Who here uses antidepresents? Just a question? I read today somewhere on one of thies sites that those drugs do no help tennitus-is that for real?
Next and I kept on looking for this who does regular excersizes for the flight or fight part of this junk we have. I truly do think this can be a real good way to coop with the anxity that goes along with our condition. I have always watched my weight but not a true Jack Lalane type of guy . But I found that if I can do at least 1/2 hour of steady walking on my tread mill it does help. I'm going to join a health club to start swimming again and try to lick the flight or fight part of this god awfull stuff. Well it won't hurt and hay I might just develope a nice bod at age 70
Oh back to the flight or fight situation I wouldn't that stuff on a dog. Jon
Next and I kept on looking for this who does regular excersizes for the flight or fight part of this junk we have. I truly do think this can be a real good way to coop with the anxity that goes along with our condition. I have always watched my weight but not a true Jack Lalane type of guy . But I found that if I can do at least 1/2 hour of steady walking on my tread mill it does help. I'm going to join a health club to start swimming again and try to lick the flight or fight part of this god awfull stuff. Well it won't hurt and hay I might just develope a nice bod at age 70