Almost three years without symptoms now.
My experience is that the Harley Street clinics organized more tests than the NHS, were more thorough, and much more quickly, but these tests are not actionable, and essentially the type of intervention was the same, physiotherapy oriented to balance problems. Rarely they throw in a SSRI but not in my case.
NHS Guy's hospital has Dr. Murdin, who is excellent and has a PhD on these issues. Uclh has Dr. Kaski, very research active neurologist specialized in vestibular issues, and Charing Cross hospital has Dr. Seemungal, who is also a neurologist and research active in vestibular issues.
However, there is no cure, all they can offer is teaching you how to limit the impact of symptoms and how to manage them. Long term, the NHS is the best solution, that is correct, especially if you go to a place like Guy's hospital where they are very well organized for physio. However, it can go away spontaneously, as it did for me. Fingers crossed.