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Anxiety Attack Last Night

My right ear is not as bad as before but still get thumping vibration in left ear and more if I yawn or seomthing mabye I can get a doc to see something so I can cut that muscle that's in there cause it feels like a muscle spasming out
So went to urgent care and had a blood pressure of 160 over 130 or something and he thinks that is why I have anfluttering in my ear no antibiotics or anything like that so I stopped at dollar store to get some Benedrl and Afrin spray helps my right so I don't see why it won't cure my left
So I'm gonna talk to my gp tomorrow hopefully and I will try to get some antibiotics from him and I'm giving this 3-6 months to go away after that I will be talking to a ent about cutting my left ear muscle idk if my tinnitus increases I'll just have to live with that cause a spasm muscle that lasts 1-2 min or up to 20 min after I swallow or yawn, stretch is not pulsitile tinnitus so I'm sure it's tensor tympani
And I'm curious about the ear fluttering will this actually go away on its own if it heals I heard stories of people having it for 1-2 months and it went away but ringing stayed witch wouldn't mind or can I just get so use to it that it won't bother me anymore and if anything can I take anything to help the muscle spasms? I heard people taking muscle relaxers to help the spasm today tho don't seem to bad idk if I'm just getting use to it or not or the antihistamines mite be helping but any information help would really help me with this annoying thing they call muscular tinnitus where they say your nerve will spasm out and it said it should heal but if it's nerve damage then I guess I'm just stuck with it

Edit: I have not had no beer for 2 days so I'm working on that too cause I'm addicted to beer so...
Just read that tensor tympani should have clicking sounds and it should be there almost 24/7 mine does it every now and then but then if I stretch or whatever it goes crazy but idk I'm seeing my gp next Thursday see what he thinks and today my left ear been hurting me like hell spasm is not as much but doesn't mean to get excited cause like always it will be here the next day should I keep taking alergy pills and Flonase?
Was taking afrin but omg that messed up my stomach so much last night that I could not get any sleep it sucked but hoping for a good night sleep tonight and I guess I'll just post when I see my gp cause been posting allot so yea hope I can get this to go away been almost 2 weeks so still hoping

Edit: and it's weird to cause since I have been having these weird spasms in the left ear now my left eye twitches too god what else can happen to me that has not, being 26 years old and prob got another 50-60 just scares me to live like this u only get 1 life
being 26 years old and prob got another 50-60 just scares me to live like this u only get 1 life

Yep. Don't waste a day if possible. You are really young Eric. Congrats on stopping the beer.

Please make that list for your doctor's appointment. List all the things in numbered order so you don't forget as you are sitting there talking. And mark each one off after talking to the doctor.

Keep an eye on that blood pressure. Taking too much antihistamines can raise your BP quite a bit. Take the BP medication.
Oh and forgot to say I do have about a 70-80% hearing loss in my left ear and any small noise makes it vibrate like crazy just giving more information that prob won't help heard a hearing aid would work but I was never able to get one cause I'm guessing I'm too young to have one? Idk
So last night I started shaking like I was in shock cause of this stupid thumping noise on top of my tinnitus I was really scared this was my worst night is there any cure for this?

Or am I gonna have to try to live with this?

Cause I'm really scared for it and can't get no sleep tried staying up last night to watch YouTube and just couldn't cause of my depression anxiety.

Will a hearing aid mask the thumping?

Cause that's the last thing I'm prob gonna try cause I can calm myself down at nights sometimes saying it's ok I'm gonna live with this then it just gets so annoying I get depressed and get anxiety and start to shake like I'm going into shock.

I had plenty of support and stuff when I first came here with my tinnitus but it's like people don't care much anymore on this site, so please can someone at least tell me I'm gonna be fine and the thumping noise will go away or I won't notice it anymore hopefully and I hope everyone has a nice day unlike me
My thumping went away when my T subsided.
You may want to try this, it changed me..https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/back-to-silence.7172/
My thumping went away when my T subsided.
You may want to try this, it changed me..https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/back-to-silence.7172/
So your saying not to think about the fluttering vibration thumping spasm whatever it is in my ear kinda hard when I feel the spasm and hear it to not think about it and at times as long as I kick back in my chair without stretching swallowing I can keep it away for 30min to 1 hr but it's pretty much always there here in there cause still does 10-20 spasm in 5 min hoping muscle relaxers will help that
So your saying not to think about the fluttering vibration thumping spasm whatever it is in my ear kinda hard when I feel the spasm and hear it to not think about it and at times as long as I kick back in my chair without stretching swallowing I can keep it away for 30min to 1 hr but it's pretty much always there here in there cause still does 10-20 spasm in 5 min hoping muscle relaxers will help that
That thumping's a bitch.
I don't know about yours but I figured out a way to immediately stop most of my thumping just by stuffing the thumping ear with cotton or kleenex. And I realized it was little noises around the house setting it off. I've had it last for a day, and weeks too. It sucks.
But most of the thumps went away when my T 'went away' from doing the Back To Silence thing. Really.
I've been looking for help all my life and finally found some. Maybe it'll help you.
You've got nothing to lose. Check out my video.https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/back-to-silence.7172/
So did that this morning but most of my feelings were sad depressed and anxiety sometimes anger did it 40 times 5-10 sec apart I guess u was saying I got my tinnitus down to a good level but still feel it go off here and there but it still goes crazy when I yawn or stretch but I'll try it all next week cause no one is gonna be here so I'll be in complete silent without having to hide it from people cause then I think they will think I'm crazy for doing it but we will see I did this last night too and I slept really good I yawned stretched never went off this morning right ear always does it's thing for about 1 hr then goes but then my left ear starts doing out through the whole day and it sucks and it seems it is a muscle spasm cause right ear thumps like your eardrum is vibrating but goes then I get this weird spasm in my left ear and feels like a muscle so next Thursday I'll see if my gp can put me on some muscle relaxers cause this one guy had the same thing and his doc put him on muscle relaxers and it went away

Edit: and I'm thinking it's prob because I developed hypercauses and that's where some noises that are not that loud hurt my ear and any spoon clanking and I hear it way loud in my left ear and it hurts
So I know I shouldn't have but I had some lorazepam still up in my room so I said wth don't like benzo but u never know until u try it and it is helping me less spasms but I am not gonna sit there and keep taking them but...
They are helping me feel better no more depression or anxiety and if I do get a spasm it's so little I can barely feel it so mabye muscle relaxers mite actually work does anyone know the best one I can get when I talk to my GP
Feels good to be spasm free i usually have 5 sec spasms non stop now it only happens if I swallow or stretch and only stays for 5-10 sec and then I get relief again so idk hopefully I am on to something
God why do we to go through this everyday? Life is crap now I wake up now with my right ear fluttering thumping and has not went away yet I'm hoping my gp knows more about this then any of the other doc I talked to but I heard magnesium can help or even cure it is this true
So a lot of people are saying they get vibration spasm in ear when someone talks to them or loud noise that don't happen to me I never even hear it or feel it fluttering until I randomly swallow or yawn then it goes off for 5-10 sec what is this? I'm hoping a muscle relaxant will help 4 more days then I see my gp this is dreadful to live with
And sometimes I can go for minutes or to a hour without it just at random times when I swallow boom it goes off and I hate it because I'm always thinking its gonna go off every time I swallow so I try not to but u have to

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