I have been on two flights since my T, and one coming up in August.
All of these have been for work related and have only been close, so just around Europe where I live.
I've used earplanes plugs but I didn't feel they did very well, they didn't fit properly and I didn't feel that they blocked out the noise. I have borrowed my boyfriend's noise cancelling headphones and they have been very useful (SONY and Beats by Dre). Once the headphones was not working as it should and I had to sit through a 2 h long flight with only plugs (however they can not the inserted while ascending or descending so I still had to sit through 1 h without any protection). For me it was torture, I felt so bad and the anxiety was hitting the roof. But it was fine afterwards, but flying has always been an anxiety for me since T.
I'd recommend you to bring earplanes if you experience pressure a lot, some are just more sensitive to it than others. I also bought a Peltor X4 (being the second best in terms of db reduction) that are slimmer than the X5 and still have 33db reduction and great for low frequencies like an airplane. I have colored them in black so they look a bit less "eye catching" even if I don't give two cents about what people think. My ears tend to get really tired from the constant noise, and you should have something with you in case you feel the noise is tiring you out. I measured the flights, of course this was done on a phone so can be a bit too low/high but it was around 78-80db and that is still quite loud.