You need to realize what the TRT/CBT carousel is and how to get off it.
The average tinnitus/SNHL sufferer finds themselve repeating the previous mistakes of those before them, visiting a useless ENT that doesn't check for hearing loss correctly, buying TRT, buying CBT, buying snake oil, such as the tonaki tinnitus protocol or lipoflavonoids. Not everyone makes the exact same mistakes but there are common habits, I find these habits and try to call them out so the community can mature quicker.
There's been enough scientific research over the past 4-5 years to confirm tinnitus has something to do with neuroplasticity compensating for a loss of hearing, A lot of TRT/CBT proponents argue that tinnitus is a total mystery to modern science and there is no understanding, it is not true. Tinnitus is not entirely figured out but that's not to say nothing is known, there are working models being developed that tinnitus the audiotory equivalent to phantom limb syndrome.
Hyperactivity in the audiotory brain is physically tinnitus and "loudness" hyperacusis
Hearing loss causes hyperactivity in the audiotory brain which is physically tinnitus and "loudness" hyperacusis
Death or cochlear nervous tissue is suggested to be the root problem
Anything that deprives the audiotory brain of input can cause tinnitus even ear plugs! Not just SNHL as once thought, meaning if SNHL was cured tinnitus should be cured.
If tinnitus sufferers want to waste time and buy Jastreboff's TRT and enjoy the doctors giving them mal-information so be it.
my personal struggle isn't tinnitus it's actually muffled hearing and numbness/aching from noise on the right side of my face and right ear, but the whole point is that reversing cochlear nerve damage could undo tinnitus, hyperacusis and hearing loss. It's a lot better to throw all your cards on the table to research for a cure, then it is to accept and move on.
Especially if you think about the future and how much the hearing aid, TRT industrial complex will profit from a lack of scientific research.