Anyone Has Tinnitus and Pudendal Neuralgia?


Jul 7, 2014
Rockford IL
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma / firecracker
I was just wondering if anyone here has tinnitus and Pudendal Neuralgia? I may have this, it's so rare that there seems to be no test available to even get a diagnosis. It gets mistaken for a lot of other symptoms like "pelvic floor disorder".

I'm hoping that's more what I have.

Like having tinnitus wasn't enough, now I may have to worry about having to deal with this. I'm hoping that someone on here has heard of it or may have some experience with it.


From what little that I found on the internet it seems to happen more to women (that can get it during childbirth) then men, or with people with diabetes.

I'm just trying to get any information about this that I can find, so I thought why not check here.

Thank You

I definitely think I have a link between Pudendal nerve and tinnitus / numb sensation over left ear. Every doctor has said there is no connection, but they don't feel what I do.
I definitely think I have a link between Pudendal nerve and tinnitus / numb sensation over left ear. Every doctor has said there is no connection, but they don't feel what I do.
New research comes out, they ignore and just live in time capsules. As a result patients suffer.
I was not doing much cycling, some stationary bike. I was doing intense martial arts w lots of stretching in groin / hamstring region when it first started. I don't have pain, more numbness and itch in area innervated by the Pudendal nerve, which then instantly changes pitch of Tinnitus, and tingling sensation over left ear.
Music was not loud where I did the biking.

Personally, I wonder if pudendal nerve innervates an area in the brain near the auditory nerve and either due to a virus of pudendal nerve or proximity affects the auditory nerve.
Hello Johnd

I have not been on here for a long time, but I am very interested about your potential nerve issue and would like to have a conversation about it. I think that I also have it and I would like to compare our notes on it. Maybe we could help each other out with new info about it.

Please let me know, either we can talk here or better yet I think that a telephone conversation would be a lot better and easier. I don't know if you are in the US? But if you are I would like to setup a day and time when you are available to talk. I have a couple of questions about it.

I hope that you are doing well and looking forward to talking to you, let me know and I will send you my phone number in a PM.

Thank You


PS: I will say this to answer your question, my nerve problem does not affect my tinnitus if anything I'm so focused on the pudendal nerve issue that I don't notice my tinnitus at all, it's like it is totally gone. What I have learned is that there a lot worse things to have and this nerve issue is one of them. Take care.
Hello Johnd

I have not been on here for a long time, but I am very interested about your pudendal nerve issue and would like to have a conversation about it. I think that I also have it and I would like to compare our notes on it. Maybe we could help each other out with new info about it.

Please let me know, either we can talk here or better yet I think that a telephone conversation would be a lot better and easier. I don't know if you are in the US? But if you are I would like to setup a day and time when you are available to talk. I have a couple of questions about it.

I hope that you are doing well and looking forward to talking to you, let me know and I will send you my phone number in a PM.

Thank You


PS: I will say this to answer your question, my nerve problem does not affect my tinnitus if anything I'm so focused on the pudendal nerve issue that I don't notice my tinnitus at all, it's like it is totally gone. What I have learned is that there are a lot worse things to have and this nerve issue is one of them. Take care.

How have you been? Haven't seen you in a long time.
Hello Jack

I would like to say everything is good, but it's not been well at all. The last few months have very difficult. First I had a major operation done ( a bowel resection ). Then a month after I got out of the hospital I started to get Pudendal nerve entrapment symptoms, that is not good. So now along with tinnitus I have random pains in the groin area that keeps me from being able to sit or squat or do just about any thing all I can do is lay flat on the couch and watch TV. I have learned one thing though, their are a lot worse problems in the world then tinnitus. so I suggest you count your blessings. I'm so wrapped up with this new nerve issue that I don't even notice my tinnitus anymore at all. What I have is very rare 1 in 600,000 get it.


enough about me how are you doing ? I hope a lot better then me.

Thank You for writing back to see how I'm doing I wish you the best. Let me know how your tinnitus is going.

