if I am normally resident in France cos if I am then I cannot do it in England but have to do it in France.
So I am stuck ,,,,,,between a hard stone and a brick wall.
Any suggestions?
Well an update,
I applied to three centres, the closest to me was Toulouse about 450kms or Tours 300kms and Paris which is really far away and also a big noisy city which is difficult to navigate.
I got a reply from Paris telling me to call to make an appt.
From the centre who sorts the applications, I received a reply email telling me that I should go to Tours as it is my closest.
So since then I have been trying to make a connection with Tours.
Finally spoke to a lady at Tours yesterday and she gave me email address to speak with the Drs involved.
So she told me to send the email to her and she would forward it. She said write in English as the Dr spoke good english so I did.
I asked all sorts of questions on the email including about the expenses reimbursement side of things. I gave them my phone number to call me or reply by email.
I got a very short email response just now.
Here it is and is so typically french....
Dear Mrs Ross,
For our center the inclusion are stopped because we have invovled enough patient and, unfortunatly ,I think that you cannot be included in this study in France if you don't speak perfectly French.
Maybe you can ask to Auris if there is a center for english speaker.
Kind regards
Dr Soizick Pondaven-Letourmy
CHU de Tours
02 18 37 05 24
The doctor is assuming that I dont speak french as I wrote to him in English but I did so cos the lady at the hospital told me that his english is great so dont need to do it in french.......
So what do I do with that? Dont even get to the first appt. So do I now apply to Toulouse which is so far away to be ridiculous.
As for England and doing the trial there, they are asking me if I am normally resident in France cos if I am then I cannot do it in England but have to do it in France.
So I am stuck ,,,,,,between a hard stone and a brick wall.
Any suggestions?
Apply at the next closest site, if asked tell them travel is not a problem.
Just finished my 3rd injection and all went well. They used the same hole again and it was still numb. I have a follow up visit in just over a week. Now for the 200 mile drive home.
Apply at the next closest site, if asked tell them travel is not a problem.
Yes it is really frustrating here. Telling them that I could travel there is exactly what I did.
I was told to apply to Tours by the central place where the initial web applications are sorted - so I got an email from central processing asking whether I can 'deplace' myself to Tours to which I replied - ''no problem''.
I heard nothing further so I called Tours hospital in order to get my appt and to ask some questions = sent the email off and that is what I got back. He didnt answer any of my questions and assumed that I dont speak french cos I wrote in english as advised to do by the girl in the ORL dept. Further. here in France. unike in the UK or the States or Australia, one is not allowed or encouraged to ask questions so that one can make an informed decision. I think that all of you who are on the trials have been able to speak with the study centre before going there. yes?

Yes, the study center called me directly and I spoke to the coordinator for about 30 minutes. Since then, it's been daily emails making sure that we have everything we need to get to the screening, which has been scheduled for next week. I am in the US.
Wow what a difference....if it was like that here I would have been there by now. Now how do I get to apply to Toulouse? Guess get back to central and tell them that I prefer Toulouse but then they ll just say what is wrong with Tours? Just cant get anything done here so beginning to give up on the whold thing....sad....
I am in the AM-101 trial right now. Got the 3 injections in mid-September. Now it's wait and see. They say it takes up to 90 days to see improvement. Of course, I may have received the placebo. I will know in mid-December when I go back for my final follow-up. If I did get the placebo, I will definitely take them up on their offer to get the drug, for sure, in December. I hate going through those injections again, but if it reduces the loudness of my tinnitus, absolutely!! The injections do not hurt because they numb the eardrum with Novacaine cream. It is frightening when the doctor releases the drug's cold and wet, deep inside your ear. The worst part, for me, was when they suctioned out the excess Novacaine cream. That suction device is really loud, not only over by the wall, but inside your ear. I held that nurse's hand really tight! But the entire actual medical part only takes a few minutes. Then you have to lay there for 30 minutes, while the medicine soaks in, from your middle ear, down to your inner ear. I strongly encourage anyone who has had tinnitus for 3 months or less to get enrolled in the Auris Medical Phase 3 trial ASAP. It ends next summer. The drug will probably be approved by the FDA in 2016. But you can get it now (for free)--actually they pay you $100 a visit too. I feel so lucky to be a part of this. I pray it works for me.

@T-Bach Can you give us an update?
Drive home was fine. Earache feeling is still there and was a little worse last night and today. I didn't get the best sleep last night because of this. It is still sore and I have a very full feeling. This is normal though and should last about to weeks. My T is swinging up and down like crazy but it is tolerable.
so how longdo they do these trials on people and if it ever becomes available to doctors around the world for tinnitus how long are we looking at?? thanks!
@Danny Boy From what I've understood (and what i think), they don't want patients under another treatment (even if it's not for tinnitus, they will ask if you take meds), bu they'll only test if you take drugs like marijuana, cocaine, or benzos.
I'm on day 9 before the injections, i'll keep it posted here.

Yes it is really frustrating here. Telling them that I could travel there is exactly what I did.
I was told to apply to Tours by the central place where the initial web applications are sorted - so I got an email from central processing asking whether I can 'deplace' myself to Tours to which I replied - ''no problem''.
I heard nothing further so I called Tours hospital in order to get my appt and to ask some questions = sent the email off and that is what I got back. He didnt answer any of my questions and assumed that I dont speak french cos I wrote in english as advised to do by the girl in the ORL dept. Further. here in France. unike in the UK or the States or Australia, one is not allowed or encouraged to ask questions so that one can make an informed decision. I think that all of you who are on the trials have been able to speak with the study centre before going there. yes?
Yes - by email or by phone in the UK.
Can you be on sleeping tablets?
Check with the ent doctor that will be injecting you, or better still with the trial co-ordinator. They know all the exclusion criteria. They can check with Auris for you if they don't know.

I had to come off anti-depressant SNRI. I was also on another scheduled prescription med (for pain prescribed off-label to help t sufferers with sleep), which i came off as well. I can't remember them saying specifically if i had to come off those but i did anyway, as i was not going to do anything that would jeopardize me not getting on the trial.

So if you can come off whatever you are on, then do so. Would be crap if something came up in your bloods that got you DQ'd. There goes your one and only chance, if you get what i mean. But if you can't come off specific meds (if it is too dangerous to do so), then check with the trial co-ordinator if they allow it.

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