I used ear plugs for awhile when walking, driving or going into shops, but it only served to make my ears more sensitive and my tinnitus more reactive. I made changes to my life where I wasn't going to be exposed to environment that would be uncomfortable to my ears. Over time I have put myself out more and more and can now tolerate environments where previously I couldn't. It's been 3-4 months since I changed my environment and touch wood I am starting to find my tolerance is getting better.
I have done the same, I was in a noisy job so wore earmuffs most of the day, I think this has made my T more reactive over the years, driving on the open road is a similar problem as in old NZ with our cheap rough chip roads, I've taken out countless vehicles and the quietest are late model 4x4 utes (Ford and VW) but still around 70db. I wear noise cancelling headphones when I drive on the open road, these are great for taking out the road roar but you can still have a converstaion, $500 though.
I used ear plugs for awhile when walking, driving or going into shops, but it only served to make my ears more sensitive and my tinnitus more reactive. I made changes to my life where I wasn't going to be exposed to environment that would be uncomfortable to my ears. Over time I have put myself out more and more and can now tolerate environments where previously I couldn't. It's been 3-4 months since I changed my environment and touch wood I am starting to find my tolerance is getting better.
This is exactly how it works, and the first step may be hard to take, but it is sometimes necessary and almost always for the best. Just remember that you have tinnitus even though it is not as much as a problem anymore, so you don't go out partying, or whatever loud activities are out there nowadays, with your friends without using ear plugs.
Yeah. I've done pretty much what you've done Mark, what with new environment and all that (Atherton Tablelands in Queensland), and life is better than it was in Cairns, but the local roads used a lot of volcanic rock and in some places, on some days, the noise is extraordinary. I have an Imprezza, and I don't think sound deadening was a priority.You are right about the roads man.