Are You Jealous of Other People?


Hall of Fame
May 5, 2014
Tinnitus Since
At least of those whom you know don't have tinnitus and live normal lives like we used to (once upon a time)!
I envy my friends who travel, go out, enjoy weekends with family and friends while for's just a matter of surviving another day from hell:(

It's a scary thought that this is it!
No. Many of them have other conditions....epilepsy,diabetes, ADHD, heart disease, lupus, sleep apnea, crohn's disease, muscular dystrophy, blindness, irritable bowel, high blood pressure, arthritis, hemmorhoids,.....
Maybe they are jealous of me.
No. Many of them have other conditions....epilepsy,diabetes, ADHD, heart disease, lupus, sleep apnea, crohn's disease, muscular dystrophy, blindness, irritable bowel, high blood pressure, arthritis, hemmorhoids,.....
Maybe they are jealous of me.

Yikes..Sounds like there must be something in the water where you live.
Yeah everyone has they're problems but most just don't show it , they don't have to I once opened up with one of my not so close friends and he told me some of the stuff he faces / has and it's just as bad to

But yes t and h can be one of the worst
Well one of my close friend explained me that there is a strong genetic myopia running into his family, and he begin to have it. For another friend it's cancer.
So jealous... Lots of people have important health issues, more than you think.
Hi Valerie,
You will get to live your life again as before I promise.
Keep doing what you love and protect your ears against loud sounds.
If you have hyperacusis that can be treated over time.
Stay positive....lots of love glynis
I have to say yes I am jealous. I'm only 20 and everyone I know says these are the best years of your life, which have been the absolute worst for me by an unfathomable amount. I have to avoid almost everything I enjoy because it's too loud, and when I do try to have fun I end up exposing myself and increasing my tinnitus making me even more depressed and anxious. I can't concentrate in university and fear failing, which will make it impossible to have my dream career. My self confidence has been crushed which makes it impossible to meet new friends and build/maintain relationships. I go to bed every night dreading having to wake up in the morning. This past week I've experienced another spike and have a new symptom along with it, so I feel like I'm starting all over again. So yeah. I know everyone has their problems, but I can't imagine the average person having it this bad.

Sorry for the rant but I needed to get this stuff off my chest.
sure, I wish I was as healthy as people who are healthier than I am, and I'm glad I'm not as unhealthy as people less healthy than I am... three years ago I dealt with one of my best friends who was in her early 30s dying horribly of cancer out of nowhere, that keeps a lot of things in perspective for me. Nothing is safe, no one gets a free ride, and there is no such thing as fairness, there are just physical reactions unfolding through time and space.

edit: on a related note, it's always a little striking to me when I open up to someone about my tinnitus and they say "oh yeah, that constant high pitched noise? I hear it to, it sucks..."
but I can't imagine the average person having it this bad.
The average 20 year old, in a wealthy culture, no -- you're right, and I'm sorry you're stuck with this. When you're 30 or 40 it's going to be a lot different, though. And, you're still very early in this -- it may get a lot better. Try to be patient. I know how hard that is.
Yes I am jealous, sure most people have something going on under the surface but not many are as debilitating as T can be. I can't even walk down main road, be in the same room as our 4 month old crying baby, drive in a car, use any sort of tools (and I am a tradesman), listen to music, attend any sort of social function, fly on a plane, ride any thing with a motor in it, use a lawnmower, ride a bike (wind noise), the list goes on forever it would be much easier to list the few things I can do.

I told my doctor if he had a cure but I had to cut off my legs, I would hand him the saw, at least with no legs I could do hundreds of things more than I can do now plus I would get funding for artificial legs, aids etc and the biggest thing of all would be empathy, after you get off your 4 wheeled motorbike or run a marathon people would say ' look at that guy, hes amazing, what a trooper' and you'd get your photo in the paper but with T even though you suffer so much everyday people just treat you like your crazy and there's no way it could be that bad.
Yes I am very very jealous. I know there are people worse off but there are also people better off.
I have reactive T and now H again this makes life hard even boring normal life.
If before T I had lost a leg I could still have gone to pubs, parties, cinemas etc etc and had fun. All of that is lost to me now. Normal sleep is lost, going shopping, going in a cafe.
I know some very ill people but they have a break every now and then and can indulge in normal sound environments that is what I want. Nothing fancy just a basic life.
Yes of course I am jealous.....I am even jealous of my old self. If someone now smiles, I engage in thoughts about why, such as 'if he's smiling, his life must be stress free. I envy them so much'.

