
Ashwagandha is one of many Ayurvedic remedies. It is often prescribed as part of a formula that may contain 10 to 15 different herbs. If you are interested in taking Ashwagandha, it is a good idea to consult an Ayurvedic physician. Ayurveda is fully recognized in India, which has many excellent Ayurvedic medical schools. I believe England has two Ayurvedic hospitals as well.

For those in the USA, you may be able to find a well-trained Ayurvedic practitioner. However, this type of medicine is not officially recognized in the United States.

If you do not have access to a doctor or practitioner for guidance, The Yoga of Herbs is an interesting reference book.

I believe this herb is also used in Chinese medicine, so that could be another avenue for finding research articles and additional information.
I take Ashwagandha about once per week, usually when transitioning from the weekend to the workweek. It seems to help me sleep.

When I took it long term, I experienced strange dreams, more aggressive thoughts, and muscle soreness similar to what you feel after training. I think this might be due to elevated testosterone.

I take two teaspoons of powdered root. I avoid extracts because powdered root is the real deal. I also believe it interacts with GABA receptors and for me seems to have effects similar to a benzodiazepine.

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