what's the MOST OPTIMISTIC timescale on AUT00063 becoming available?
Wild guesses gladly accepted.
Remaining in optimistic fantasy mode, if Autifony is the real deal,
would a $50,000 bribe get you a bottle of pills or is it only cops on the take.
I don't normally comment on these types of speculative/wishful questions, but I will this time...
Using the AM101 trial as an example, the clinical trial started in 2007. The very latest information I have tracked down via my financial sources, is that the clinical trial data for phase III will be postponed by a quarter (vs. the information I have previously provided to this site). That means it is now due for completion in early 2016. It is unclear to me how much longer after that - if data is proven adequate - the drug will be released to the market; but as you can see there is some time between start and finish of a clinical trial...!
Now in the case of AM101, "things" are a bit different in terms of pre-market release usage. The reason is: the components in AM101 (Esketamine and Hyaluronic acid) are already in use on the market for other medical purposes, and that means any doctor can already today use the drug legally even if it has not been approved by the FDA (provided Auris Medical will release the drug to the doctor, of course). Indeed, I am aware of two specific doctors (one in the US and one in Germany) who will perform the procedure as in the AM101 trial (provided the patient pays for the procedure, needless to say). However, Auris Medical will not release the drug for off-clinical trial purposes (so don't bother exploring this avenue - in this
specific case). Now, in the case of AUT00063, we are talking about a new drug (with no similar components on the market) - it is a so-called "first-in-class drug". For this reason, I doubt that any doctor - anywhere - can prescribe the drug legally (even if Autifony is willing to release the drug). So bribing or off-clinical trial usage will not get you anywhere (I have already tried).
You can find the chemical formula for the AUT00063 drug(s) in the attachment. I believe you requested this in another post...
As for AUT00063, I believe that efficacy probably has been established even though phase I trials are for healthy volunteers only. I have reliable information that it has been tested on tinnitus patients already. The reason is that tinnitus (or hearing loss) is not a disease, and selecting patients with tinnitus or hearing loss would not constitute a violation of a phase I trial. Probably, that is how they got around the issue...
Probably, Autifony have indications that they are on the right path (so far) - but this is speculative (on my part), but nonetheless very likely.
So when (if at all) will AUT00063 be available? I don't know. 2018? 2019? Something like that... But more importantly is the chance to take part in the phase II or possibly phase III trial. It is still unclear to me if the treatment would require continuous medication or only for a limited period to cure/treat tinnitus.