Another Lord of the Ringing Here!


Mar 9, 2019
South Spain
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma
Hi guys and gals!

El BUZZ from south Spain in here.

Tinnitus since 3.5 years now. All life listening to loud music. Walkman, minidisc, discman, mp3 and then mobile phones have been my companion full blasting everything from experimental jazz to electro minimal. Then one night, 10 minutes at a not-so-loud concert and that's it. 40 years old now. Male. Bald. Loud hiss in both ears from day one with constant fluctuations between easily maskable to unbearable hell. This junk has been screaming like a pig being murdered for a week now. If this spike is my new normal I better be ready to kill for a remedy.

Cheers to all. Peace.
Tinnitus since 3.5 years now. All life listening to loud music. Walkman, minidisc, discman, mp3 and then mobile phones have been my companion full blasting everything from experimental jazz to electro minimal. Then one night, 10 minutes at a not-so-loud concert and that's it. 40 years old now. Male. Bald. Loud hiss in both ears from day one with constant fluctuations between easily maskable to unbearable hell. This junk has been screaming like a pig being murdered for a week now. If this spike is my new normal I better be ready to kill for a remedy.

Hang in there! Hope it gets better for you soon. And welcome to this forum :)
Hi guys and gals!

El BUZZ from south Spain in here.

Tinnitus since 3.5 years now. All life listening to loud music. Walkman, minidisc, discman, mp3 and then mobile phones have been my companion full blasting everything from experimental jazz to electro minimal. Then one night, 10 minutes at a not-so-loud concert and that's it. 40 years old now. Male. Bald. Loud hiss in both ears from day one with constant fluctuations between easily maskable to unbearable hell. This junk has been screaming like a pig being murdered for a week now. If this spike is my new normal I better be ready to kill for a remedy.

Cheers to all. Peace.

Welcome to the forum. You sure have a good sense of humor. Let's hope the battle with T is not as fierce and deadly as those battles fought in the movies. If your T has been in a spike for about a week, it is too early to jump into any conclusion that this spike is permanent. Usually this will settle down to baseline, if gradually. The main thing we can do is trying to stay calm and positive so that we don't aggravate T further by having the limbic system takin over with its fight and flight center of the Amygdala processing and controlling our reaction to the ringing. Let's be the lord of the ring and not be the slave of the ring. Lol. Hope your spike will subside soon. Take care. God bless.
Things is I've been almost touching heaven so many times during these 3.5 years... I mean, days and weeks when the emotional response to this was absolutely inexistent. No worried. No sad. No anxious. No depressed. Well, all because it was not as intrusive as it is now. It has been fluctuating heavily from day one but as I said 9 days now and it is really loud. Can hear it while in the shower. I am super diligent protecting my ears. I use foam earplugs everytime things get loud. So don't know why this junk is so angry now. Looking forward to neuromod mutebutton now. It's going to be a looong summer.
Your 10 minutes in the concert might have caused further damage to the ears. Usually acoustic trauma will make the ears unstable for a while from weeks to months. So try to be patient and not too freaked out. You may also check if there are more than just the concert event that might have caused the spikes.

There are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube disorder or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in ears feeling pressured or fullness, sinus infection & congestion especially with a bad cold, TMJ, TTTS, autoimmune disorders such as Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or diving, especially with congested nose or sinus causing failure to balance the pressure changes, slapping of the ears, deep grief, untreated sleep apnea, extreme/extended stress, anxiety & panic disorder, depression, sleep deprivation, etc.

T can also be caused or made worse by unhealthy diet such as too much salt, sugar, caffeine, MSG, alcohol, gluten etc. or by lacking some mineral or vitamin supplements, such as Magnesium, Zinc, B12, D3 etc.
Hi Philip!
Going through a similar episode here. Massive spike for a whole week now. It worries me a lot as my tinnitus usually changes from one day to another from loud to almost unnoticeable. I think some loud sneezes could have triggered it as I've have a cold. Has this spike resolved to you?

If you have/had a cold it is very possible that this is the culprit for your spike. I had two colds since my tinnitus started and each time I got a terrible spike. The first time it took over one month (nearly two months) to fade a bit, the second time luckily just 1-2 weeks. Treat your cold and eventually check with your GP. Hopefully with time it will resolve:).
Your 10 minutes in the concert might have caused further damage to the ears. Usually acoustic trauma will make the ears unstable for a while from weeks to months. So try to be patient and not too freaked out. You may also check if there are more than just the concert event that might have caused the spikes.

There are many causes, single or combined, which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, inner ear infection, Eustachian tube disorder or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in ears feeling pressured or fullness, sinus infection & congestion especially with a bad cold, TMJ, TTTS, autoimmune disorders such as Lyme Disease & Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, anemia, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head injury or TBI, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss from aging or other causes, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from rapid pressure changes in flights or diving, especially with congested nose or sinus causing failure to balance the pressure changes, slapping of the ears, deep grief, untreated sleep apnea, extreme/extended stress, anxiety & panic disorder, depression, sleep deprivation, etc.

T can also be caused or made worse by unhealthy diet such as too much salt, sugar, caffeine, MSG, alcohol, gluten etc. or by lacking some mineral or vitamin supplements, such as Magnesium, Zinc, B12, D3 etc.
That concert triggered my T 3.5 years ago.
If you have/had a cold it is very possible that this is the culprit for your spike. I had two colds since my tinnitus started and each time I got a terrible spike. The first time it took over one month (nearly two months) to fade a bit, the second time luckily just 1-2 weeks. Treat your cold and eventually check with your GP. Hopefully with time it will resolve:).
Thanks mate. Two days since it has gone back to its also maddening normal.
Sounds very similar to me. My "straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back" concert wasn't even a rock one.

So how's it going for you? The ringing is still the same for me - in fact it's spiked twice - but my hyperacusis a little less acute today, after taking steroidal inhalers and Betahistine for a few days. So I'm staying hopeful.
Sounds very similar to me. My "straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back" concert wasn't even a rock one.

So how's it going for you? The ringing is still the same for me - in fact it's spiked twice - but my hyperacusis a little less acute today, after taking steroidal inhalers and Betahistine for a few days. So I'm staying hopeful.
I overcame that spike and things went back to its crazy but somehow comfortable normal. Unmaskable tinnitus has been my comfort zone for the last two and half years now. Go imagine how my spikes are. Loud! At least I haven't any trace of hyperacusis. Fingers crossed. My tinnitus seems to spike here and there for no apparent reasons. Those spikes can last weeks. I have mild hearing loss at around 9000 Hz. It could have gone worse as it's a long time now I don't check it.

I've used psilocybin (magic mushrooms) microdosing a couple of times when I was at my wits ends and it has helped me a lot to reset my mood and get back in track.

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