Of course there's no hate for them, there's only incredible sorrow and pity for myself and all us poor devils having to deal with this damn nightmare. All the best, WL
Yes of course I am jealous.....I am even jealous of my old self. If someone now smiles, I engage in thoughts about why, such as 'if he's smiling, his life must be stress free. I envy them so much'.

Of course there's no hate for them, there's only incredible sorrow and pity for myself and all us poor devils having to deal with this damn nightmare. All the best, WL
Well said.
Do you have reactive T/H?

This technique may be useful for t only but even the other two beasts join its a whole different story:(
Why would reactive T and H have any impact on sleep and being in a relatively quiet environment....? If you can achieve this in the confines of your own home, that would be a great success. Coping with the outside world will be much easier after.
Yes. I have other health conditions but this is the worst. I am most envious of those on this board and others who have either learned to live with it or have had things help them or even better for whatever reason their low days are more and more frequent. That makes me feel very isolated because I have not gotten any better than I was Feb 28 2010 11:58 when this nightmare began. I have merely survived these last 5 1/2 years, this is not living.
Do you have reactive T/H?

This technique may be useful for t only but even the other two beasts join its a whole different story:(
I have reactive T with bad H.
I'm not supposed to be describing my condition, only my feelings toward them, but here goes,
I've had the T since '74, both ears, LOUD, 2 different tones in each side. It gets loud and almost painful if I don't avoid loud sounds, such as kids screaming, car doors, motors etc... concerts are definatly out. The H flares up when I hear an especially high pitched sound.
Anyway, I don't hear this unless I'm listening for them after doing the method. After a month or two, I can say things started to change.
OH YEAH. A good portion of my time when I first got T and then made it worse was looking at other people and feeling sad and angry at the same time because they get to go out and have a good time and unload their stresses while I do not get to do that. It's so frustrating and I get worried that T is making me feel more and more bitter about my situation as life goes on.
Being jealous was the biggest problem that was not letting me continue with my life.

Questions like "why me?", "why the other people are so normal with their lifes", but I'm sure, that when we get hit by Tinnitus, our perception of the reallity is not fair.

1 of my friends (35 years) died of cancer. 2 of them have died in car accidents. Another friend caused a car accident where 2 little girls died... his mind is now out of this world, he never recovered. A work college died last month of heart attack (41 years), one of my friends had a surgery last week to rule out cancer, she is waiting results (only 30 yrs old)... and I can be sure, alot of people have problems that nobody knows.

So, here I'm, living. With my 2 little boys, my wife...why should i feel jealous? I feel privileged.
Being jealous was the biggest problem that was not letting me continue with my life.

Questions like "why me?", "why the other people are so normal with their lifes", but I'm sure, that when we get hit by Tinnitus, our perception of the reallity is not fair.

1 of my friends (35 years) died of cancer. 2 of them have died in car accidents. Another friend caused a car accident where 2 little girls died... his mind is now out of this world, he never recovered. A work college died last month of heart attack (41 years), one of my friends had a surgery last week to rule out cancer, she is waiting results (only 30 yrs old)... and I can be sure, alot of people have problems that nobody knows.

So, here I'm, living. With my 2 little boys, my wife...why should i feel jealous? I feel privileged.
Add to your list: feeling privileged about not having catastrophic tinnitus.

Some people loose everything (including their family) and then off themselves in horrific painful ways, I wonder how privileged those people feel about just having tinnitus and not cancer.
Yes. I have other health conditions but this is the worst. I am most envious of those on this board and others who have either learned to live with it or have had things help them or even better for whatever reason their low days are more and more frequent. That makes me feel very isolated because I have not gotten any better than I was Feb 28 2010 11:58 when this nightmare began. I have merely survived these last 5 1/2 years, this is not living.

It's not living, it's just surviving another day:(
I'm 4 years in and can fully relate to what you're saying.
I am jealous only when I try to concentrate or sleep and my tinnitus is keeping me up. I've learned to live with it. It really doesn't bother me much anymore, but to get to this point you kind of have to accept it. Which is the difficult part. I go out with friends from time to time, go to concerts, listen to music.. not much is different. I've got enough of other problems to worry about. The tinnitus is not one of them anymore.

Good luck <3 You got this :)
No, I'm happy for the life I have.
Even with health issues I'm a happy bubbly person and look for the good in life and in people....lots of love glynis
Yes i am jealous to other people who do not suffer from Tinnitus.
yes, some people have other conditions but i am still jealous to people who don't suffer from T
also i am jealous to people who speak perfect english, if i am honest

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