Anxiety, Stress and Focus

Chris Alexander

Jun 3, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello to everyone!

I'm Chris and I have had tinnitus since 31/05/2015. Two nights in a row at the loudest night club in Glasgow ensure by ears gave me a big F you!

Anyway I wanted to post some stuff for all of you newer new people who may not have seen my old threads.

I know what you are experiencing just now is incredibly frightening. Everyone on this forum has been there . The panic, the noise, the negative statements - my life is over etc.

You need to know a couple of things - you are not alone and secondly it does get better.

Mine started SO loud. Gradually it changed noise and now I only hear it at night. There are exceptions - I do get the odd few days where it is louder and I also get a random noise that lasts for a few seconds then buggers off (fleeting tinnitus which even people without T get!).

I'm probably about 98 percent ok with it when it's loud now. It annoys me but nothing like the panic you feel just now. I know that is hard to believe but it does improve over time as you get used to it!!

Anyway, as most people will tell you here, anxiety is the real battle with tinnitus. I have an anxiety disorder (I'm a worrier) and I literally felt like I was about to take off.

Even now if I'm having a bad
Anxiety day and my T is louder then the thoughts will start. The point I'm making is that you need to control your anxiety and take your focus off the T, your brain will do the rest!

I know it dosent feel like it just now but honestly, ask anyone here - even if the T dosent improve ( most of the time it does ) You do get used to it, honest!

Some general tips -

Speak to friends and family, don't bottle feelings up. You will be very surprised as to how many people you discover actually have T! Try it if you don't believe me! :p

DO NOT look up horror stories. Not only are they the exception, but all they will do is make you feel awful. Deal with it IF ( and that's a big if) it happens.

Anxiety - get medications down you, get therapy, get excercising, get a proper diet, hang out with your friends, find yourself a f*ck buddy (good distraction, hahaha!), play computer games, whatever. The point I'm making is you live a normal life as you would do without the T. This is the most important thing you can do with T.... Ask anyone here! It's also the hardest because it can take real effort. But trust me, it gets easier with time!

If anyone wants to talk to me feel free to inbox me. Remember you are not alone!!!

Wonderful, I've never been to anywhere in the UK outside of one amazing week in London but I'd love to. Father's side is from the Highlands, must visit someday. Followed the 2014 campaign with great interest. I literally cried with joy at the result, but that's just little Anglophilic me ;)
="Mike TerMaaten, post: 152155, member: 11115"]I don't recommend that ..if you get anxiety. It'll get you too worked up, and 'set off ' your ears. Especially if there's speakers, and especially head phones, involved[/QUOTE]
Nonsense, video games are helpful

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