Take care

@Greg Sacramento

Hello I'm sorry that it took awhile to get back to you. I have been in the hospital with a major operation and then more bad news.

To answer your question "Do you do a lot of prolonged bicycling?"

No I haven't ridden my bike in years and when I did it was only on the weekends and only about 10 miles a day. Any only for a few years. I know that it can cause pelvic pain in some people.

But it sounds like you know something about pudendal nerve problems. I would be interested to know more about that. Do you have it, or does someone you know have it? Please let me know. I have been trying find as much information about it as I can.

Thank You

@quietatnight Hi Louie. Hope you are doing OK. I remember us talking a few times and taking our conversation to PM.

I knew a couple of cyclists that developed a pudendal nerve problem, but it didn't happen until years after not biking. I heard that one did develop tinnitus, but it may had been from forward biking posture or from noise as he was always setting off fire crackers as a kid. I haven't talk to him in years.
@Greg Sacramento

I'm doing pretty good with the exception of the pudendal nerve issue that I have been dealing. I don't have any idea how I got it. I noticed way back in 2014 that I was having some light random pains in mt pelvic area. But it was very mild. I went to my GP right away ( I figured it was a prostate issue ), he checked for a prostate problem, but nothing was found my PSA was very low. So then he sent me to a urologist and he did a cistascope ( camera down the penis believe me you don't ever want to do that ) but again they found nothing wrong, so it was off to the Gastrologist where they did a endoscope (camera down the throat ) and a colonoscopy ( camera you know where ) LOL still found nothing wring. Then to a neurologist he didn't even know what the pudendal nerve even was ??? I couldn't believe it. He ended up telling me that it was out of his field of knowledge ( DUH ) Really ? So then the doctors said " maybe it's a skin problem so I saw a dermatologist, found no problem. Back to the GP he ended up running every test know to man took out tons of blood, urine and any other fluid that was available. Even checked me for Lyme Disease and all of the STD's no problems found. So time goes by and i'ts 2016 and I go see a new GP because my pains were getting a little worse but still very faint. They did an ultra sound, a bunch of Xray's, and 2 Mri's one of my spine and one of my full pelvic with special interest of the pudendal nerve. And finally a CT scan All came back normal. By then it was 2018 and the pains were still getting a little worse but still not a real problem. So of course they wanted me to see a psychologist, I knew that was coming, he gave me some medications to help wit any anxiety Yeah right after all of that who wouldne'y be having anxiety I would have to be crazy not to need lot's of medications.

Well that's the story ( short paper back version ) LOL

I am interested in what you might know about this specialy that you knew a couple of cyclists that developed a pudendal nerve problem. I don't remember if your in the USA or another country. If you are in the US I would really would like to have a telephone conversation if you have the time. Being that pudendal issues is mostly a female problem it's been very hard to find males that I can talk to about this an compare notes. Please let me know if that's possible. It's just so much easier then trying to talk in here. Then we can catch up. I would like to know whats up with you as well. I have not been on here for like a year.

Anyway I'm off to sleep talk to you soon just let me know a day and a time and I will PM my number to you, I always available to talk.

Take care Greg

Hi there,

I had pudendal neuralgia in 2020 for 8 months or so. In my case it turned out to be trauma and stress related. I'm not a native English speaker, so telling you all about everything I've done to get rid of the pudendal neuralgia will be a little difficult for me.

Instead, I'd like to refer you to some sources about Tension Myositis Syndrome. Google John Sarno and you'll find lots of information. Also, I really like Nichole Sachs' podcast The Cure for Chronic Pain. For me, personally, it has cured all of my physical issues, including pudendal neuralgia. Nothing left of it.

I'm not here to promote anything, it just has helped me A LOT and gave me insights to what causes pain and chronic pain. It also helped me to better understand my tinnitus and how to deal with it. If I can at least help one person, then it's worth sharing this. See for yourself if it works for you. I hope it does!

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